The beads of sweat trickle down my head as I trudge down the road. My throat dry, my stomach empty, and I'm simply an overall mess. The woods trail beside me as I keep my adventure forward. I don't actually know where I'm going, I just know I need to put as much distance between me and the prison as possible. It's only been a day or so by myself but it feels like it's been years. I forgot the feeling of being alone, without a family. The group was part of me but I know leaving was the right thing. Sooner or later Rick would find out and then hell would break loose. Who's to say what's going on with Glenn and Maggie right now. All I know is it's my fault and leaving is the only option.
Rick POV
It's been two days. Taking watch by myself, no one to crawl into bed with at night or truly trust because she left. Peach left. And I didn't even get a reason, nor a goodbye. She's not gone forever and I'm sure of it but for now, all we can do is keep fighting like before, just with one less trooper. My favorite trooper. I have set up a meeting with the governor and it's being held today. We are suppose to come to some sort of agreement but I don't think that's gunna be the end result of all of this. I wanna put a bullet through this mans head.
All that's in sight is a table and two chairs in a dingy shed. Oh yea and the prick who calls himself the governor.
"We have a lot to talk about." A grin spreads across his face.
"You attacked us. Makes things pretty clear. Not much else to talk about."
"I was trying to make things clear. I could have killed you all. I didn't. I'd show a little gratitude." I roll my eyes.
"I have no gratitude for you." His hand goes to his belt and my gun is in his face without any hesitation.
"I'm gunna remove my weapon. Show that I mean to negotiate in good faith." I scoff but let him do so. I holster my gun but don't remove it as he takes a seat at the table. Car doors being opened and shut are heard from outside and soon enough Andrea has walked in, welcoming herself.
"I asked y'all to come to put an end to everything. Too many people have died for no good reason. We need to save the bullets for the real treat." My eyes roll and I regain my posture.
"I've heard about what you've done. The raids, the heads.... peach." My voice falters a bit and I curse to myself in my head for showing weakness.
"Ah! The perky one! Yes I remember her." I grit my teeth as he talks about her.
"What's he talking about?" Andrea asks confused.
"Oh your little boyfriend didn't tell you?" I ask and lean on the table, showing my dominance.
"He touched her, molested her, MARKED HER!" I say getting angrier by the second while pointing a finger in his face. Andreas eyes go wide and she looks shocked but the governor chuckles. Fucking chuckles.
"Oh no no no she was already marked. That wasn't me. No, Merle found her and Glenn right after the finished banging! That was all your little Asians doing." He laughs again and I feel the color drain from my face. Peach slept with Glenn? She wouldn't. He's lying. He's just messing with my head.
"Look he's right. I've known you both at different times, but only after the world ended and you both stepped up for the good of others at great personal risk. There's no reason-" Andreas speech is cut of by the asshole.
"Get to it!" He snaps
"Hey why don't you show a little respect!" I snap at him.
"Woodbury takes West of the river, prison takes East. No one crosses. No one trades." I explain, getting to the point.
"I'm sorry what is this?" He murmurs.
"It's a solution!" Andrea speaks back up and the man laughs.
"Absolutely not." He leans back in his chair. What the hell?
"You told me he was willing to talk!" I yell at the blond.
"I am." God FUCK HIM.
"But the truth is Rick, shes in no position to make such an offer anyways. I'm here for one thing only, your girl and your surrender." Peach? He wants peach!?
"You want my surrender. Come and get it!" I seethe.
"You think we hit Woodbury heavy last time?" I lean into his face.
"AND DONT YOU EVER! EVER! SPEAK ABOUT PEACH THAT WAY!" My voice becomes out of control but Andrea places a hand on my chest to try to get me to back off but I shove her away.
"Take it easy alright? We're here to settle this." When is she gunna get the picture that's not happening.
"Your right. Would you step outside?" The man asks Andrea.
"What?" She shoots back.
"Yes me and Rick have a lot to talk about." Andrea try's to interject but eventually takes her leave.
A short chapter but imma update again tn. Also I need ur opinion, should I just make this a longer book or split it into two books. Lemme know and don't forget to comment and vote. Love y'all!!
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