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Billie's POV

Bode and I are just finishing up helping Kinsey bring the last of her stuff in from the garage, she is holding her last book as we enter the front door.

Kinsey" All right, I think this is the last of my stuff"

Billie" We should get Mom's phone to check on Tyler and see if he's safe"

Bode" She is right, Well Lady is scary"

Kinsey" Okay, If you're that worried"

All three of us notice the window has been smashed open.

Kinsey" Shit.Why would Well Lady break a window? She can come and go from any door in the house"

Billie" Maybe it's not Well Lady"

Bode" Then who is it?

We then hear voices.

Billie" Is that mum, who else is up there?"

All three of us crouch on the stairs and then I hear the voice that makes me shiver and remember the horrible event that occurred back at our old house, I can remember it quite vividly.

Billie" I know that voice?"

Kinsey" It can't be him, he is in jail, look I want you two to go hide"

Bode" What are you gonna do?"

Kinsey" I can't just leave Mum"

Bode and I then speak in unison.

Billie" We've got a better idea"

I follow Bode over to the door, the door we had used to fly over the Locke Estate. He holds the key and slots it in the lock.

Bode"Just don't freak out when you see our bodies, okay?"

Kinsey" What happens to your bodies?"

I shrug not entirely sure.

Billie" We don't know, they just kinda look weird"

Kinsey" Like what?"

Bode" Like a sock without a foot in it"

Billie" Or like we are dead, look just guard our bodies, okay?"

Bode" And keep the door open"

Then both Bode and I step through the door, our bodies falling onto the carpet with a thud as we turn into spirits. Kinsey's eyes widen in shock.

Kinsey" Bode? Billie? Holy crap!

Bode and I both swirl around until we hear the voices louder this time, both of us fly straight through the wall, I still couldn't get over how cool these keys were. We both gasp in unison.

Billie" I knew it, oh my god, we have to help mum"

Bode starts waving his hand in front of her face but she clearly can't hear us"

Bode" Okay Mum? Mum? Mum?

Mum" I really don't know what you're talking about"

Sam" Where are they?"

Mum' How did you get out?"

Sam" I escaped, there was a small fire, then a friend helped me get here"

Twins" Mum!"

Mum" Why did you come here?"

Sam" To get the Head Key"

Mum" I'm sorry?"

Sam" The Head Key? One of the special keys"

I can see mum trying to keep Sam calm, she is shaking. She holds her hands up while Sam holds the gun out.

Sam" Don't act like you don't know"

Mum" Does this have something to do with Rendell?"

Sam" Don't lie to me!"

Mum" I'm not lying about anything, I want to help you, I just don't know what you're talking about"

Sam" The kids will know"

I exchange looks with Bode, this wasn't good, we needed to tell Kinsey and now.

Sam" Where are they?"

Mum" Sam.Please, Sam.They won't know anything, about anything"

Sam" Shut up.Let's go"

Bode" We are gonna go get help"

Bode and I fly back to the door, I'm still in shock but I have to put that aside for Mum. We fly back through the door and return to our bodies. Kinsey who is still standing there guarding our bodies looks at us with shock.

Kinsey" Are you two okay?"

Bode" It's Sam Lesser, Billie was right"

Kinsey" What?"

Billie" He's got Mum and a gun, and he says he wants the Head Key"

Kinsey" How does he know about the Head Key?"

Billie" We don't know, but he's here"

Kinsey then runs over to her box of things we had carried in only a few minutes earlier. She grabs Sally from her box and stuffs the key inside.

Twins" What are you doing?"

Kinsey" Improvising, Let's go"

All three of us enter the hallway where Sam is holding his gun and pointing it at Mum.

Sam" Hey, Kinsey and look my favourite twins"

Kinsey" Let her go"

Sam" Yeah, totally, I can do that, we can all be friends, just give me the Head Key"

Kinsey" What's that?"

Sam then pushes the gun hard into Mum's neck and it makes me jump and grip onto Bode.

Sam" Do you know how angry it makes me feel to be disrespected? I know you know what I'm talking about, so tell me where the goddamn key is or I'm making it two for two for dead parents"

Billie" Okay! Just stop!"

I reach for the key around my neck. Bode and I had been switching keys just to be safe and since the head key had been taking care of was in Sally he didn't have one.

Sam" What a bright girl"

Kinsey and Bode" Billie, don't!"

