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Camera's POV

After flying for some hours, they decided to land on an island, it took a little time as they set up their tents, then they gathered and sat in circles, asuki and aang helped in setting up the campfire, katara urged zuko to rest as she and Luke took care of making tea and after several failed attempt to making it they later made tea with a similar taste, the tea was shared and everyone sat by the campfire, evening started to end.

"Camping, really seems like old times again" aang said

"yeah really does" zuko replied as he broke the snack and gave half to luke, everyone was slient

Sokka and UB were just concentrated on some papers they held.

"It's alright kid, they'll be fine" toph said

"I hope so" tenzin replied

"Don't worry, my dad's really great with making plans" asuki said as she placed a hand on tenzin shoulder

"I'm sorry guys, but we may need some time to think somethings through" UB said

"We know this was isn't going to be easy, but we don't have time on our side" asuki said as she placed her hands on their shoulders

"I gotta ask, how did you guys even get to the past" zuko broke out the question

"A lady with special powers helped us" asuki replied

"Like magical charm?" Toph asked

"Yeah" tenzin said

"But why did you guys come back" sokka asked

"Umm..., We wanted to..., Visit" asuki said

"Really, if visiting was possible believe me my sister would have done it" sokka said

Katara gave sokka the 'are you kidding me' look

"Actually, it kinda started on his birthday" UB said while looking towards Tenzin

"Um..., It started before that" Luke said as he started talking and gave the points of what happened

"Wow" aang said

"Sorry firelord, but I'm sure sugar queen got it taken care of" toph said to zuko

Zuko was speechless

"Don't worry I know you can do it" Luke said to katara

"But why didn't izumi tell you guys" sokka said

"We weren't around then" asuki said

"Not you guys, I mean her mum and dad" sokka asked

"Actually it's kinda wierd in a good way that she didn't do that" tenzin said

"Why?" Aang asked

"Well on behalf of izumi, I can say mum may not have taken it well" Luke said

"Why?" Katara asked

" can really get over the top when you sense danger upon any of us" Luke said to katara

"I do-" katara was speaking as she got interrupted

"But what if you took things and we were wrong, I know you spent some time moving up ranks to ambassador in the fire nation, but if we were wrong things may go differently" Luke said

"But she would have handled it" zuko said

"Well then we may have a similar problem, to know why and what they plan" Luke said

"The kid's right" toph said

"and don't worry too much, mom's the best" Luke said to zuko

"We know" sokka said

"If I may guys, I need a little rest" Luke said as he got up from where he sat

"Yeah and I also need to go through your leg one more time" katara said as she turned to zuko

"I thought you did that already" Luke said

"It's a last run, it should be fine very soon" katara said as they got zuko up

"I should probably rest too, we'll need all our strength tomorrow, night guys" asuki said as she got up also

"Yeah, what a day" toph said as she got up also

"umm...aang, can we talk" tenzin said to aang

"Sure" aang replied as they went to the shoreside

(Camera pov at shoreside)

"So what do you want to talk about" aang said while stretching

"I need" tenzin said

"What about?" Aang asked

Tenzin brought out the gliders he kept by a rock

"Wow, you had that there since we came" aang asked

"No, not too long ago" tenzin said

"So why did you bring them" aang asked

"I'm, Im not sure I can really fly" tenzin said

"But you did, when we left the temple" aang replied

"Yeah I did, but that was your help" tenzin

"But you did it, like did it ok" aang said

"Yeah I did, but I did it because we weren't on training, it was free, I don't feel I'll get it the way you do" tenzin said

"You don't have to get it the way I do, you are you, you are not me, just do it the way you can, and you're really good" aang said placing a hand on tenzin shoulder

"Thanks" tenzin replied

"Check this out" aang said as he formed an air ball and sat on it and made a small spin

" I can do that" tenzin said as he did so

Aang and Tenzin laughed

" Check this out " tenzin said as he formed the same airball but stood on it in a surfing manner

"Wow, but that's just standing" aang said as he tried to do so, then he fell

" Can't be sure at first" aang said as he sat and laughed, tenzin laughed and sat down also

"You know when me and my brother first tried it you weren't home but mum was, we did it in the garden and mum just laughed as we were trying and falling, we wanted to wait maybe later we'll get it but mum encouraged us and in a matter of some fails my brother got it earlier than I, but mum supported me even though she get confused about Airbending, and I got it" tenzin said

"That's really good" aang said slowly

"Yeah but you fell alot like this when you did it first, but mom assured us that you'll get it quick and actually you did, it was fun" tenzin said

"Like your earthbending story she tells us, like was really hard for you but with 'her' proper help you did, I'll just keep going and I'll be good" tenzin said

"Yeah it really wasn't easy, but it all went good, you know good spirits keeps you up and it's hard atimes but have positive spirit and you'll get it" aang said with a smile

"Yeah positive spirit" tenzin said

"Yeah" aang said looking at his hand

"Now let's do it" tenzin said as they stood up and got the staffs

"Ok" aang said as he opened his glider

"Maybe I'll watch first" tenzin said

"No maybe a gentle nudge" aang said

"Huh" tenzin was confused

"Hold your staff and jump a little" aang said as tenzin did a little jump, and with the right timing aang used earthbending to send tenzin to the air as he followed immediately

"That's cheating" tenzin said

"But you're doing it" Aang said

They flew around laughing

"Am I happy?" aang asked

" Huh" tenzin asked

"In the future, am I that happy?" Aang asked

"I thought I'll always have what I wanted but turns out I didn't" aang said

" I don't know what you mean, but my answer is you are very more than happy" tenzin said

aang gave a smile and was quiet

They Continued flying and after a while they landed and walked to the camp and saw everyone was asleep and they talked a little while before they went to sleep

