Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Louis!" Fizzy called her brother from outside of his bedroom, "Time to come out! You've been in there all morning!" Louis floated out of his room, humming, and all of his sisters took notice. They stood behind him as he fluffed his fringe in the mirror. He plucked a seaflower and inhaled it's smell deeply. As he swam out of the room, he bumped into King Triton.

"Oh!" He giggled, "Hi daddy." He placed the flower in his father's crown and swam away, singing softly.

"What's wrong with Louis?" Triton asked.

"Isn't it obvious, daddy?" Daisy shrugged, "Louis' in love."

The sea king pulled the flower out of his hair and smiled curiously.


"Okay, so far so good," Zayn paced back and forth, "I don't think the king notices anything."

Meanwhile, Louis, above the pacing Zayn, was plucking the petals of a flower.

"He loves me," He smiled at the petal before dropping it lightly. He groaned and frowned at the next petal, grumbling, "He loves me not."

His eyes widened and his smile stretched widely across his face as he plucked the last petal triumphantly and squealed, "He loves me! I knew it!" Zayn rolled his eyes, swimming up to Louis.

"Louis, will you please-"

"I gotta see him again," Louis interrupted, "Tonight. Niall knows where he lives-"

"Louis, listen!"

"I could swim under his window, then Liam will splash around to get his attention, then-"

"Down here is your home!" Zayn shouted, before swimming in front of Louis' face to stop his pacing.

"Louis, listen to me," He pleaded, "the human world- it's a mess. Life under the sea is better than anything they got up there!" Louis sat back down, frowning, and looking up dreamily at the surface. Zayn realized the only way to communicate to the young merman was through song.

"The seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake,

You dream about going up there," Zayn yanked down Louis' chin so he was staring back down at him, "But that is a big mistake. Just look at the world around you, right here on the ocean floor! Such wonderful things around you, what more are you looking for?"

"Under the sea, Under the sea,

Darling it's better, down where it's wetter, take it from me!

Up on the shore, they work all day,

Out in the sun, they slave away," Zayn dramatically mimicked a slaving human, making Louis roll his eyes.

"While we're devoting our time to floating under the sea!" Zayn noticed a lobster playing the seashell drums and joined him to play the beat.

"Down here all the fish are happy, As off through the waves they roll," They sang joyfully.

"The fish on the land ain't happy," They frowned, "They're sad cause they're in their bowl."

A fish floated by in a bubble, looking very depressed. Louis gasped, staring worriedly at the fish.

"But fish in the bowl is lucky," Zayn continued, "He's in for a worser fate. One day, when the boss gets hungry-"

"Guess who gon be on de plate?" The fish in the bubble sang.

"Uh oh! Under the sea," Zayn continued, "Under the sea!"

Louis sighed, dangling his fingers underneath his seat and stroking the flowers. One of his fingers brushed a small seahorse, which caused the whole family to swim up and play with Louis.

"We what the land folks like to cook,

Under the sea, we off the hook,

We got no troubles, life is the bubbles under the sea! Under the sea," As Zayn sang, more fish began to hover around, picking up sea plants and playing them as instruments.

"Since life is sweet here, we got the beat here, naturally!

We got the spirit, you got to hear it, under the sea!"

Many sea creatures began playing instruments, dancing around Louis and distracting Zayn. Liam swam around the crowd, finally spotting Louis, who hadn't moved from his seat. Liam swam over and whispered into Louis' ear, and Louis' face lit up excitedly. As the two snuck away, Zayn continued singing.

"Under the sea! Under the sea!

When the sardine begin the beguine, it's music to me!

What do they got, a lot of sand? We got a hot crustacean band!

Each little clam here, know how jam here under the sea!

Each little slug here, cutting a rug here under the sea!

Each little snail here, know how to wail here,

That's why it's hotter under the water,

Yeah we in luck here, down in the muck here,

Under the sea!" Zayn finished, looking towards where Louis had been seated. But now there was only an empty seat.

"Louis? Ugh," He groaned, "Somebody needs to nail that boy's fins to the floor."

"Zayn!" A small voice called, causing the crab to turn around. The royal herald swam up to him, panting excessively, "Zayn, King Triton wishes to speak to you."

"Me?" Zayn asked, worriedly.

The herald nodded, "Says it's urgent. Something about Louis."

Zayn gasped, "He knows."


King Triton chuckled, still holding Louis' flower, "Who could the lucky merman be?"

A small cough caused the king to look up and notice Zayn standing, hesitantly, in the entryway of the throne room.

"Uh, come in, Zayn," Triton spoke more sternly.

"Don't overreact," Zayn thought as he came closer, "Stay calm."

As he stood in front of the sea king, his voice squeaked, "Yes?"

He cleared his throat quickly and asked again, "Yes, Your Majesty?"

"Yes, Zayn," Triton calmly directed himself towards the small crab, "I'm concerned about Louis. Have you noticed he's been acting peculiar lately?"

"What?" Zayn acted unaware, "peculiar?"

"Louis moaning about, daydreaming, singing to himself," the sea king listed, then looked down at Zayn suspiciously, "you haven't noticed?"

"Oh, well, I-" Zayn rambled.

"Zayn," King Triton trailed off, causing Zayn to smile at him innocently and swim up to sit on the armrest of the king's throne. "I know you've been keeping something from me."

Zayn gulped, "Keeping something?"

"About Louis?"

Zayn's crabby knees began to buckle, "Louis?"

"In love?" Triton pressed on.

Zayn broke down, clutching the king's beard, "I tried to stop him sir! He wouldn't listen! I told him to to stay away from humans. They are bad, they are trouble, they-"

"Humans?" King Triton repeated, before erupting, "What about humans?!"

Zayn's eyes grew wide in realization as he loosened his grip on the king's beard, "Humans? Who said anything about humans?"

Zayn swam backward, smiling innocently until the sea king yanked him forward.


Small chapter, but it needed to be done. Please leave feedback! I love seeing everyone going crazy over updates! So please, vote/comment/follow?

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