Raph spins a pizza box in his hands. "Yes!" He opens up the box to show the delicious pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, and onions pizza. His siblings all drool at the sight.
"So beautiful!" Emma drools reaching for it but gets her hand slapped away making her wince in pain "Uh Uh squirt you know the rules." Leo scolds her as she sucked on her hand
"Okay, rock paper scissors for the first slice. Me and Mikey are up."
Leo leans in towards Donnie. "It's funny how Raph always starts against 'Mr. Only Chooses Scissors'." He lightly rolls his eyes.
"One, two, three."
And as predicted, Mikey loses to Raph.
"No!" Mikey holds his arm. "Not again! How do you do it?"
He just laughs as he holds the slice, but then the lights go out. Once they turn back on, a wide-eyed Raph is holding nothing in his hands. He tries to take a bite, but finds his pizza gone. "Pizza. Slice. Gone! Which one of you creepoids took it?!"
Thre's another black out and less than a second later, the entire pizza is gone, much to the shock of the others.
They all scream at the sight. "The table's eating our pizza!" Mikey exclaims and they guard the table, until he notices the chair move. "The chair!"
"Ahhh!! Devil chair!" Emma screams summoning her staff.
They stand ready to attack when the chair disappears, replacing it with Splinter, Topaz, and Sapphire "Wait, Pops hold on what are the you guys doing here? Leo points at the two woman
"Splinter told us you kids could use some extra help with your training." Sapphire smiles gesturing to Splinter
Splinter is eating a pizza slice. "Yes. And so begins your next lesson."
"Let me guess, how to starve your enemies to death? A slice of pizza is thrown at Leo's face for the cocky remark.
"No! Today, you learn the art of ninja stealth and invisibility. The foundation of every great ninja. Lights off-jutsu!" Splinter claps his hands.
The lights turn off again, and when they're back on, the slice Leo was holding in his hands is gone, and so is Splinter. "What?" He sighs in frustration. "You couldn't have done this last week when Mikey cooked Brussel sprouts?!"
"Come on you slackers!" Topaz and Sapphire walk towards the doorway "Time to whip you kids into shape." Topaz flexed her muscles with a smirk she looks to see the kids not moving
"Move It!!!" Topaz barks like an army general making the siblings scramble pushing each other out of the way to leave quickly
They stand behind a billboard in broad daylight "You must remain sleek and nimble, so no weapons today. After my lessons, you will be ready for a mission inside Big Mama's yokai hotel."
"Splinter I didn't know you knew Big Mama too." Sapphire looks at the rat in shock
"Ya You know about Big Mama?" Leo asks in surprise, Splinter's eyes widening.
"I...have heard stories," He sweats a little.
Emma looks away and sees a butterfly flying pass she lifts up her arm waving, trying to catch it
"Emma!" Topaz snaps her finger getting the little girls attention with a serious look "Pay Attention."
Then he turns to face them. "Ninja invisibility lesson number one: Keep to the shadows." The rat hides behind the billboard. "Lesson two: Blind spots." He appears right behind Donnie. "Use your enemies' blind spots to your advantage," He appears in different spots from the turtles and Emma surprising all of them. "Lesson three: Be light as a feather, as quick as a really fast feather!" He somehow zips past them in all directions, causing them to stare. "Quickly and softly. Lesson four: Slooow Moootion Juuustuu," He slowly moves his tail, inching Donnie's staff.
"Please, like you could possibly sneak up on-" The turtle then notices that his staff is gone. "Hey! Give me back my tech-bo!" He pats his shell. "And wallet."
Splinter chuckles, throwing the staff away.
"Whoa Whoa hang on for a second what does magic have to do with ninjutsu?" Raph asked confused as the others nod their heads in agreement
"Surprisingly Magic and Ninjutsu are similar though spiritual connection." Sapphire removes her gloves showing her glowing gem "When it comes to gemorian magic it's all about breath and focus, same with ninjutsu." Sapphire demonstrates by closing her eyes and taking deep breath the turtle and Emma blink and when they opened their eyes she was gone
"What- where did she go?!"
The sound of someone clearing their throat they all turn to see Sapphire holding up a ponytail holder with a smirk, Emma pats her head to feel her hair was no longer up "Whoa! Cool!"
"See? All you have to do is stay calm, collected, and focus."
"CCF!" Emma cheers the initials fist pumping, Sapphire playfully rolls her eyes with a chuckle "Yes Emma CCF."
