chapter 8

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While Y/N and Alycia are working out Lauren and I just talk about random things.
"Hey what is your wallpapers?"Lauren asks making me laugh
"Why do you want to know?"I ask
"I don't know I'm bored and you know they're gonna be working out for 6 hours."Lauren says and she's right they usally work out 6 hours straight but guess not today since they're walking over to us.
"We're taking a break what are yall doing."Alycia says sitting next to me while Y/N sits next to Lauren
"Nothing really we were about to show each other our wallpapers."Lauren says
"I want to see them."Alycia snd Y/N say
"Alright well this is my lock screen

"Aww y'all are adorable."Lauren says smiling
"Thank you and this is my home screen."I say then put in my passcode to get into my phone

"Oh my god Alycia you're hot."Lauren says making me laugh and Y/N glare at her

"Stop babe you're taken and so is she."Y/N says
"Babe I still think you're hotter."Lauren says kissing Y/Ns head making her smile.
"Heres my lock screen."Alycia says

"Looking good in that suit sis."Y/N says
"But when I say it you get all besides yourself."Lauren says making me laugh
"She's my sister."Y/N says and Shurgs
"Anyways heres my home screen."Alycia says

"Did you really take this after sex?"Y/N asks laughing
"Yes how did you know?"Alycia asks confused
"Dude obviously you can tell by the hair."Y/N says laughing
"Alright moving on."I say
"My turn."Lauren says


"Y'all are adorable."I say
"Why did you crop me out?"Alycia asks
"Because I'm dating your sister not you."Lauren says making me and Y/N laugh while Alycia pouts
"This is my home screen."Lauren says

"Look at those abs."I say
"Babe."Alycia says annoyed
"Okay okay I'm sorry."I say laughing
"Of course heres mine."Y/N says

"I remeber that you brought me flowers and chocolate because I was having a bad day so it made me smile."Lauren says smiling
"Yeah I know you were so cute."Y/N says making Lauren blush
"And heres my home screen."

"She sent me this when Alycia and I were gone last weekend for filming."Y/N says smiling
"I look cute."Lauren says and Shurgs
"Because you are cute."Y/N says turning off her phone
"Alright break is over back to working out."Alycia says and they both get up and go back to working out while Lauren and I talk some more

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