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Camera's eye POV

On Appa

"Are you doing okay?" Izumi asked Appa from the side

Appa gave out a loud roar

"Guess it's all cool" Toph said

Luke went to sit by katara who was driving Appa

"What happened when we left?" Luke asked

"We had a longer talk" katara replied

"So, what's the current situation?" Luke asked

"They went with sokka's plan" katara said In a low angry tone

" I don't know how izumi & the rest escaped but it worked well for us" Luke said

"But They left already " katara replied

"Can we find them?" Luke asked

"I don't know " katara replied

"I mean I don't know why that plan sounded right to them, what were they thinking?" Katara Added

"Probably a lot of things " Luke said

"I'm just so short of words now" katara said

"We'll find them, I just know it" Luke said

"They have to had dropped some details right?" Luke asked

"They said we shouldn't come, it's too dangerous " katara said angrly "like some kind of superheroes " she added

"I do understand their point " Luke said

"Don't they know we have a lot of things to handle?" Katara said

"Please calm down, they do have reasons" Luke said

"I know finding out you get kids and living peacefully is really nice but..."Katara said

"They did what they thought best" Luke interrupted

"I'm just really confused " katara said

"Me too" Luke added "like how did they leave?" He asked

"They managed to repair a mini airship" katara

"If that's the case, we just need to get there before them, so we can stop them" Luke said "that is if we know where to find them" he added

"How's she holding up?" Katara asked and turned back to look at Asuki

"Surprising better than I thought" Luke said looking at Asuki sleeping on suki's lap

"And Izumi?" Katara asked

"Turns out she's okay" Luke said turning his gaze to izumi who was patting Appa from the side

"So what's the plan now?" Luke asked

"I'm not sure" katara replied

"What plan?" Izumi asked quickly sitting in between them

"Is it a surprise?" Izumi asked

Luke made a confused face

"That face says ' it's not that, there's something more serious and I don't think you know, how should I explain this' " izumi said

"so what's the issue?" She asked

"Did you just read all that from his face?" Katara asked surprised

"Weird huh " Luke said

"It's a first daughter gift" izumi said with a small laugh

"Still weird" Luke said

Katara laughed

"Like one time, dad wanted to get me a pet, but I found out from his face" izumi said

Katara burst out a loud laugh

"Speaking of Dad, what have the guys been up to" izumi said

"I'm surprised they didn't come to the search party too, they would hv given the bad guys a run for their money" izumi said & laughed

"But I'm sure they'll be glad to see us back " izumi added

"I'm sure they will" katara said

"That didn't sound right" izumi responded

"Is everything ok?" izumi asked

"Actually... it's not" katara said

"What's wrong?" Izumi asked

"There's something you should know" Luke said

Luke explained the sceneiro of what happened to izumi

"You're kidding right?" Izumi asked

"I wish I was" Luke said

"Why?" Izumi asked

"That sounded like it was the best offer then" Luke said

"They should have thought about this" izumi said out

Katara sighed

"You were missing" Luke said

"How did you expect dad to act?" Luke asked

Izumi went quiet for a while

"I understand that, but if anything happens to them, we'll be affected too" izumi said