"Now, using your new skills, sneak upon all three of us and attack!" Splinter and the gems stand in fighting stance
"Here I come!" Mikey declares, pointing to him.
"Ninja tip: do not announce attack."
"Roger that! Watch me stick to the shadows, baby! Lights off jutsu!" He claps towards the sun, expecting it to go out like the lights back in the lair.
"Oh my god these kids are idiots." Topaz mutters to herself losing hope.
"Really? You think you can turn off the sun?" Splinter asks sarcastically.
"I'll show you fooling around!" Raph replies to Splinter. "Light as a feather jutsu, activate!" He stomps on the roof repeatedly, causing the others to yelp as it felt like a jackhammer. Eventually, the water tower breaks. "Uh oh."
The force of the water is too strong, however, and they end up in an alley, groaning. Raph holds his head as he peeks out of a pile of garbage bags.
"Kids!" Splinter safely lands on a trash can as the gems float above him in the air. "You are not six years old!
"Hey! Excuse me sir!" Emma frowns pointing to her self offended
Splinter rolls his eyes "Ok not all of you, Focus! Lesson number five: blending into your environment." He throws down a smokebomb disappearing.
"What? Where'd he go?" Raph's eyes widen.
"We'll never find him," Leo looks up
"Daddy? Daddy if you can hear me clap twice!" Emma calls out in the shadows
Topaz facepalms frustrated "Guys he's right there."
Splinter appears next to Raph, wearing a turtle costume.
"Yeah, he is way too smart for all of us ninjas. Right, my dudes?" He nudges Raph.
"Tinyese brother is right!" Mikey holds his head in a panic. "He could be that pigeon, or that moped, or that trash pile!"
"He's the pile of trash! Get em!" Emma points to the trash determined
The five narrow their eyes at the trash pile, tackling it, but end up landing on each other. "Well done, my children! You just beat up a big pile of garbage!" Splinter smacks all five in the head. "It was me all along!" He slips the costume right off.
"What a disguise!"
"Tricked by the master."
"But you're not a turtle! Oh wow!"
"Aunt Topaz how did you know it was him?" Emma asked amazed, Topaz was about to scowled her but Sapphire puts a hand on her shoulder shaking her head "I .. have my moments."
"Maybe the only way to get through to you is fear. I am sending you five rodeo clowns on a mission right now!" He points towards Big Mama's hotel. "You must sneak into Big Mama's and grab the tags off her demon dog Gus. That vicious beast cannot get you to focus, then nothing will! Now go!"
Donnie drags the others along as he uses his battle shell to fly towards the building. Emma runs after him jumping off the roof flying to catch up but Sapphire grabs her under her arms "Not you gemstone."
"Splinter we're gonna give Emma a side lesson if that's ok with you." Topaz crosses her arms looking down at her niece
"Alright but when you're done have her join all her brothers she needs to learn this stuff." Splinter jabs a finger to big mamas hotel
"Oh trust she's gonna be learning a lot of stuff." Topaz nods as the gems fly over to the building.
The gems land on the building Topaz stretches getting ready to train her "Topaz I don't think this is a good idea honey." Sapphire steps in front of her trying to talk her girlfriend out of it knowing how tough she can be
"You're being too soft on her Saph Emma needs to learn to toughen up or she's gonna get seriously hurt." Topaz gestured to Emma was kneeing on the ground watching a worm crawl giggling in delight, Topaz steps forward getting her attention "Ok Em let's begin."
"Ok!" Emma nods putting her hands in a diamond shape but Topaz stops her "We're not using transformation for this lesson just our stance." Topaz crosses her arms with a serious look on her face.
"Because there will be times were you don't have time to transform you need to learn how to protect yourself from an attack without going though full form." Topaz summons her axe getting into fight mode "Now attack me!"
"But Aunt Topaz I don't want to attack you."
Emma shakes her hand backing away
"Topaz." Sapphire steps forward but Topaz holds up a hand stopping her "Shes gonna learn babe, Emma attack or I will." She glares at her niece in warning
Emma gulps a little nervous but bolts towards Topaz throwing a punch but topaz swiftly grabs her hand swings her around throwing her a few feet away
"Oh my god Emma are ok!?" Sapphire starts to run up to her but Topaz summons a wall between them so Sapphire couldn't interfere "She's fine! Again!"
Emma slowly gets up groaning a little in pain, Topaz frowns and runs up summoning her axe swinging it sending a current wave towards her luckily Emma moved out of the way before it could hit her.
