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"When can I see him?" You asked softly to the medic standing outside the door of the medbay.

"He's still recovering, but it should be soon." Kix replied.

"Call me as soon as I can." You ordered the clone.

"Yes (y/n). I will. And don't worry." Kix reassured sadly.

You nodded, and went to meet Ahsoka and Natalie in welcoming the Skywalker to the ship.

"There's the spaceship, mummy!" Natalie shouted, jumping up and down and clutching Ahsoka's hand.

"Yes, that's it sweetie." Ahsoka smiled at the smaller togruta.

"Ready for your mission, honey?" You walked in and tickled Natalie's sides until she giggled.

"Yes daddy." She rolled her eyes, still giggling.

"Shuttle's coming in." Jesse shouted over the intercom.

The blue-grey shuttle pulled in to the hangar of the bigger ship. When it landed, the ramp at the back extended down and down walked the Skywalkers, along with Bail Organa.

"Uncle Anakin!" Natalie squealed, running at Anakin.

"Whoa!" He laughed as the girl jumped at him. "Who are you, little one?"

Ahsoka glared at you. "You didn't tell him?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise." You smiled, watching your girl and Anakin.

"Ahsoka!" Padmè ran over to Ahsoka and wrapped her in a large hug.

"Hey Padmè." Ahsoka hugged her back.

"Anakin!" You called the older man over.

He walked over with Natalie clutching his shoulders from his back.

"So, who's the girl? She can't be Ahsoka's, you've been gone only a couple of days." He laughed.

You punched his arm. "We found her just before we met my sister. A day later, we adopted her."

He looked shocked. "That's a surprise."

"Good! That was the idea of not telling you." You were happy that he looked ok with it.

"(y/n), I presume?" Bail came up behind Anakin.

"Bail Organa. It is a privilege to meet you." Bail had been one of your idols while you were on Courascant.

"The same for me." He warmly shook your hand.

"Jesse?" Anakin yelled at the clone who had just walked in. He drew his lightsaber.

"Whoa, calm down general Skywalker!" He stepped backwards, dropping the data pad he was carrying.

"Anakin! It's ok!" Ahsoka ran over to him to calm him down. "Jesse didn't turn."

"I find that hard to believe!" Anakin bellowed, but lowered his saber anyway.

"We had six clones on the ship, but only three turned." Ahsoka explained. "Echo, Fives and... Rex turned. They're all in the brig now."

Anakin looked sad when she said Rex, but Padmè jumped in to explain what happened to them. "Ani was with the Jedi council when it happened."

"They... killed us all." He started. "At the council, we were looking at the new younglings when the clones suddenly started shooting them and us. Then Mace Windu drew his saber and started killing the Jedi. He... he killed Obi Wan!"

Anakin started sobbing and Padmè came over to comfort him.

"So what do we do now?" Bail questioned.

"Settle on a planet." You said without hesitation. "Lothal, to be specific."

Ahsoka looked at you, confuzed. You gave her a I'll explain later look and she accepted that.

"Then let's go!" Jesse clapped his hands and walked off to the cockpit.

You walked over to Anakin and Padmè. "Hey Padmè." You whispered. "Want me to show you to a room?"

She nodded appreciatively, and pulled the distraught Anakin with her. You led her down a smaller hallway to a large room with a fresher.

"Take all the time you need." You told her, hand on her shoulder.

She smiled. "Thanks (y/n)."

You nodded and left in search of Ahsoka and your daughter.

"Uhh... (y/n)? Need you up in the cockpit!" Jesse shouted through your comlink.

"Coming, Jesse!" You shouted back and charged of down to the cockpit.

"There, (y/n)." Jesse was pointing a shaking finger to a ship in the distance.

"Those are." Your eyes widened when you saw the markings on the side of the hammerhead corvette. "Slaver markings.

"They got us in a tractor beam as well." Jesse was reading off of the dials on the control panel.

"Fuck." You said quietly. "Fuck!" You got louder when you realised they would take Ahsoka and Natalie and all your family on the ship. "FUCK!!"

Reaching for the intercom microphone, you shouted to all of the people on the ship. "Everyone, get to the shuttle in the hangar right now!"

"The plan, sir?" Jesse inquired.

"First, Jesse, you can call me (y/n) or even brother. Second, I'm evacuating everyone apart from me."

"I'm staying." He said defiantly.

"I'm not even going to try and stop you." You laughed.

He laughed with you, and then you set off to the hanger to help with the evacuation.

"Ahsoka!" You called her over in the hangar. She was holding Natalie in her arms.

"What's happening (y/n)?" She said fearfully.

"Don't panic." You warned her. "Slaver ship got us. Go to Lothal with everyone. I will meet you there. Remember Fulcrum."

Her eyes widened. "Fulcrum. Got it."

You pulled her into a long and soulful kiss.

Then you turned to Natalie.

"Goodbye sweetheart. I will see you soon." You sadly said to her.

She had tears in her eyes. "Goodbye, daddy."

"Now go!" You bellowed, pointing to the shuttle where all the clones apart from Jesse were. You watched Anakin get on with Padmè and you knew it would work out somehow.

"Go!" You shouted louder, tears in your eyes.

Ahsoka got onto the shuttle, and a single tear fell from her eye. "Goodbye, my love."

You and Jesse watched the shuttle pull away from the doomed ship and jump into hyperspace.

You pulled Jesse into a hug. "We'll be ok, Jesse."

The ship shuddered as it docked with the corvette.

"Thank god they took all of the armour and gear." Jesse shuddered at the thought of being found with the lightsabers, clone and mando armour.

"Good luck, Jesse."

A small army of humans, surprisingly, ran into the ship and pointed their blasters at you.

"Hands up, scum!" The leader, you guessed, shouted.

You and Jesse complied with the order.

"Hallo, sir. There must be a mistake. We are just humble traders." You used a fake accent.

"Ya. What did we do wrong?" Jesse followed your lead.

"You are now slaves." An elegant, female voice rang through the hangar. The owner of the voice was a zygerrian with a crown.

"Get them aboard our ship, then detach and destroy this trash." She ordered the leader of the boarding party.

On their ship, you and Jesse were forced into handcuffs and lined up in front of the zygerrian from before.

"I am queen Zeltaradd of the zygerrian slave empire." She announced proudly.

"Wow, a whole empire on one tiny corvette. Impressive shrinking technology queen!" Your voice dripped with sarcasm.

She walked over and stood in front of you. "You should thank god that you are pretty, or..."

You cut her off. "I wish I could say the same about you." Jesse laughed next to you.

She slapped you across the face, a blow that left you reeling. You fell to the floor, dazed. The slavers laughed at you and kicked you.

After regaining some of your strength, you stood back up, slipped out of your handcuffs and slapped her across the face, hard.

"Take that, you fucking furry eared bitch!" You screamed down at her.

"You will have to be given the best slave training we have." She muttered to herself. Then she pulled a small knife out of a pocket on one of her trouser legs and stabbed you in the stomach.

She leaned over you as you fell on the floor. "Please, no more!" You shouted. She thought she had broke you, but you went on. "I can't stand to see that face any more!"

Her look of pride turned to horror, and the last thing you saw before blacking out was a large boot sole.

Well I enjoyed writing that chapter. Laughed so hard on the slavers bit 🤣🤣Also I have future plans to include some star wars rebels, maybe even a second book about it.

Lastly, exactly 699 reads on the book. Seriously, thank you all. Even if you only read a chapter, it really helps.


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