Can you feel the love tonight?

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(Y/n), Timon, and Pumbaa lie on their backs in the grass. "I'm stuffed." (Y/n) said. "Me too. I ate like a pig." Pumbaa said. "Pumbaa, you are a pig." (Y/n) said. "Oh. Right." He said. The trio sigh contentedly. "Timon?" Pumbaa asked. "Yeah?" Timon asked. "Ever wonder what those sparkling dots are up there?" Pumbaa asked. "Pumbaa, I don't wonder. I know." Timon said. "Oh? What are they?" Pumbaa asked. "They're fireflies. Fireflies that, uh," Timon gestures vaguely. "Got stuck up in that big bluish-black thing." He said. "It's called the sky, Timon." (Y/n) said. "Oh." He said. "Guess you didn't know after all." Timon turns and sends her a playful glare. "Ha ha. Very funny, (Y/n)." He said. "Oh, gee. I always thought they were balls of gas burning billions of miles away." Pumbaa said. "Pumbaa, with you, everything's gas." Timon said, and (Y/n) chuckled. "True." She agreed. "(Y/n), what do you think?" Timon asked. "Well, I don't know." She said. "Oh, come on." Pumbaa said. "Well, come on, (Y/n)." Timon said. "Give, give, give, give." Pumbaa said. "Come on." Timon said. "We told you ours. Please?" Pumbaa asked.

"Yeah, and you made fun of it. So now you have to." Timon crossed his arms. (Y/n) sighs and chuckles a bit. "Okay, okay. Well, somebody once told me that the Great Queens of the Past are up there, watching over us." She said. "Really?" Pumbaa asked. "You mean a bunch of royal dead girls are watching us? Pfft!" Timon starts cracking up. His friend laughs too, and (Y/n) laughs halfheartedly. "Who told you something like that?" Timon asked. "Yeah, yeah..." (Y/n) said. "What mook made that up?" Timon asked. "Yeah. Pretty dumb, huh?" (Y/n) asked. "Oh, you're killing me, (Y/n)." Timon said. "Yeah..." she said. (Y/n) stares up at the stars, downcast. "Oh." After a moment, (Y/n) gets up and leaves. Timon looks at Pumbaa in confusion. "Was it something I said?" He asked. (Y/n) walks to a ledge, her head drooped. She looks up at the stars, then collapses, sending a shower of milkweed floss into the air and sighs. The milkweed floss being carried on the wind. It drifts over Rafiki's tree. Rafiki catches some in his hand and sniffs it experimentally. "Hmm." Rafiki climbs down into the branches of his tree. He sits and puts the milkweed floss into an empty turtle shell. He shakes the shell and hums. Rafiki grabs a gourd that is hanging in his tree, breaks it in two, and munches on one half. "Hmm." Rafiki ducks down toward the milkweed floss. "(Y/n)?" Rafiki looks at the smeared painting of (Y/n). She's... she's alive? S- she's alive!" Rafiki bounds across the tree and laughs. 

Rafiki grabs his staff. He races toward the painting and dips his fingers in paint and laughs. Rafiki draws a grown up version of (Y/n). "It is time." Back in the jungle. Timon and Pumbaa stride through the foliage, dancing. "A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-wimoweh." Pumbaa sung. " In the jungle, the mighty jungle... " Timon sung. "A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh." Pumbaa sung in the background. "The lion sleeps tonight! In the jungle, the mighty jungle... A beetle lands in front of Pumbaa and walks off into the foliage. Pumbaa stops singing and pursues it. "The lion sleeps to... I can't hear you, buddy. Back me up!" Timon poses. "A-wiii! A-Pumbaa-bum-baa-weh." Timon notices Pumbaa is gone and looks around. "Pumbaa? Pumbaa?" He asked. Pumbaa hums "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" while he stalks the beetle. It flits away. "Huh?" The beetle lands on a nearby log. Pumbaa drops into a hunter's crouch and attempts to sneak up on it. The beetle turns around hastily, and Pumbaa hides behind a tree. The beetle turns back around and climbs over the log. Pumbaa licks his chops and follows. There is a sound behind him, which causes him to glance over one shoulder. "Timon?" Behind him, there is a seemingly empty field. Pumbaa shrugs and climbs over the log with a grunt. Pumbaa stares at the beetle. Behind the beetle, Simba crouches in the field. The beetle flies away, and Simba wriggles his haunches in anticipation of a hunt and growls, and Pumbaa screams. Simba breaks into a run and snarls.