"The mix up here was really huge" Luke said

"We'll just have to find them" katara said

"Yeah, I know we can" Luke said

"We just gotta plan something out and quick" izumi said

Still on Appa's back

"You did hurt yourself didn't you?" Toph asked Lin

"Huhh...It's something I can handle" Lin said

" Without her I don't know what would have happened to us " suki said to toph

"We owe you one" suki said and turned to lin

"No worries" Lin said

" They've both been asleep" toph said to suki

"Guess it's twin thing" suki said

looking at Asuki and UB

"Still hard to believe I have twins" suki added with a little laugh

"Nothing to Showoff on there" toph said

Lin and suki laughed

"Where does it hurt" UB asked Lin

"Huhh...I thought you were asleep " Lin replied

"I wasn't, I was planning something" UB said

" Always planning, Just like sokka" suki said and laughed

Toph laughed

Lin laughed

"So what are you planning?" Lin asked then coughed a little

"Is that a soft spot Lin?" Suki asked

"It's not" Lin said closing her eyes

"I think it's the pain" UB said

"It's ok, I can handle it" Lin replied him

"So what were you planning?" Lin asked him

"Before I tell you, there something you should know " UB said

"What?" Lin & Suki asked

UB explained the issues

"That's nuts" Lin said

"You can't be serious" suki said to him

"It's as serious as it gets " UB replied

"Sokka " suki said out

"Why?" Lin asked

"In their defense, they didn't have much options to choose from " UB said

"Planning to get themselves killed isn't any better " Lin said

"I know but We were worried about you guys" UB Said

"You were worried about me?" Lin asked

"They were worried about all of us" suki said patting Lin's head

"But that was still a dumb move" toph said

"I agree, so now that everything is ok...we just have to find them " UB said

"How did you guys find yourselves on that island city thingy anyway?" Toph asked

"I honestly don't know " suki said

"It just kinda happened, we woke up there " Lin said

"Well it worked out for good" UB said

"That's a good thing " suki said

"We just have to find them, and get everything back to normal" UB said

"It won't be that easy" izumi said coming back to sit at her former position

"What's the plan now?" Suki asked

"Does anyone have any suggestions?" UB asked

"None that I can think of " izumi said

"I got nothing " suki said

"Don't look at me" toph said

"Let me think" Lin said

"You guys got anything?" UB asked them at the front

"They could be anywhere by now" katara said

"I don't even know where we are going" Luke said

"Where are we going actually?" Toph asked

"Then I got a plan" UB said

"What is it?" Suki asked

"Wait, Where's twinkle toes 2?" Toph asked

"Huhh?" They all said

"Wait, Where's Tenzin?" Lin asked

"I'm surprised you understood that Lin" Suki said

"I speak toph" Lin said

"That's more like it" toph said and punched Lin arm

"I guess he should be-" izumi said

before UB interrupted her

"That's my plan" UB said

"What do you mean?" Izumi asked

"I sent him to follow them" UB said

"Why would you do that?" Katara asked starting to get angry

"I sent him after them not to follow but to spy on them" UB said

"But...That's still dangerous " katara said

"I had a reason, he's good at stealth and was the only person who could follow them without them knowing" UB said

" But this is still dangerous " Lin spoke

"I'm really sorry, but I hope to get us all back to normal as soon as possible so please bear with me until we do so" UB said

"That makes sense, I did not see that coming, it's not like there was a better plan" Luke said

Lin light smacked UB on the head

"It's not your fight alone, it's all of us, so don't weigh yourself down with all our responsibility" Lin said

Suki coughed looking at Lin

"Lin" Suki said

"Yessss" Lin replied

"Lin" izumi said

"Yessss" Lin replied

"That was supposed to be my line, but I'm still in" izumi said laughing

"You guys really think alike " katara said with a smile

"You kids are funny you know that" toph said laughing "so let's go kick some butts" she added

"So what do we do?" Katara asked

"We head to the temple " UB said

15 minutes later, Appa landed at the temple

"Who knew there were shortcuts even on air travels" izumi said

"I got eyes everywhere " Luke replied

Katara laughed as they got down

"You're awake " suki said patting asuki

"I didn't sleep, was just resting " asuki replied

"Huh?" Suki asked

"I heard everything" asuki said

"Ohh" suki said

"Yeah and the fact, that she didn't kick you also proved it" UB said

"You trying to say something bro?" Asuki said with a weird smile

"No I'm good" UB said

Suki laughed

"Let's get down" suki said

They all got down

"Land sweet land" toph said

"Wait, it's been there the whole time?" Luke said

"Yeah, earthbenders like earth you know" Lin replied

"Yeahh, tell him kid" toph said

"But you got married to an Airbender " Luke said

"Leave future me stuffs for future me " toph said

"But you're always like... 'darling do we have to fly?' " asuki said mimicking toph voice

Lin laughed

"Then you're also like... 'fine but you have to hold me' " asuki said still trying to mimick toph voice

Izumi and katara bursted out laughing

"You wanna go in a hole?" Toph asked with an evil smile

"No we're good" asuki replied

Suki bursted out laughing

"Suki" toph said

"Sorry toph, it's just so you" suki said

"Alright I found it" UB shouted from the far end of the temple

They all rushed there

"It's a writing, he used a paper" UB said

"I'm on their tails from a distance, details will be passed with more papers. Head to the next island in the straight direction, 10 minutes from here and pick up the next clue" UB read out the writing

"It's a game?" Suki asked

"The detectives are back" Luke said

Izumi, asuki, Luke and Lin stood while pulling off the dective pose
Asuki pulled UB in

"Fine" UB said as he wore the black cap with a spectacle

"We're ready" UB said

"You kids are funny" toph said laughing

"I'm telling Sokka and Zuko about this" katara said bursting out laughing

"It's written sokka all over it" suki said

"All right guys, let's head out" UB said

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