A Party Part 2

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Before I start I would like to thank Roque6 for commenting and voting, generally reminding me that this existed. Really sorry I've been shit at updating.

Three hours later

You looked around at the party in front of you. Everyone had arrived within the hour, so the party properly began.

Anakin and Rex were seeing who could do the most shots. Anakin was obviously winning.

Kix was babysitting Luke and Leia while Padmè helped Ahsoka and Natalie with the cooking.

Echo and Fives were playing risk, and were completely absorbed by it. At one point, Anakin threw a shot glass over his shoulder and it smacked Echo in the head, but he didn't even notice.

Ezra was chillin with Jesse, Hirani and Nari and eating whatever he could.

You smiled as you looked around the place, happy that everyone had found a place as the sky darkened and a light rain swept across the planet.

But your evening was destined to be interrupted by one unexpected visitor.

A caped man, almost blending into the shadows stepped down from his ship, a mandalorian gauntlet fighter, and walked into the labyrinth of streets that was the city. A man with a darker cape followed him.

Yellow eyes glowed from beneath their hoods.

You looked at Ahsoka with a smile as she walked out of the kitchen after Natalie, the latter carefully holding a tray with enough cookies to feed Anakin until he was full. (That's a ton of cookies)

Your focus was on them, so it was Ezra who walked up to the door and answered it for the caped people.

"Hello again, (y/n)." The sound of a familiar voice caused you to spin, seeing the second man with his red lightsaber to Ezra's throat.

"It's been a while." The one speaking pulled his hood down slowly, revealing a crown of horns before his red and black face, yellow eyes glowing like a campfire in the dark.

"Unhand my son, Maul." You used the force to pull your lightsabers to you, igniting them and striking a battle ready pose.

The wind from the still open door blew in, uncovering the second man in a flash of hideous realisation.

It was Obi-Wan Kenobi, yellow eyed and donning a scowl.

"M-master?" Anakin stuttered, standing up from the table. You were seriously amazed by that man's ability to sober up whenever it was important.

"Not anymore, Jedi scum." Kenobi sneered, holding the saber closer to Ezra.

"No!" Ahsoka yelled, charging at Kenobi before a bright blue light knocked her back. The Sith lightning had come from Obi-Wan.

Using that distraction to his advantage, Ezra spun and kicked Obi-Wan in the groin, hard, causing him to double over in pain. He ran back over to you and hid behind your back.

"Maul, leave now or you'll be destroyed." You threatened, pointing a saber at his chest.

He smirked in response. "That's not very Jedi-like, now is it?"

"Good thing I'm not a Jedi." You charged at him, tackling him and Obi-Wan out of the window and onto the street.

Ahsoka naturally tried to follow, but you shouted back. "No! You stay back, I can handle them."

You force pushed her back, careful not to hurt her as Maul swung his double bladed lightsaber at you.

You easily parried and threw one saber at him before kicking off the ground and performing a backflip over Obi-Wan's head.

He brought his lightsaber down on your head, you pulling yours back up and blocking the swing as his blade singed your hair.

"What did you mean by 'not a Jedi', (y/n)?" Maul asked as you and Obi-Wan duelled in front of him.

"None... of... your... damn... business." You panted in between attacks.

Obi-Wan closed in with his saber swinging, but you dodged twice and blocked his last attack, force pushing him backwards after.

Maul sighed and shook his head. "If only I had room for another apprentice, you would have made a fine one."

He began to swing his lightsaber and slowly walk towards you.

You were surrounded in the dark, no one to aid you and two Sith closing in.

You did the only thing you could do: charge

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