Billie" It's okay! I have this key"

I hold it out but I know Sam can't take it from us.

Mum" What is that? Where did it come from?"

Billie" And it is in my possession, therefore, you cannot take it"

Sam snatches it from my grasp confusing me, Bode and Kinsey all at once. Sam inspects the key with interest but his face expresses one of a puzzled expression.

Sam" This isn't how she said it's supposed to look"

Billie"What do you mean, she? Did Well Lady send you?"

Sam pulls a face and sniggers.

Sam" Well Lady?"

Mum who is completely confused by the whole scenario speaks up again.

Mum" What's he talking about? You three, you know?"

Kinsey" Yeah, but it's hard to explain"

Billie" You got what you want, The Head Key"

Bode" Try it"

Sam looks like he is considering it.

Sam" I don't think so"

He stares at Bode before yanking him forward and I whimper. Mum reaches out now looking like she is on the brink of tears.

Sam" What do you have?"

He starts feel up Bode checking all his pockets on his jumper and jeans. He then tells Kinsey to step forward which she does and stares him down, not afraid of him at all. He fins nothing on her and glares at her.

Sam" You can tell I'm losing my patience, right? Where is the Head Key?"

He points the gun at us and I can feel my heart beating a million times a minute, I grip Bode's hand and squeeze it.

Sam" Awww, look at the twins, scared are we you should be"

Kinsey" Tyler has the key"

Sam" Well, then I guess we're gonna have to wait for Tyler, who's hungry? 'Cause I am"

We all were sat in the kitchen our legs tied to tied to chairs with cable ties our hands free for eating.

Kinsey" Why are you wearing Tyler's clothes?"

Mum" Someone has to explain to me what's going on"

Sam" No, they don't"

The microwave pings.

Sam" Turkey tetrazzini time for all of you, It's pretty good"

Mum" I just wanna try and help you, Sam, that's all, help you get what you need"

I watch Sam pick up spoons and set them down on the table along with the food.

Sam" Just spoons, no sharp forks"

Kinsey" I'm a vegetarian"

Sam" Then eat around the meat, in the meantime, I think we all ought to have a proper catch-up Nobody? Okay, me first, Prison sucks, you guys"

Kinsey"I think that's kinda the point"

Sam" That's true, probably is the point, but I broke out"

Kinsey" Yeah, we can see that, how about you guys? Come on, how's Matheson?"

Kinsey" How's the brain swelling?"

Mum" Kinsey!"

Kinsey" What? He said he wanted to catch up.I'm just curious how the swelling in his brain, you know, from when you fractured his skull with a hammer, shame she didn't finish"

Sam smashes his fist on the table which makes us all jump.

Sam" Enough, eat your dinner"

Mum" That's an interesting tattoo, Sam, The Omega symbol"

Sam" Came out well, I think"

Mum" I noticed it the last time we saw you"

Sam" You wanna talk about Mr.Locke?"

Mum" I was asking about your tattoo"

Sam" Because you want to know what it has to do with Mr.Locke. You think I'm stupid?"

Kinsey" I do"

Sam" Well, I'm not.So, let's do it.Let's talk about Mr.Locke. What would you guys say to Rendell Locke if he were here right now?"

Kinsey" I'd tell him he should've had your looney tunes ass committed before you destroyed our family, what would you tell him, Sam? The man who tried his best to help you before you shot him?"

Sam" I'd tell him that this is all his fault and it always has been"

Bode and I haven't spoken for a while mainly because we were scared of Sam, I grip Bode's hand and he squeezed it.

Mum" Why is it his fault, Sam? If you explain it to me, I can help you get what you want, who sent you to our house back in Seattle, Sam?"

Sam" Dodge cares about me.She's the one who needs the keys"

Billie" Well Lady's name is Dodge"

Mum" You know who he's talking about?"

Bode" Why does she want the Head Key?"

Sam" Because the Head Key allows you inside someone's head and someone knows how to open the black door"

Kinsey" Who knows?"

Sam" It's none of your business"

Mum" Did this Dodge person tell you to kill Rendel?"

Sam" Remind me why I have to answer any of your questions, I'm the one with the gun"

Sam then stands up taking our plates and his to the sink.

Sam" What do you have for dessert? Hope you're not one of those sugar-free mothers"

Mum"There's popsicles and ice cream in the freezer"

Sam" In prison, I had this caramel custard thing.That was really good"

Tyler then charges into the kitchen and attacks Sam.

