It's been a bit since the incident. When all was said and done I simply went back to the room I was staying in and took a nap. I'm not very good at processing emotions. I kinda just let them all build up until I eventually explode and let the cycle start all over again. Once I woke up I didn't move. I just stayed in the comfy bed that I am extremely grateful for because everyone else is sleeping in tents on the ground.
"Hey" I hear a gruff voice come from the door and I turn in the bed to see Rick.
"Hey cowboy" I speak back, my head still laying on the pillow. He sits on the bed next to me and I feel it dip when he does.
"I'm going out on a run with Glenn to get Hershel. Just didn't wanna leave without saying goodbye" he tucks a hair out of my face while he speaks.
"Why? I'll see you when you get back" I chuckle and he shrugs.
"You never know. Just wouldn't want to regret anything" I roll by eyes at the fact that he thinks a simple run will kill the Rick Grimes.
"Well in that case, I'm coming with you. If your doubting yourself then you won't be at your top potential and I have to come to hold you accountable" I speak my nonsense of an explanation as I get up, and get anything I need. He laughs as I do and stands up from the bed.
"Okay" he kisses my forehead
"I'll meet you outside"
The drive there was long and quiet. The bar was actually a short ways away but the silence made it draw out. Rick kicks open the door to the tavern, all three of us with our guns raised. When the door is wide, no walkers are in sight, just a sad looking Hershel at the bar.
"Hershel!" Rick calls out.
"Who's with you?" The old man doesn't even question the fact that Ricks here to retrieve him. He most likely saw it coming.
"Glenn and Peach" we holster our weapons at no sight of danger.
"Sir, how many have you had" I question him.
"Not enough." He speaks between clenched teeth.
"Let's finish this at home okay? Look, Beth collapsed, is in some sort of state of shock. I think you are too" Rick tries to say in the most calming tone as possible but his gruff voice, which I enjoy very much, makes it hard to do. Hershel goes on a big rant about him just feeling sorry for himself. I can't help but just lean against the counter and wait for this whole thing to be over.
"Can you leave please?" Hershel says in a voice that we almost can't hear.
"Just go" he says louder
"JUST GO" even louder.
"I promised Maggie I'd bring you home safe" Rick tries again
"Yea like you promised that little girl" Hershel says in a crude tone and I take a step forward but Glenn's hand holds me back. How could he say that?
"So whats your plan!? Finish that bottle!? Drink yourself to death and leave you girls alone!?" I speak up. It wasn't right for him to make that comment. We did everything we could for little Sophia.
"Stop telling me how to care for my family! My farm! You people are like the plague! I do the Christian thing and give you shelter, and you destroy it all!" The man yells and I can't help but to feel myself flinch when he fully explodes. Rick and Hershel begin to get in each others faces, fighting while me and Glenn don't know what to do to help. We simply stay back.
"Now come on." Rick tries again.
"Your girls need you now more than ever" I speak up and start to make my way to the fighting men. My words didn't help and the old man just started ranting and feeling sorry for himself once again. After a ton more fighting and trying to convince Hershel to save his little girl, the tavern doors open revealing two actually live men.
"Son of a bitch, there alive!" One laughs and they make there way into the bar, sitting at a table and I pour them a shot. Why not?
"I'm Dave" he says to me, and I know the look in his eyes.
"Other ones Tony"
"I'm Glenn. It's nice to meet some new people" he says with a wide smile. How is he always so damn positive? I mean even in the apocalypse, he always has an inviting smile.
"Rick Grimes" he says, grabbing a shot for himself.
"Huh, how bout you sweet thing?" The smaller man looks me up and down.
"That's Peach" Rick speaks, following the mans eyes. I can already feel his protectiveness coming out.
"Well to better days and new friends. And to our dead" Dave speaks and we all raise our shot, and drink. I slam mine on the counter.
"Holy shit it's been a while since I've done that" I laugh and everyone laughs with me. When Dave leans over to get something Rick sees his gun, and Dave realizes.
"Not bad huh?" He says pulling it out and showing it off.
"Got it off a cop"
"I'm a cop" Rick says blatantly and I can't help but chuckle under my breath.
"Well this one was already dead. What do you say baby, maybe I'll show you how to shoot it" he says to me and this causes me to grab my gun, shooting a bottle, getting a bullseye. I smirk and reholster my gun leaving the one called Dave with an impressed look on his face.
"So y'all holed up somewhere. Ya know, have a group?" I'm about to speak but Rick cuts me off.
"Not really" wait what?
"Those your cars out front?" He asks another question.
"Yeah. Why?" Glenn speaks this time.
"We're living in ours. Yours look empty and clean. Where's all your gear?" Oh fuck.
"We're with a larger group. Out scouting, thought we could use a drink." Damn good job Hershel. Who knew he was good at lying.
"Well we were thinking of setting up round here. Is it safe?" Okay I don't think he's too suspicious.
"It can be. Though I have killed a couple walkers" Glenn speaks up
"Walkers? That what you call them? That good. I like that. I like that better than lame brains" I chuckle aside Glenn. It got quiet again and I can see a look in Ricks eye. I can't really tell what it is but it's there.
"So y'all like set up on the outskirts or somethin?" Man he's really set on figuring out our location. When no one answers, they start singing a children's tune while the big guy just takes a piss in front of everyone. What the fuck. I give Glenn a look and he knows exactly what I'm thinking. Gross.
"So listen Glenn-" he gets cutoff.
"We've said enough" Ricks gruff voice speaks out.
"Well hang on a second. This place it sounds pretty sweet. How bout a little southern hospitality" Dave tries and sends a wink my way causing me to cringe on the inside.
"Look I'm sorry that's not an option." Rick shuts him down real quick and I put my hand on his arm. I mean sure we don't know these guys but they could use some help. Hershel took us in so why can't we do the same for these guys. He shrugs my hand off.
"Doesn't sound like it'd be a problem. Right sweetheart?" He says to me and I look at Rick but he's giving me a look saying to keep my mouth shut so I simply look at the ground.
"We can't I'm sorry. There's no more room" Rick speaks.
"You always let him speak for you?" Dave says while ducking his head, trying to meet my eyes. I once again keep my mouth closed.
"This is fucked" the fat one speaks.
"Calm down" Rick intervenes.
"Don't ever tell me to calm down! I'll shoot you three assholes in the head, take your camp, and fuck your girl!" This makes Ricks jump out of his seat ready to do what needs to be done.
"Woah woah woah woah! No ones killing anybody! Nobody's shooting anyone, right Rick?" Dave starts crawling over the counter to get more booze. Glenn has a protective hand on my back while all this shit happens. Dave sets his gun on the counter as a sign of peace.
"We're just some friends having a drink that's all. Now! Where the good stuff huh?" He chuckles but nobody else seems to find amusement in his tone. When he leans down to grab something Ricks hand goes to his gun. Dave takes notice and simply brings up a bottle of alcohol. He starts to pour shots and then turns his gaze to me.
"So what do ya think sweet cheeks? Maybe you should come back with us" before a reply leaves my mouth a bullet is shot through Daves head along with Tony's. My eyes go wide in shock and the body slumps at my feet. Glenn's protective hand on my back is now warped around my shoulders, giving me a squeeze of assurance.
"What the hell was that?" I huff out.
"Didn't like the way he was eyeing you" he grumbles out and we all just stand there with shock ridden faces.
Heyyyy sorry it's been a lil bit. I've had some serious writers block lmao. Imma try to keep updating as much as I can. Thanks for all the love and support!! Love you all. Don't forget to Comment and Vote my peaches 🍑🍑
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