I woke up by my alarm going off. i got up and went to the bathroom to do my buisness. when i was done i made my way to my closet to chose some clothes. i put on a khaki shirt with a black pair of jeans. i sat on my bed and checked my phone. i saw that there was something up in the groupchat with ma boys.
silly frogs
Hoyoung: joey we have something up for u
Dongheon: yuuuuuup
Gyehyeon: ohhhh
Minchan: thats some dumb shit bro
me: umm k wtf
after reading these weird messages i made my way downstairs to grab my food and put on my shoes. after that i walked to school. when i came there the boys where already there. arron has a letter in his hand i wonder what it is, but i guess i'll find out.
"hey ma doods wassup?" i greeted them. "sup min, so here is what we meant" hoyoung said showing me a paper with some names from a few girls in our grade. we're sophomores if u where asking so we're all about 15-16 so we know most of the girls in our grade. "what's up with that (hit u all day but u never...)?" i asked looking up from the paper.
"when u hook up with all these girls on the list before the year ends u get all of our ever saved money" yongseung said smirking. "sure why not" i told them. u may now think this like one of these typical "the list" or "the dare" stories. nope this is real life. but yes, yes i think u could say that i'm a fuck boy well at least is that she what thinks.
"Min" "kangmin" "Yoonbin kangmin" the boys almost shouted snapping out of my thoughts. "sorry i've must have zoned out." i told the guys. "so anyway why these girls?" i asked looking back at the list.
"because these are the hardest ones to get" dongheon said in duh tone flipping his non-existing long hair. "well i gotta do what i gotta do" i said making my way into the school.
when i walked in i felt so many eyes on me. bc like hello i'm YOO KAMGMIN and i'm hot af. i walked to the office to get my new shedule and then i waited for the boys to check if we have any same classes. when they all came up one after another we checked up.
" aw man i don't have any classes with any of you" i pouted. "yeah" they all said in unision. "wow, pal telepathy" i said highfiveing them. "well we gotta go" i sad starting to walk to my first period wich is math. i walked in and sat next to saeil. "hey sae" i greeted her. "hey min" she smiled .
7 months later
wow that wasn't easy. now it's just Haneul left. she's gonna be the hardest. i have 3 months left. (i acually don't know how many moths a school year has so just go with it)
I really love verivery. I'll be missing their debut :( anyway I'm not saying kangmin is a fuck boy it's just for the sake of this story. He's a lil bun that needs to be protected all cost.
i really hope u like the new story so tell me what you think abt it and don't forget to vote so i can see if u want more
have a great day
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