"Hey I wasn't ready!" Emma whines summoning her staff she squeals as Topaz swings a leg at her head as Emma ducked down running away "Your enemies won't care if you're not ready you need to always be ready at all time!"
Emma twirls her staff as it glowed "Electrical sparkle!-" the spell is cut short when Topaz grabs the staff swinging it out of Emma's hand "Don't summon spells that take too long!" Topaz jumps up in the air swinging her axe above her head "Shock wave!" She brings the axe down in front of her making a yellow bolt of energy aim right at Emma
Emma puts her arms in front of her shielding herself , Sapphire steps in front of her creating a shield out of ice blocking the attack "Topaz that is enough!!" Sapphire screams widening her glowing blue angry eyes, she crotches down in front of Emma "Are you ok baby?"
Emma shakes a little scared but hugs her close still shaking in her arms as Sapphire brushes her hair "Y-Yeah I'm ok."
Sapphire breaks the hug making Emma look into her eyes "Why don't you go join your brothers on the mission."
Emma nods flying off the roof joining her brothers, Sapphire stands up glaring her eyes at her girlfriend "Have You Shattered Your Gem?!?!" She screams angrily
"What? I was just training her." Topaz raises an eyebrow confused why her girlfriend was upset with her
"Training her?! You nearly killed her!" Sapphire shouts "We're not in war! She's just a kid Top she's not gonna be the fierce warrior that you were!" Sapphire points her in her chest, Topaz looked wide eyed as she looks away still a little angry.
"Look let's just stay here until the kids finish their mission." Sapphire walks away sitting on the edge of the building, Topaz sits on the opposite side knowing Sapphire wanted to be alone
"Ah, they will do very well," Splinter smiles, One day goes by. "Maybe they stopped for sundaes." Another day goes by. "A little fear never hurt anyone." And then another. "A giant demon dog never hurt anyone either."
Splinter stands on the roof with red eyes showing he hadn't blinked for a single moment. "I sent my children to their doom!" He panics, landing in the alley. "Don't worry, children! Help is on the way!" He scrambles as fast as he could towards the hotel.
Once he's inside, he sneaks into the elevator, jumping onto the ground once the elevator is empty. He sneaks behind the bellhop and tackles him to the floor, also snatching his uniform. He chuckles at the disguise suddenly the Topaz and Sapphire pop out of nowhere making Splinter yells out falling on his butt "What? Where did you two come from?"
"Invisible spell we were able to sneak in without noticed" Topaz and Sapphire appearing in the same uniform like Splinter "We got worried when the turtles and Emma didn't return."
"It's good you're here I need all the help I can get." Splinter looked serious as the doors open.
"High alert!" The fox employee warns everyone. "Chip chop, lads! Everyone to their stations!" Everyone scrambles around to do their tasks.
"High alert?!" Splinter's eyes widen in concern. "My children...they have been discovered!"
"Oh my gem they're gonna hurt my baby!" Sapphire squeals fearfully clasping her hands over her mouth
"I believe you mean my baby!" Splinter glares at Sapphire who frowns at him
"Hey you guys!" The fox points to him, "Hold the elevator!"
He tips his hat off, tapping close repeatedly. "Faster, stupid elevator! Faster!"
"Let's go, let's go! High alert, high alert!" All the employees somehow manage to fit inside the elevator, the doors forcing themselves shut. They go up one floor and they stampede out of there. "Let's go, let's go! High alert, high alert!"
Splinter and the gems don't follow, Splinter lets out a sigh of relief. "I have failed my children...I do not deserve my greatest dad coffee mug..."
Topaz looks to the side in deep though about Emma soften her face "M-Maybe I shouldn't have been so hard on the kid."
A cart suddenly wheels in all by itself. "Okay, we made it to an elevator."
Splinter's eyes widen as he recognizes the voice. Mikey and Donnie are in the cart to get around without suspicion.
"They are not all caught! I am as pleased as I am totally shocked!"
"Is that Gus?" They hear their father's voice, but don't recognize it. "Grab his tags!"
"I cannot, because it is the bellboy," Donnie hisses slightly at him.
"They are still trying to get the dog tags," He smiles proudly.
"It's been four days how are they still on this mission!" Topaz whisper/shouts gesturing to the two turtles under the cart
"We gotta get to another floor, and I know just how to do it!" Mikey holds up a finger. "Lesson number four: Slooow moootion jutsuuu," he reaches towards the buttons, pressing one and lowering his arm back underneath the sheets. He laughs, causing the rat dad to facepalm again.