(Camera's eye pov)

Morning came

Katara and Luke were up practicing a spinning water move, zuko sat on a rock nearby, Luke water then fell and he just stared at it

"You know we don't have to practice this early" Luke said

"Why not?" Katara asked him

"Because it's too early" Luke said

"I don't think there's anything wrong with early" zuko said

"Well because that's your...time" Luke said to zuko

"You're right but we have important things at hand" katara said to luke

Luke sighed

"Cheer up, you can do it luki" katara said

" Fine" Luke said

"Wait a minute... How did you... Who told you" Luke asked katara

Katara gave a little laugh

Zuko smirked

"you know too" luke said to zuko

"You told him" Luke said to katara

"Well since he's your dad, he did have to know sometime" katara said to Luke

"It's alright just give it a rest" zuko said

"I think it's sweet" katara said

"Uhh...I prefer Luke" Luke said

"What ever you say" katara said to him

"I'm sure it was izumi who told you" Luke said to katara

"Yeah, who else" katara said

"Izumi!!!" Luke muttered

"I miss her, i hope she's ok" katara said

"She's ok, she has your strength" Zuko said as katara smiled

"Why don't I go talk to sokka" Zuko said as he left

"I told you, you two will get along, but it was just cool to help" Luke said

Katara put her hands on her waist and smiled

"Good morning guys" aang came and said to them

"Good morning" katara said

"Good morning" Luke said

"Good morning guys" tenzin said came to join them

"Good morning guys" UB said as he came to join them

"I think we need you guys down there, let's go" UB said as they followed him

Sokka was standing not so close to appa and looking at some papers on the ground, with momo who was also going through some papers

Zuko, asuki and Toph were sitting on the floor a gap from sokka

"Good morning appa" aang said to appa, as appa gave a little roar to him

"Good morning appa" tenzin said to appa, as appa gave a little roar to him

Katara and Luke did the same as appa responded the same

"I believe we've met" UB said to appa, appa licked him

UB laughed as he rubbed appa fur and left

UB came and picked up some papers and placed it on a stand and was stroking his chin

"I think there are problems with that" sokka said

"That's what I thought" UB said

As the rest walked in they went they went to sit with those already sitted

"Good Morning guys" aang said

"Good morning" asuki said

"Morning" zuko said

"Morning twinkle toes" toph said

Aang sat down by toph and Tenzin came and sat, toph took the two staffs and placed in on the ground by her and asuki side.

Luke sat in between zuko and asuki, katara sat by zuko

"So have they gotten anything yet" Luke said to asuki as they looked at sokka and UB in a distance

"Nothing really, but there's this one that dad is holding onto, looks like that's the best now" asuki said

"Anything yet?" Katara asked zuko

"Different failed suggestions but I have a feeling that one he's holding onto might be the one" zuko said

"Great" katara said

"But I have a feeling that's not good" zuko said to katara

"I feel we're running out of time, the others won't be ok" tenzin said

"They'll be fine" Aang said

"Lin's just as tough as mum and a little more like dad, ok I think they'll be fine" tenzin said

Aang looked at toph and gave a little laugh

Toph put her hands on her forehead and shook her head sideways with a smile

"Anytime guys" toph shouted to them

Sokka and UB took some papers and came to the group, they sat facing everyone as the others sat in a frontline position

"These are some of our best" UB said

"I'm out of ideas at the time, hope we get something outta here" sokka said

"Ok I'm sure it'll be good"Asuki said

Sokka read out the first plan

"No way" toph said

"I don't think that sounds right" Katara said

"No" zuko said

"No" Luke said

"Maybe...not" aang said

"That's not too bad" tenzin said

"I'm on a no too" asuki said

"It was worth the shot" UB said

Sokka read out the second, which went on a no path

Sokka read out the third

Received a no also

Sokka brought out a couple of other plans with similar low possibilities

"I think we should help" asuki said as she stood up

"Yeah, thanks" UB said

"Okay, so what do we have?" Tenzin said

"So, according to the weird guy we have today to meet them here" sokka said as he pointed to a spot on the map

"An island" asuki said

"So that's where everyone should be, right?" asuki asked

"Not sure" sokka replied

"They talked about making a trade" katara said

"Yes" toph said

"That means they want you guys to surrender so they can release the others?" Luke asked

"Yes, but he said they have to come alone" tenzin said

"They can't just go alone" Luke said

"I guess that's why they took hostages" Aang said

"This sounds weird, how will they know where to find us from there, if they're released" katara said

"I agree" toph said

"But I'm just worried about them" katara said

"We know, we'll think of something" zuko said

"But what if they're not on this island, what if they're here" asuki said as she pointed it on the map

"When suki saved me and got captured, they mentioned something, I really can't remember it but I think it'll be on this town on the shore of the fire nation" asuki said

"We can't risk it, we need you guys to be safe" sokka said

"But we need to find them" Luke said

"What're we going to do now, I have been thinking about still mastering firebending and the comet and firelord" aang said

"I know this will be hard but I feel we should focus on what's at hand now" katara said

"Yeah" UB said

"I think we're running out of time" zuko said

"Why don't you just show us the last plan you got" aang said

"I will, but I don't think...wait where's the scroll" sokka said as he turned to see asuki reading it

Asuki let go of the scroll as it rolled towards katara and UB

"I'm sorry" sokka said as asuki shut her eyes tight and tears dropped from her eyes

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