Safe And Sound

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It's been a few months on the move now. Loris baby bump is a hell of a lot more prominent, Carls grown a bit, and everyone seems to look a little different. Rick has made amends with the rest of the group but no ones relationship with him seems to be the same. Especially not ours. I've tried with all my power to let it all go and move forward but no matter what I do there always seems to be something that makes me look at him differently. He's been trying and I know that and I am too, it's just hard. We are currently at the gate of a prison Rick has found and he's cutting the wire, hoping to get in the walker infested fields. Everyone climbs through and into the safe area. Walkers swarm the fence as we run by, trying to find the gate leading inside.

"All we have to do is close the gate" Rick says but sounds unsure.

"I'll do it" I volunteer and Ricks eyes shoot to me.
"I'm the fastest" Glenn grabs my shoulder from behind me.

"Hell no it's a suicide run. I'll do it." Glenn speaks up. Rick doesn't like the sound of any of this and takes order.

"No. You two, Maggie, and Beth draw as many as you can that way, pick them off through the fence. Daryl go back to the other tower. Carol, you've become a good shot. Take your time, don't waste ammo. Hershel, you and Carl take this tower. I'll go for the gate." Once Rick is done giving orders everyone scurrys off except me.

"Rick, I'm fast on my feet. I go on runs with Glenn all the time. In and out, I can do this." I try to stop him from making the run but he doesn't want to hear it.

"No. I'm not putting you in danger."

"I don't need you to protect me! Im the best person for this! What happens if you go and don't make it? The group loses its leader!" I try to keep my voice from raising but it's hard.

"And what happens if you don't make it hm?" He says through clenched teeth.
"Your not doing it Peach so step back." He doesn't give me time to fight back before T-dog opens the gate, ready for him to run through. I watch him run, shooting any walkers in his way with his silenced gun. I feel myself bite at my nails, a nervous habit, as I watch him run through. I stand ready to reopen the gate for him seeing as T-Dog went to go help the others. Everyone's firing there guns and taking down the geeks but I see a walker approaching Rick from behind and he has no idea. I quickly pull out my gun, shooting it in the head and the bullet whizzes past him. He turns to see the walkers body drop and he gives me a nod but I cross my arms in return. Step back my ass. Rick makes it to the gate, wiring it shut but I see walker start to overrun him. Oh shit. I do what I only think is necessary. I open the gate, starting through, and running over with my gun raised.

"PEACH!" Maggie scream but I don't listen. I shoot any geek in sight as my feet carry me through the field. Rick doesn't see me and steps into a guard tower, leaving me out in the field alone with the monsters. Well I fucked myself now didn't I? Everyone keeps shooting and I turn in circles, pulling the trigger left and right, protecting myself. Before I know it, all the walkers are dead except one and a bullet flys through the air from above, getting it straight in the head. I look up to see Rick at the top of the guard tower he had gone into. I let out a laugh at the empty field and lower my gun. I look up at the sky, raising my arms, basking in the sunlight. I haven't felt this free since the farm. Everyone starts piling in, laughing and smiling at the new home we have made for ourselves.


We all sat around the fire together eating whatever animal Daryl had caught this time. Daryl and Rick keep watch around the fence to make sure no break in's happen.

"That's his third time around" Hershel speaks and points to Rick. We all turn and look at him as he keeps making his way along the fence.

"If there was any part of it compromised he'd have found it by now" I can't help but worry. He always takes everything that happens to this group personally. He can't help but think it's all because of him. Beth starts to sing when Hershel asks her to and all people who were on watch make there way to the group. She sings 'The Parting Glass' and I can't help but think of all the times my sister would sing this song to help me go to sleep. My mother and father were either fighting or fucking in some motel so me and my sister had to relay on each other. I sit next to Carl and I lean my head on his small shoulder. He's such a sweet kid. He always wants what's best for everyone. Tears start to fall for reasons I'm not sure of. Sure I miss my sister, I miss her more than anything, but I have a family now, I'm safe. When the song ends I find myself getting up and walking away. The stars light the courtyard and I climb up onto a bus, watching the world around me. Moments later I feel the bus move and someone else sit upon it. I don't need to look, I know who it is.