Twins" Get him, Ty!"

Kinsey" Tyler! Tyler, be careful!"

Tyler" No!"

Sam manages to push Tyler off him, he grabs the gun and points it at mum again.

Billie" Mum"

Mum" It's okay honey"

Sam" Quite the greeting, Ty. But I'm glad you're here.I need the Head Key"

Tyler" What?"

Sam" The Head Key! Now! I've been waiting!"

Tyler" I don't have it!"

Sam" Bullshit!"

He then shoves the gun harder into Mum's temple and she flinches, tears in her eyes.

Tyler" Sam!"

Sam" You have three chances to give me the right answer"

Tyler" Sam!"

This was getting out of hand, Kinsey had to tell him.

Billie" Tell him, Kinsey"

Bode" Now!"

Kinsey" Tyler doesn't have it!"

Sam" Of course you lied, where is it"

Kinsey" I buried it.Out in the woods"

Sam" Why would you bury it in the woods?"

Kinsey" Because it's dangerous! And we knew somebody might want it"

Sam" Why should I believe a word you're saying right now?"

Kinsey" Because I don't want you to hurt anybody else in my family"

Sam" Well, then you, me and the twins are gonna go dig it up"

Tyler" Sam? Sam?I'll go with you"

Sam" You're not going anywhere"

Mum" Take me instead"

Sam" Shut up! I don't need either of you"

Kinsey" The twins don't need to come"

Sam" Sure they do, they are my collateral, right, little buddies?"

Mum pulls hard on the chair she is tied to.

Mum" Sam, if you harm my children, you will wish I only had a hammer, Do you understand me?"

Sam" Such a spitfire.That's exactly why I'm taking them and not you. Let's go"

Kinsey" If something happens to me, remember to take care of Sally"

Yes, nice one Kinsey.

Mum" Sam! Please!"

Kinsey, Bode and I walk through the woods with Sam behind us. Kinsey is holding both mine and Bode's hand.

Kinsey" So, what happens when Dodge or whatever opens the black door?"

Sam" Shut up and walk"

Kinsey" I bet you don't even know why you're doing this, do you?"

Sam" I said be quiet!"

Bode" You can't trust her, all she does is lie to make you do stuff you shouldn't do"

Billie" Bode is right, she lied to both of us and now she's lying to you"

Sam then grips both of us by our collars and shoves us both against the tree.

Sam" Spoken as the daughter and son of a liar"

Kinsey" Whoa Sam? Sam! This is the spot"

Sam grabs Bode and I harder and shoves us on the ground, I twist my ankle and yelp out.

Sam" Oh shut up, you dig"

Kinsey has been digging for a while when Sam speaks up and you can sense the anger in his voice.

Sam" You do know that if there's no Head Key down there, I'm gonna have to kill the three of you"

Kinsey" It's down here, I promise"

Sam points the gun at Kinsey while Bode and I are cuddled into each other, unlike Bode I didn't have a jumper on and was shivering. Bode notices this and takes his jacket off to cover the both of us.

Sam" Hey! What are you two up to, no funny business"

Bode" We are just sharing a jacket, we are cold"

Sam" No sudden movements or I'll shoot you, you hurry up!"

Kinsey whips around and she has a knife in her hand obviously going to stab Sam to protect us. Unfortunately Sam has clocked this before Kinsey can even get a first swing in.

Sam" Really? That was your plan? I have no choice now. You realise that, right?"

Sam approaches the hole Bode and I watching with intense concentration.

Sam" What?"

Then something leaps out of the hole.

Twins" Holy shit!"

Kinsey grabs the both of us.

Kinsey" Let's go!"

Tyler's POV

I stood in the living room with Mum, she of course biting her nails in nervousness.

Mum" What did the cops say?"

Tyler" Five to ten minutes"

Mum" Maybe we should go out there"

I reach for Sally and start ripping her open, there it was, the head key.

Mum" What are you doing? What is that?"

Then both of us hear a gun shot.

Mum" Oh, my God!"

I watch as Mum tries to dart for the door. I grab her around the waist.

Tyler" Mum! Mum, wait!"

I struggle to hold her as she wriggles, desperate to get to Kinsey and the twins.

Mum" Get out of my way! He shot them!