Pumbaa stumbles away in terror and pants. Pumbaa turns and races away, with Simba in hot pursuit. He chases him into the jungle and roars. "Pumbaa?" Timon asked. Simba chases Pumbaa around the jungle. Timon races to Pumbaa's aid. "Pumbaa! Pumbaa! Pumbaa! Pumbaa!" Pumbaa attempts to squeeze under a tree root but gets stuck. Timon skids to a halt in front of him. "Hey, what's going on?" He asked. "He's gonna eat me!" Pumbaa shouted. Timon climbs on top of the tree root. "Huh?" Simba charges toward Pumbaa. "Whoa!" Timon jumps down and pushes on Pumbaa's rump in an attempt to free him. "Jeez, why do I always have to save your..." Timon turns and stares at Simba in terror and screams. (Y/n) jumps over the log, attacking Simba and roars. (Y/n) and Simba fight each other. From on top of the tree root, Timon pats Pumbaa's rump reassuringly. "Don't worry, buddy, I'm here for you. Everything's gonna be okay." He said. Pumbaa looks anxiously over one shoulder. "Huh?" Timon watches (Y/n) and Simba fight. "Get him! Bite his head! Go for the jugular! The jugular!" Timon approaches Pumbaa and points over his shoulder at (Y/n). "See? I told you she'd come in handy." He said. (Y/n) and Simba roll through the foliage and roar. 

(Y/n) pins Simba, who looks up in sudden recognition. She glares down at him and growls. "(Y/n)?" He suddenly asked. (Y/n) stops growling and lets Simba up. Simba approaches her "Is it really you?" He asked. "Who are you?" (Y/n) asked. "It's me, Simba." Simba said. "Simba?" Simba nods excitedly. (Y/n)'s face breaks into a grin. "Whoa!" "Whoa!" Simba said. Simba and (Y/n) nuzzle and bound around one another joyously. "How did you...?" Simba asked. "But how did you...?" (Y/n) asked. A confused Timon watches with his mouth wide open. "Who...? Wow!" (Y/n) said. "Where did you come from?" (Y/n) asked. "This is gr... It's great to see you!" (Y/n) said. "It's great to see you!" Simba said. Timon jumps off the tree root and walks toward Simba and (Y/n). "Hey, what's goin' on here?" He asked. "What are you doing here?" (Y/n) asked. "What do you mean what am I doing here? What are you doing here?" Simba asked. Timon stands in-between Simba and (Y/n). "Hey! What's goin' on here?!" He asked. (Y/n) looks down at Timon, as if noticing him for the first time. "Timon, this is Simba. He's my best friend." She said. Timon puts his hands on his hips. "Friend?" He asked skeptically. "Yeah." (Y/n) looks over one shoulder at Pumbaa. "Hey, Pumbaa, come over here!" She shouted. Pumbaa wriggles out from under the tree root. He looks over one shoulder at (Y/n). "Huh?" He asked.

"Simba, this is Pumbaa." Pumbaa approaches (Y/n), Simba, and Timon. "Pumbaa. Simba." (Y/n) said. "Pleased to make your acquaintance." Pumbaa said. "The pleasure's all mine." Simba said. "How do you do?" Timon's tone becomes more aggressive. He holds out his arms on either side. "Whoa, whoa! Timeout." Timon makes the sports gesture for timeout. "Let me get this straight." Timon puts a hand to his forehead in exasperation. "You know him. He knows you. But he wants to eat him. And everybody's okay with this?" Timon jumps into the air. "Did I miss something?!" He starts panting. (Y/n) ducks down to Timon's level. "Relax, Timon." She said softly. "Wait till everyone," (Y/n) lifts her head to meet Simba's gaze. "Finds out you've been here all this time. And your father... What will he think?" He asked. "H- he doesn't have to know. Nobody has to." (Y/n) said. "What? What are you talking about? Of course they do. Everyone thinks you're dead." Simba said. "They do?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah. Scar told us about the stampede." Simba said, and (Y/n) looks away. "She did? What else did she tell you?" She asked, but Simba shook his head. "None of that matters. You're alive. 