"Beautiful isn't it? We never had stars like this in my old town" I smile and the person scooches closer to me. It's silent for a while as we admire the night sky.

"I never meant to hurt you ya know?" Ricks gruff voice speaks and I smile for some reason.

"I know" he sighs and I can tell how bad the decline of our relationship is effecting him.
"You we're doing what you thought was best. It's just been hard for me to accept that, that's all. Plus you've been a bit of an ass." We both laugh and I feel his hand tangle with mine and I don't resist.

"I miss you" he whispers and I turn to look at him, his face inches away from mine. I lean in and attach our lips, kissing him roughly. I've missed this feeling. His lips on mine, his hands on my body, his warmth, his everything. My fingers tangle in his hair and I swing a leg over him, now straddling him.

"Fuck I've missed you too" I mumble and he chuckles, his lips going to my neck. I let out small groans and push myself down onto him, causing him to groan against my throat. He finds my sweet spot and sucks making me whimper out. He returns to my lips and I kiss him hungerly until we are both out of breath. I lean back, breathing hard and we both lay down, and I snuggle up to his side.


Hershel opens the gate and we all get in formation, killing the walkers inside the gate. We get through with ease, that's until Rick goes to turn a corner and stops, telling us all to get back. Imma guess there's a whole bunch of geeks. We stay behind the tower until four head to toe dressed in gear walkers come out. Oh shit. Daryl and Rick get the gate closed and it's just the armed ones left. I grab one by the helmet and pierce it's brain through the bottom, causing it to fall to the floor. Glenn and T-Dog see this and follows my actions. We finally look around, seeing the grounds to be walker free, if we're not counting the dead ones on the floor. I make my way to open the gate for the rest of the group but Rick calls out for me to stop.

"It's looks secure" Glenn speaks up

"Not from the look of that courtyard over there" Daryl points to the walkers all pressed up against the fence.

"The interior could be overrun by walkers outside the prison." T-dog reasons and I place my hands on my knees, letting out a breath.

"If there's walls down, what do we do? We can't rebuild this whole place" Glenn fights back.

"We have to push in" Rick says and starts to walk away, everyone on his tail as he does so. We make our way into the cell block. It's dark and dingy but doesn't seem to be overrun. In fact there's not a walker in sight. It's empty. We all make our rounds, checking for danger. Rick gets the keys and we make our way to the cells, still nothing alarming is seen. A few walkers locked in there cells but easily killable. Everyone makes there way in with there belongings.
"What do y'all think?" Rick sounds extremely happy.

"Home sweet home" Glenn speaks with sarcasm laced in his voice.

"It's secure?" Lori ponders

"This cell block is." He nods and people start picking 'rooms' as I make my way into a cell alone. Everyone looks so happy and safe and I feel the same just a little lonelier I guess. I throw my stuff down and lay on the bed in the cell. I let out a chuckle of relief to myself and close my eyes, enjoying having a place to sleep.
"Hey" I heard from the doorway and I look up to see Rick.

"Hey cowboy? Find your cell alright?" I ask and he looks around.

"Actually I quite like this one" he says and puts his things down.

"Oh I can find a different one-" I say while standing to gather my things but he cuts me off with a laugh.

"No. I like this one cuz your in it" he says and I turn red. I'm so dumb.

"Oh" I chuckle and he does the same as he lays on the bed and pats the spot next to him as I follow his actions. I lay down in his safe embrace and let out a breath I hadn't even noticed I was holding in. Home sweet home indeed Glenn.


Ayyyy I wrote this whole chapter with my stitches still in but I felt like I needed to upload so I worked through the pain lmao. Also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K. I LOVE YALL SO MUCH!!!

-lily 👑

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