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The royal ship sailed through the mighty Atlantic Ocean. All the sailors were hard at work, pulling ropes and throwing fish. Prince Harry swung on the nearest rope and inhaled the sea air. "Ah," Harry sighed, smiling, "don't you just love that salty sea breeze, Nicholas?" The prince turned to his friend, who was slumped over the side of the ship. Nicholas raised his slightly green face, with a grimace. "Oh, yes," he sarcastically answered, "amazing."

Harry just laughed as the man grew even more sea sick. A sailor stumbled by, nearly dropping the barrel in his arms if it weren't for Harry catching him. He thanked the prince as they both carried the heavy load. "King Triton must be partying hard tonight," the sailor grunted, as they set down the barrel. "King Triton?" Harry questioned, intrigued, "who's that?"

"Why," the sailor gawked, "king of the mer-people!" Nicholas, who had recovered from his sickness enough to join the conversation, scoffed. "Harry," he spoke sternly, "don't believe any of that. It's all superstitious!" The sailor turned to glare at the higher ranked man. "Be careful with your words, mate," the sailor warned, pointing a fish at Nick, "or Triton will blast you out of the water. It's bad luck to jeer at the Sea King!"

And to punctuate that last sentence, the fish slipped from the sailor's hand, flipped off Nick's face and dove back into the water.


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