Chapter 4

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I was waiting for Lauren to get back from wherever she was and she walked back smiling.
"Why are you smiling."I say making Y/N and Alycia stop aruging and look at Lauren and I
"Nothing really just someone complimented me on my shirt."Laurem says smiling and Shurgs
"Who was it.?"Y/N asked Jealous
"Babe quit being jealous she was just being sweet plus she looks to childish for ne to even think about dating her"Lauren says laughing
"Why do you have to be so hot?"Y/N asks annoyed
"Not my fault talk to my parents."Lauren Says pointing at Clara and Mike laughing
"Whatever."Y/N says rolling her eyes
"I was thinking we could all go eat to celebrate."Y/N and Alycia say at the same time

"Stop it."They both say to each other every word they say they keep saying at the time so Lauren and I look at each other and smirk.
"I love you baby."Lauren and I say at the same time
"I love you too babygirl."They say the same time making Lauren and I laugh and they groan
"They did that on purpose."Alycia says
"I know."Y/N says and then they smirk at each other making Lauren and I freak out knowing they're planning something
"I run one way you run the other."I say to Lauren who nods in and agreement and we both run in different ways and Alycia runs after me whike Y/N runs after Lauren. Alycia catches me and picks me up spinning around making me laugh and scream. She puts me down after doing three spins and then leans in and kisses me hard but slow. We pull away breathless after a few seconds
"I love you so much."I say smiling
"I Love you so much more."She says then kisses my forehead and Lauren and Y/N walk over
"Mom and Dad said we're gonna go out to eat so yall better hurry up and lets go."Lauren says laughing
We go and eat at Golden corral. When we were about to leave Lauren runs into someone spilling their food on her and the girl.
"Shit I'm sorry."Lauren says
"Its fine I should've been watching where I waa going."The girl says blushing making Y/N roll her eyes
"No I should've seen you."Lauren says looking up at the girl
"Oh hey Camila."Lauren says
"Hi."Camila says smiling
"I hope you have extra clothes."Lauren says hopefully
"No my house isn't far from here."Camila says
"Good I would've felt bad if you had to stay like that."Lauren says
"I'm fine actually."Camila says blushing again so Y/N decided to interven
"Alright I'm glad you're okay but baby we need to go."Y/N says
"Alright sorry again Camila."Lauren says walking away with Y/N with Alycia and I following. As we're walking to the car Alycia wraps her arm around my shoulders and kisses my head making me smile.
"I love you."She whispers in my ear making me shiver
"I Love you too."I say blushing

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