And that're the queen." Simba said, and (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "Queen?" Timon asked. "Pfft!" Timon approaches Simba and (Y/n). "Mister, have you got your lions crossed." Timon leans on one of (Y/n)'s paws. Simba ducks down to Timon's level. "Queen? Your Majesty!" Pumbaa bows to (Y/n). "I gravel at your feet." Pumbaa aggressively kisses one of (Y/n)'s paws. Disgusted, she pulls her paw away. "Stop it." She snapped. Timon approaches Pumbaa. "It's not "gravel." It's "grovel." And don't!" Timon whacks Pumbaa's snout. "She's not the queen." Timon glances over one shoulder at (Y/n). "Are ya?" He asked. "No!" (Y/n) said hastily. "(Y/n)!" Simba scolded. "No, I'm not the queen!" (Y/n) stands up. "Maybe I was gonna be," (Y/n) strides away. "But that was a long time ago." She said. Timon puts his hands on his hips. "Let me get this straight. You're the queen? And you never told us?" He asked. (Y/n) turns around and strides toward Timon. "Look, I'm still the same girl." She said. Timon pumps a fist into the air. "But with power!" He declared. Simba ducks down to Timon's level. He smiles patiently. "Could you guys excuse us for a few minutes?" He asked. "Hey, whatever he has to say, he can say in front of us." Timon nudges Pumbaa's snout. "Right, (Y/n)?" Timon asked.

"Mmm. Maybe you'd better go." She said. Timon stares at her in consternation. He holds up his arms in surrender. "It starts. You think you know a girl." Timon and Pumbaa slink away uncertainly. Pumbaa looks over one shoulder at (Y/n) and groans. "Timon and Pumbaa. You learn to love 'em." Simba walks away with his head bowed. "What?" (Y/n) follows him. "What's wrong?" She asked. "It's like you're back from the dead." Simba looks at (Y/n). "You don't know how much this will mean to everyone." Simba looks away. "What it means to me." He said. "Hey, it's okay." (Y/n) said softly. Simba nuzzles (Y/n). "I've really missed you." He said. "I've missed you too." (Y/n) said. She nuzzles him back and the two purr. From the foliage, Timon and Pumbaa watch (Y/n) and Simba nuzzle. Timon snorts. "I tell you, Pumbaa. 

This stinks." He said. Timon swats a leaf out of his face. He grumpily rests his elbows on a nearby log. Pumbaa emerges from behind a leaf as well. "Oh, sorry." Pumbaa said. "Not you." Timon gestures to (Y/n) and Simba. "Them!" Simba and (Y/n) stride off into the jungle. "Her. Him," Timon clasps his hands sarcastically. "Alone." He said. "What's wrong with that?" Pumbaa asked. Timon crosses his arms. "I can see what's happening." Timon sung. "What?" Pumbaa asked. "And they don't have a clue!" Timon continued. "Who?" Pumbaa asked. "They'll fall in love, and here's the bottom line: Our trio's down to two." Timon holds up two fingers. "Oh." Pumbaa said. "Ze sweet caress of twilight." Timon gestures dramatically. He climbs onto Pumbaa's cheek. "There's magic everywhere." Timon climbs into Pumbaa's mane. He slides down Pumbaa's snout. "And with all this romantic atmosphere." Timon leans on one elbow grumpily. "Disaster's in the air!" Timon gestures after Simba and (Y/n). Pumbaa follows his gaze. Meanwhile, Simba and (Y/n) climb down a ridge. A waterfall flows nearby.

"Can you feel the love tonight?" (Y/n) and Simba pause, exchanging loving glances. "The peace the evening brings" (Y/n) and Simba walk underneath the waterfall. They continually pause and gaze at one another. "The world for once in perfect harmony with all its living things. Simba and (Y/n) pause to drink from a pool. "So many things to tell him, but how to make him see." Simba pauses and looks up at (Y/n), smiling. "The truth about my past?" Simba resumes drinking. (Y/n) stops drinking and looks away in shame. "Impossible. He'd turn away from me." "She's holding back. She's hiding." Simba stops drinking and looks up. "But what? I can't decide." (Y/n) grins cheekily at Simba and bounds past him. "Why won't she be the queen I know she is?" Simba looks after (Y/n) questioningly. 

