You woke up and saw Ahsoka's face close to yours. You kissed her on the forehead and whispered into her ear.
"Wake up Ahsoka."
Her beautiful blue eyes opened sleepily, and she groaned. "Urrgghh. I hate mornings."
"I know. Me too." You told her.
"What do we have to do today?" She asked me hopefully.
"Well we can definitely stay in bed all day." You said to her sarcastically.
She hit you with her pillow.
"Ow! Why'd you do that?" You asked her.
"You know why." She glared at you mischievously.
Your door opened to reveal Fives poking his head into the room.
"Hey sirs! Sleep well?" He said, laughing.
"Hey Fives." You responded. "What have we got to do today?"
"General Skywalker requested you and Ahsoka's presence at the main building sir."
"Do you and Echo want to join us, Fives?" Ahsoka asked him.
"Well, why not. I'll get him up now." Fives winked. "He'll be a bit grumpy, but when is he not?"
Fives exited the room, leaving you with Ahsoka.
"You should probably go and get dressed, Soka." You said to her, looking at her amazing body.
She put her hands on her hips, and looked at you with one eyebrow raised. "Soka?" She asked.
"I'm sorry, I just thought.." She interrupted you. "No, it's ok. I like it." She said to you before kissing you.
"I'll go and get dressed." She left your room.
You thought it would be best to get dressed as well, so you got your robes on and clipped your lightsabers to your belt.
You walked out of your room to see Fives still trying to wake Echo. They were the only clones in the building.
"Where's everyone else, Fives?" You asked him, confused.
"They all woke up when they were meant to, and they've gone to the cafeteria now, but this lazy piece of karrabast can't be bothered to get up." He told you before continuing to try and wake Echo.
You knocked on Ahsoka's door.
"Nearly ready, (y/n)!" She shouted out to you.
"Don't worry Ahsoka, we still haven't got Echo up yet." You replied.
You looked back over to Fives, and saw that he was now hitting Echo with a pillow.
"Echo!" He shouted at him, still going with the pillow. "Get your lazy ass up!"
Echo groaned and rolled over.
"No." He mumbled from under his pillow.
Fives looked very annoyed now. Without speaking any more, he just flipped Echo off the bed.
"Ow! You could have just asked nicely Fives!" He said, annoyed.
Ahsoka came out of her room, and you looked at her, stunned.
She had swapped her normal outfit for a beautiful blue dress that matched her eyes.
"Why the change of outfit?" You quizzed her.
"I went for something more formal for meeting with my old master." She informed you.
"Very sensible." You commented.
Echo was staring at Ahsoka.
"Echo! Stop staring at her!" Fives whispered into his ear.
"Relax, Fives. You're the only one for me." Echo said back to him.
Fives glared at him, and pointedly gestured at us.
"Fives. Calm down. They aren't going to say anything. They aren't hypocrites."
"Fives!" Ahsoka looked hurt.
"I didn't say anything!" He protested.
"He's right." Echo said. "I figured it out from the way (y/n) was looking at Ahsoka."
"Was it that obvious?" I asked, feeling worried.
"Well, that and the fact that I saw Ahsoka leave your room." He admitted.
"But you were asleep!" Fives told him, confused.
"Yeah. Asleep.." Echo said. "Definitely not messing with you."
Fives just slapped his arm.
"Well, let's go and meet Anakin." You said cheerfully.
"Yeah, before Fives kills Echo." Ahsoka laughed.
"Hey!" Fives protested. "I won't kill him."
"Really." Echo said sarcastically.
Fives rolled his eyes, then put on his helmet with Echo. Then you all started walking to the main building.
Anakin POV
I was waiting for (y/n) and Ahsoka to turn up. Rex was extremely happy to see Ahsoka again, as was I.
The door to the building opened, and Ahsoka, (y/n) and two ARC troopers entered the large room.
"Fives? Echo? Boys!" Rex shouted, pulling the ARC troopers into an embrace.
They had been in the 501st, but they swapped to the 332nd to give Ahsoka some familiar faces.
"Rex!" Ahsoka exclaimed happily, pulling him into a hug when he released the ARC troopers.
I saw (y/n) raise his eyebrow at this, and thought it was a bit weird, but then he saw me looking at him and came over to me.
"Hey Anakin." He said to me.
"Hey (y/n). How are you?" I asked him.
"I'm great. How is Padmè?" He whispered mischievously into my ear.
"How..?" I said stunned, before I remembered that he had that weird ability that let him know things, like an insight into other people's minds.
"Actually, can I talk to you about that?" I asked (y/n), making him look worried.
"Of course Anakin." He said to me.
You and Anakin went into a side room, leaving everyone else to their reunion.
"So Anakin, what do you need to talk about?" You asked him gently.
"Padmè is pregnant... with my baby." He said to you, head hanging is shame.
"Anakin, that's great!" You shouted.
He pulled his head up in surprise, and couldn't help looking happy. "What?" He said, confused and happy at my reaction.
"It's great! You going to have a kid!" I excitedly told him.
"I know!" He was getting exited now.
"What are you going to call him or her?" I asked him, calmer now.
"I was thinking that Luke would be a good name for a boy, and Leia for a girl." He admitted to you.
"It's perfect." You said.
Time skip to the evening
You and everyone else had just spent the whole day catching up, and you were wiped out.
You walked back to your barracks with your arm around Ahsoka, her head resting on your shoulder.
When you got back to the barracks, you went into Ahsoka's room for a change.
She caught you in an embrace after you closed the door, kissing you softly on the lips. She only stopped to slip your robes down to your waist. Still kissing you, she pushed you back until you fell onto you back on the bed, her sitting on your chest.
She leant down to your neck and started kissing it, nibbling gently every so often, which caused a moan of delight to erupt from your mouth.
Just as she started curling your hair around her fingers, and becoming more passionate in her search for satisfaction, the door of her room burst open and Anakin came in, probably looking for Ahsoka.
He saw you and her on the bed, and just stared.
It's getting really exiting now! What will Anakin think of it? Will he be really protective, or will he just be fine with it?
Even I don't know yet! See you all for the next chapter!
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