I hold mum in an even tighter grip when Sam charges in, still with the gun in his hand. Mum lunges for him when his back is turned and stabs a knife in his neck, he screams in pain switching around and grabbing mum, shoving her against the wall, he holds the gun at arms length pointing at her face.

Sam" You made me do this! I can't let her down! I can't!"

I then had an idea, while Sam's back is turned I shove the key in the back of his neck. He drops the gun on the floor, mum grabs it quick and holds it out.

Mum"What the hell is that?"

Sam" Holy shit! What the hell is going on?"

I grab Sam, now desperate to know what he has done with Bode, Billie and Kinsey.

Tyler" Where are Bode, Billie and Kinsey?"

Sam" They ran off, into the woods"

Tyler" The gunshots?"

Sam"Some creature attacked me"

Mum" Bode, Billie and Kinsey are okay?"

Sam" If that thing didn't get them"

Sam notices the door, he stands staring at it for a second.

Sam" Is that me? And that's my front door"

Mum" What the hell is happening?"

Tyler" It's the Head Key mum"

Mum" And this is real?"

Still holding a tight grip on Sam, I risk a glance back at mum.

Tyler" You've seen it before, mum, not this, but magic, you just can't remember"

Mum shaking, still holding the gun out.

Mum" Why can't I remember? Is this why you killed Rendel?"

Sam" Tyler, I screwed everything up"

Sam then grabs me, holding onto me quite close and tight. All I could think was get off me but I didn't push him off me.

Sam" Oh, my God.Oh, shit.I didn't wanna kill Mr.Locke, I didn't.I just wanted to find the keys for her"

Sam lets go of me.

Tyler" Dodge?"

Sam nods.

Tyler" So that thing I said to you about my dad, that had nothing to do with it?"

Sam" What did you say to me?"

The realisation hit me, Sam hadn't even been listening when we were sat outside my dad's office.

Tyler" It doesn't matter"

Sam" I thought you were my friend, you lied to me.You and your dad, you both lied to me"

Tyler" Yeah, my dad pushed me to hang out with you to to try and help you! But I actually liked you and we were friends, until you showed up at my house with a gun!"

I take Sam in a stronger grip, handfuls of his t-shirt in my hands, I felt angry, so so angry. All I was thinking about was the twins and Kinsey, were they okay, had they been caught or hurt by that thing that attacked Sam.

Sam" She told me I was special.That she cared about me"

Tyler" You think if she really cared about you, she'd be making you do any of this?"

Sam" You don't understand"

Tyler" No, I think I do"

Mum who had been quiet during all this spoke out, her voice panicked.

Mum" What's on the other side of that door?"

Tyler" It's inside Sam's head.What do you mean his head?"

Mum walks over to the door, intrigued, she reaches for the door handle. I let go of Sam and lunge for Mum.

Tyler" Mum, Mum, Mum, stop!"

Then to make matters even worse, Dodge barges in slamming the door open so hard it could come off its hinges. She struts towards us punching me in the stomach making me collapse on the floor holding onto myself, rolling around in pain, she also punches Mum in the face, she collapses on the floor herself groaning in pain. I groan myself looking up at Sam.

Dodge" Thank you, Sam.You found it"

Tyler" Sam!, she can't take it from you.

Dodge" Shut up!"

Tyler" Not unless you give it willingly"

Dodge" All of this could've been avoided if your idiot father had just told Sam what I needed to know"

I groan again trying to push myself up from the floor, I see Sam take a tighter grip on the head key.

Dodge" What are you doing?"

Sam" Do you really think I'm special?"

Dodge" Of course I think you're special, Sam"

Sam" Promise me you're not lying"

While the both them are chatting I shift myself over to Mum to see if she is okay, I shake her arms.

Tyler" Mum, Mum, are you okay?"

Dodge" Do you think I would lie to you? Sam"

Tyler" Sam!"

Sam" Just tell me you're not lying.Just tell me!"

Then what happened made my blood run cold. Dodge grabbed a knife and stabbed Sam in the stomach, he yelped, grabbing his stomach to try and stem the bleeding. She rips the head key from Sam's grip.

Dodge" Maybe I can't take keys from the Lockes but anyone else is fair game"

Mum grabs my arm tightly, pulling me towards the door.

Mum" Let's go, Let's go! Come on!"

I couldn't believe what had just happened,

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