"The queen I see inside?" (Y/n) swings in on a vine and falls into the pool. "Can you feel the love tonight?" Simba peers out over the pool. (Y/n) emerges from underwater, grabs Simba, and pulls him in with her. After a moment, Simba emerges from underwater and gasps. Simba swims back to shore and clambers out of the pool, looking rattled. "The peace the evening brings." (Y/n), soaking wet, approaches Simba and grins. He smiles, then shoves her backward into the pool. "The world for once" Simba and (Y/n) run through an open field, causing birds to erupt into the sky. In perfect harmony." (Y/n) and Simba jump onto their hind legs, playfighting. "With all its living things." Simba and (Y/n) tumble down a hill and land in grass. "Can you feel the love tonight?" Simba licks (Y/n)'s cheek. She stares at him, shocked. "You needn't look too far." Simba stares at (Y/n). "Stealing through" (Y/n) smiles down at Simba. "The night's uncertainties." Simba and (Y/n) nuzzle. "Love is where they are."

"And if she falls in love tonight..." Timon said with tears in his eyes and Pumbaa sniffles. "It can be assumed..." Timon hugs Pumbaa, who pats him consolingly. "Her carefree days with us," Pumbaa's voice breaks. "Are history." "In short, our pal" Timon and Pumbaa each raise an arm. "Is doomed!" Timon and Pumbaa stare at each other, with tears in their eyes as they sob. (Y/n) and Simba cross a log in the jungle. "Isn't this a great place?" (Y/n) asked. "It's beautiful." Simba said. "But I don't understand something. You've been alive all this time. Why didn't you come back to Pride Rock?" Simba asked. "Well, I just needed to. Get out on my own. (Y/n) rests her paws on a series of hanging vines. She hops into the vines and lounges in them, as if they're a swing. "Live my own life. And I did, and it's great!" She said. "We've really needed you at home." Simba said. "No one needs me." (Y/n) said. "Yes, we do. You're the queen." Simba pushed. "Simba, we've been through this. I'm not the queen. Scar is." (Y/n) said. "(Y/n)." Simba rests his paws on the vines. "She let the hyenas take over the Pride Lands." He said. (Y/n) was shocked by this. "What?" She asked. "Everything's destroyed. There's no food, no water." Simba hops back down to the ground. 

"(Y/n), if you don't do something soon, everyone will starve." He said, rising his voice. (Y/n) flops in the vines. "I can't go back." She said. "Why?" Simba demanded. (Y/n) hops back down to the ground and strides away. "You wouldn't understand." She said. "What wouldn't I understand?" Sismba asked, getting defensive. (Y/n) pauses and looks over one shoulder at Simba. "No, no, no. It doesn't matter. Hakuna matata." She said. Simba tilts his head in confusion. "What?" He asked. "Hakuna matata. It's something I learned out here." (Y/n) walks past Simba. "Look, sometimes, bad things happen..." she began. "(Y/n)!" Simba shouted. 

"And there's nothing you can do about it." (Y/n) strides away. "So why worry?" She asked. Simba hops off the log and pursues her. "Because it's your responsibility!" He shouted. (Y/n) glares down at Simba. "Well, what about you? You left?" She snapped. "I left to find help! And I found you. Don't you understand? You're our only hope." Simba said passionately. "Sorry." (Y/n) said quietly. "What's happened to you? You're not the (Y/n) I remember." Simba said. "You're right. I'm not. Now are you satisfied?" (Y/n) snapped, getting irritated. "No. Just disappointed." Simba said. "You know, you're starting to sound like my mother." (Y/n) said. She jumps off the log and strides away. Simba turns to watch her leave. "Good. At least one of us does." He said. (Y/n)'s eyes widened and she gasps. Her expression turns to rage and she flips around.

"Listen, mister! You think you can just show up and tell me how to live my life? You don't even know what I've been through." She growled. She turns and stalks off into the jungle. "I would if you'd just tell me." Simba said, getting desperate. "Forget it!" (Y/n) said, without turning around. "Fine!" Simba shouted, before turning away furiously. (Y/n) stalks into an empty field and begins pacing back and forth. "He's wrong. I can't go back. What would it prove anyway? It won't change anything. You can't change the past."

