The group stands around the makeshift grave stone sticking out of the dirt. No one says a word but many have tears falling down their faces. Hershel stands before everyone with a Bible in his hands, reading a passage to the people. When he finishes, he closes the book, and speaks from the heart.
"Willow, though we knew her as Peach, was one of the kindest hearts I've ever met. She never failed to bring a smile to others faces and always listened to anyone who just needed a bit of advice. She was true to herself, something you don't find a lot these days in the world we live in. I think I speak for everyone here when I say she was loved and will be missed immensely. If anyone would like to speak some words in honor of our Peach, please stand before us." His sermon finishes and for a moment no one moves, until Glenn moves his feet towards Hershel.
"Peach was my best friend. I looked up to her bravery and honesty. She helped me through all my troubles and always put others before herself. I loved her like my family. I mean, we all did. She was our family. God, I just wish I could have seen her again before she-" Glenn cut himself off, choking back a sob.
"Im gunna miss you best friend." He says, talking directly to the mound of dirt. He can't continue due to the tears running down his face and he has to keep from breaking down. No one else steps up. They all look to Rick, waiting for him to talk but he can't bring himself to say anything other than
"She was the love of my life." Everyone eyes him sympathetically. He walks off after, making his way back into the prison. Everyone slowly disperses, leaving the spot vacant other than the one person who stayed back.
"I'll miss you kiddo." Daryl speaks before placing an arrow with a random flower tied to it onto the dirt along with her knife that she had carved her initials into using one of his knifes one random night at the farm.
Rick screams while throwing things around their cell they had once shared. She didn't even get to sleep in it one last time. He didn't get to hold her one last time. Hear her laugh, kiss her, playfully irritate her, run his fingers through her hair. He wanted it all just one last time. But he'll never get it again. Never again. Within his fit of anger, he finds one of her shirts laying under his bags. He hesitantly grabs it, sitting down more calmly now onto the bed. He brings the shirt to his face, smelling her sweet scent. He slowly falls apart, sobbing into the shirt and falling backwards onto the bed, no longer trying to hold back his cry's. He's never hurt this badly before. Not even when Lori died. When he finally looks up, he sees the love of his life sitting at the end of the bed. He knows it isn't real, the same thing happened when Lori died but he didn't care. He wanted so badly for her to be real that he ignored himself going crazy.
"Hi baby." Her soft voice rings through his ears. He sobs again and embraces her into his arms but it didn't feel the way it would when he would hold her in real life, but he couldn't get himself to care.
"I loved you." He muffles into her hair that coverd her shoulder. When he pulls back he can't help but feel rage.
"Why did you leave?" He asks and backs away from her, standing up off the bed.
"WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME!?" He screams, throwing things at the nonexistent person sitting on the bed.
"I LOVED YOU!" He punches the concrete wall, not caring about the pain shooting through his hand.
"I LOVED YOU I LOVED YOU I LOVED YOU!" After his fit, he collapses to the ground but doesn't stop his wailing. When he looks up again, she's gone.
She's gone forever.
I thought y'all deserved a little something to tie up the ending. Tell me why I like cried writing this. This book was such a big step for me, it helped me discover my love for writing and I can't believe it's come so far. I mean we're at 14k reads. That insane. I love you all, stay swaggy my loves.
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