They go up two more floors. "Oh no," Splinter murmurs as he sees a brown leg stomp on the carpet. "It's Gus! He is even more ferocious than I remember! May my sons proceed with caution just this-" Donnie and Mikey get out of the elevator, causing him to scream quietly.
"Whoa!" The cart comes to a stop, getting the mutant dog's attention. He sniffs the air, eyes widening.
"Something doesn't smell right!" He goes into demon mode, Splinter hiding behind one of the lights up above.
Sapphire gasps silently scared for the two boys
"Oh no! He's sniffed them out!" He leaps into the air, resting above a light as the gems float above Gus so he won't see them, Splinter grabbing the lid with his tail as Sapphire waves a glowing hand towards the plate. He lifts up the lid to reveal that the meal is rib with butter on top.
"What?!" The dog immediately tears it apart, not giving the turtles a second thought as he sucks on the bone. "Thanks for the snack, food cart. You're no longer on my to pounce on list." A compartment on the floor spins around, causing him to disappear. Donnie and Mikey peek their heads out from the cart.
"We blended!" Mikey cheers happily as Splinter and the gems returns to the elevator.
"We gotta make sure the others are safe..." The doors close and all the other employees rush past it.
"Everyone to your stations! Go, go, go!"
They run into a room...where Big Mama is laying down on a massage chair, being tended to like she's in a spa. "Big Mama must be massaged and manicured, asap!"
"Yes..." She smiles happily.
On another floor Splinter and the gems finds out where Gus ended up. He's in front of a fountain, lapping water. The rat gasps as he sees Raph roll on the floor.
"There's Raph." Topaz points to the turtle getting Splinters attention
"Raphael! Remember your training. Stick to the shadows..."
Raph is not even attempting to hide and Splinter slips past Gus. The turtle notices a large plant, and rather than hide behind it, he grabs one of the leaves. He chuckles as he covers his head with it, tiptoeing over.
"That is not what I meant by sticking to the shadows!"
"He seriously thinks that's gonna hide him?!" Topaz whispers wanting to scream but knows she can't
He tiptoes past the dog, who pays no attention as the turtle appears behind him. He reaches towards his collar, but then the mutant sniffs in the air, his spikes appearing.
"What is that awful smell?"
"Oh no, Raph's 'sneaking up on people' stink!" Splinter exclaims knowingly. Topaz waves her hand around in an orb creating a tennis ball gesturing for Splinter to take it
Just when Gus stands up, Splinter throws the ball, and it lands in front of the dog's eyes.
"Ohhh...aw, sweet! Ball!" He lands in the fountain during his excitement, sending Raph into the wall. Splinter slides a painting in front of him as Gus pops out of the water. "Wait...who threw this ball?" He sees the painting and growls, looking away. "It's like I'm being followed, but no one's there...total bummer day." The wall turns around so that he leaves.
"Now to find blue one and pink..."
"Oh I hope she's ok." Sapphire puts a hand over her heart scared
They go up two floors this time, ending up in the same room where people can watch the Battle Nexus. "Too many yokai...surely those two would not risk finding moving on Gus in here." His eyes widen as he sees that Leo is hiding behind the bartender and Emma hiding in between the drinks on the shelf of the bar
"Blind spots." Emma and Leo five each other with a smirk.
"Blind spot here...and over here...another blind spot!" Leo and Emma uses other people to get around. Gus gets a shake into his hand from the bartender, taking out the tennis ball in his mouth and putting it into his drink.
"What an epic Battle Nexus Brawl! They're gonna be tying up this one for sure for centuries to come!"
Leo grabs Emma up by her waist and slowly lifts up, Emma quietly reaches her hand towards the tags, Splinter sliding his chair to look. "What are you doing?!"
"And it's Kid Cthulhu for the win!"
The customers all cheer, but quickly stopping when Emma and Leo pop up with Emma holding onto Gus's tag
"Hi Gus!" Emma waves happily at the mutant dog
"Hi!" Gus waves back but then realized ""Hey, wait a minute, you're one of those turtles and pink pipsqueak!"
Splinter spits out his drink and unfortunately, the fox employee heard the dog. The other two turn around.
"Blind spot," Leo flicks the drink onto Gus, grabbing Emma over his shoulders and running off. "See ya!"
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