Tear Yourself Apart

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The car approaches the gate and I've never been so happy to see this filthy prison. The gate opens and we ride on through. I climb out of the car and see everyone waiting for our return. Normally I would be so happy to see everyone and feel all there warm embraces but right now all I wanted was to be alone. I couldn't deal with all this. When I got into the prison I didn't even question the fact that there were people we didn't know, I simply walked straight into my cell and laid down on my bed. I feel my tears soak my cheeks but I don't even care at this point. I've been holding it all in and I'm just so tired. I sob into my pillow and curl up as small as possible. I only cry harder when I hear someone rush in and take me into their arms. I know the only person it could be was Rick.

"Hey hey hey shh shh shh shh it's okay, your safe now." He rubs my back and I cry into his chest.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I couldn't stop him." I cry and Rick just pets my hair and leaves kisses on my head.
"M-my hands were tied." I ball and Rick leans back to meet my eyes.

"Take some deep breaths. I need you to tell me what that son of a bitch did to you." I do as he says and slow my breathing, calming myself down.

"H-he pulled out his knife. I thought he w-was gunna hurt me but he cut my shirt open. And my bra. His hands w-wouldn't stop and h-he" At this point I lost it again. I saw the fire burning in Ricks eyes as I told him what happened.

"THAT MOTHERFUCKER!" He screams and gets up, pacing around the room.
"Show me." He eventually says and I raise my eyebrow at him, not completely knowing what he meant. He walks up to me and raises my shirt, looking at my chest. I feel worry rush through me at the thought of Glenn's hickey.
"He fucking marked you?" Rick practically growls and I feel bad lying to him but I nod my head, acting like the spot was from The Governor.
"I swear when I get my hands on him-" He stops his sentence and pulls me into a hug. I snuggle into his chest, so happy to be back in his embrace.

"I missed you." I whisper and he kisses the top of my head.

"I missed you too"


"Why are we so sure he's gunna attack?" Beth questions the group. We're currently trying to figure out some sort of plan on how to deal with the governor and his troops.

"He had fish tanks full of heads. Walkers and humans, trophies. He's comin" The woman who I learned is named Michonne says. Turns out if it weren't for her, Glenn and I would have probably never been saved. I owe her my life.

"We should hit him now." Glenn speaks up. He has fire in his eyes when it comes to this Governor.
"He won't be expecting it. We sneak back in and put a bullet in his damn head." He explains.

"We're not assassins." Carol joins in. Oh yea, Carols fucking alive. Guess we missed that when we were being tortured. Glenn ignores her and stands up, talking to Michonne. I simply stay leaned against the wall, just watching everything play out.

"You know where his apartment is. You and I could end this tonight. I'll do it myself if I have to." Michonne eventually gives him a nod and he lets out a sigh of relief.

"He didn't know you were coming last time and look what happened." Hershel reasons and I kinda agree with him. We just got out of that place, why are we trying so hard to barge back in?
"You we're almost killed. Daryl was captured. You and Peach were almost executed." I see Glenn starting to get angry and I know this isn't going to end well.

"You can't stop me." He says, starting to get in the old mans face.

"Rick would never allow this." Hershel try's once more.

"FUCK RICK!" Glenn yells and takes us all by surprise.
"You really think he's in any kind of position to make that choice?" His voice lower now. Glenn is a bit too close to Hershel and I kick myself off the wall just in case.

"Think this through clearly. T-Dog lost his life here. Lori, too. The men that were here. It isn't worth anymore killing." I kind of feel like he's trying to guilt trip Glenn but if that's what works then so be it.
"We need to leave." Okay now I disagree.

"And go where?" Glenn seethes.

"We were on the road all winter!" Yea and it sucked ass.

"Yea back when you had two fucking legs and we didn't have a baby crying for walkers every four hours." I can see Glenn about to be pushed past his breaking point so I go to break it up. I place my hand on his chest and get in front of him.

"Let's calm down okay? We can think this through without getting at each others throats." Glenn is taken by surprise by my actions.

"Your kidding me right? Your siding with him?" He looks down at me.

"I'm not siding with anyone I'm just tryin to keep the peace Glenn." He bites the inside of his cheek, attempting to keep his composure.

"After what he did to you? Your gunna choose Hershels side?" I roll my eyes at his childish behavior.

"You know what? I'm choosing Ricks side. He knows what to do and we need to go by what he thinks." Glenn leans down in my face with a scowl across his lips.

"That's not what you were saying in the market." He practically spits at me and out of pure reflex my hand comes up and slaps him across the face. I'm taken back by my own actions and immediately step back.

"Oh my god Glenn I'm so sorry!" I say and he holds his cheek while moving around his jaw. Everyone watches in horror, probably because me and Glenn never fight. When Glenn doesn't answer me I walk out as fast as possible just to be away from everything. I don't like this side of Glenn at all. It's not like him. He's being a prick. Once I'm outside I go out into the field and sit in the grass. It's doesn't take long for me to feel someone sit down beside me. When I turn my head I see Carol.
"I didn't mean to." I speak while turning my head back to the front, as to not look at her.

"I know." Having someone not pester me 24/7 is nice. And the motherly feeling that Carol gives off is even nicer. It's quiet for a while and I can't hold it in anymore. I need someone to talk to.

"I slept with Glenn." I blurt out and her head darts in my direction.
"I was so frustrated cuz of Rick and he was mad about something with Maggie and it's just... happened." I sigh and she places a hand on my back.
"And now the jackass is using it against me. I don't know what the hell has come over him but I'm really tired of it. That's not the sweet Glenn I know and love." She nods along with me.
"You won't tell will you?" She sighs and shakes her head.

"No I won't. But I think you need to. If you keep it to yourself your simply going to tear yourself apart." I close my eyes and lay back in the grass.

"Yea. No kidding." She chuckles and lays back with me as we enjoy the warmth of the sun on our faces.


Uhhhh yea cool


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