 (Y/n) pauses and looks up at the night sky. "You said you'd always be there for me! But you're not." (Y/n) ducks her head sorrowfully. "And it's because of me. It's my fault. It's my fault." She begins to sob. "Sante sana, squash banana, we we nugu, imi mi apana." (Y/n) glances up in irritation to where Rafiki is dancing in the trees. "Asante sana, squash banana, we we nugu, imi mi apana. Asante sana, squash banana, we we nugu, imi mi apana." (Y/n) leaves. Rafiki swings onto a closer branch. Rafiki watches (Y/n) depart. She crosses a log and sits, staring down at her reflection in the water. She lies down and keeps staring and sighs. Suddenly, a rock disturbs the water. (Y/n) looks up in irritation. "Asante sana, squash banana," Rafiki hangs from a vine on a nearby tree.

"We we nugu, imi mi apana." Rafiki flips over. "Ooh!" "Come on. Will you cut that out?" (Y/n) asked. Rafiki drops from the tree. (Y/n) turns to leave. "Can't cut it out. It'll grow right back!" Rafiki laughs. "Creepy little monkey." Rafiki catches up with (Y/n) and hobbles alongside her. "Will you stop following me?" (Y/n) halts. "Who are you?" She demanded. "The question is," Rafiki leans in close. "Who are you?" He asked. (Y/n) stares, mouth wide open. She bows her head. "I thought I knew." (Y/n) looks away. "Now I'm not so sure." "Well, I know who you are." Rafiki grabs (Y/n)'s ear and tugs her closer. "Shhh. Come here. It's a secret." (Y/n) leans in close. "Asante sana, squash banana." Rafiki dances away from her. "We we nugu, imi mi apana!" He sung and (Y/n) rolls her eyes. "Ugh! Enough already!" She looks over one shoulder at Rafiki. "What is that supposed to mean anyway?" She asked. Rafiki pauses and points at her. "It means you're a baboon." Rafiki gestures to himself. And I'm not." Rafiki leans on his staff and laughs. (Y/n) walks off in the opposite direction. "I think you're a little confused." She said. Rafiki materializes in front of her and jabs her in the nose. 

"Wrong! I'm not the one who's confused. You don't even know who you are." He said, and (Y/n) stalks off angrily. "Oh, and I suppose you know." She said sarcastically. "Sure do. You're (M/n)'s girl." He said. (Y/n) stops, her mouth wide open in shock. She looks back at Rafiki. "Bye." He said. Rafiki runs away, and (Y/n) chases after him. "Hey, wait!" (Y/n) runs through the field, over the log, and to the edge of the jungle. Rafiki sits cross-legged on a rock, eyes closed, meditating. (Y//n) pants as she catches up. "You knew my mother?" She asked. "Correction: I know your mother." He said, without opening his eyes, 

and (Y/n) bows her head mournfully. "I hate to tell you this," (Y/n) said, and Rafiki opens his eyes. "But she died...a long time ago." She said. Rafiki lifts a hand. "Nope! Wrong again." Rafiki darts away from (Y/n), who stares at him in confusion. "Ha, ha, ha!" Rafiki cavorts to the edge of the jungle, then turns back to face her and gestures dramatically. "She's alive! And I'll show her to you." Rafiki waves (Y/n) forward. "You follow old Rafiki. He knows the way. Come on!" (Y/n) follows Rafiki to the edge of the jungle. She looks hesitantly over one shoulder, then enters. She crawls under and over dark, twisting foliage. "Don't dawdle." From a tree, Rafiki waves her forward. "Hurry up!" Rafiki races away, and (Y/n) scrambles to follow him.

"Hey, whoa, wait, wait!" She shouted, and Rafiki pauses. "Come on. Come on!" Rafiki takes off again. (Y/n) tears after him. Rafiki runs through the branches of trees over (Y/n)'s head. "Asante sana, squash banana, we we nugu, imi mi apana!" Rafiki sung. "Would you slow down?" (Y/n) slips and slides down a ridge. She hastily gets back up and keeps running. Rafiki's voice echoes. (Y/n)

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