chapter 23

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"Now what the hell is wrong with you Camila?"Y/N asks letting go of me walking over to her
"Look I'm sorry."Camila says
"No you're sorry cause she didn't kiss you back."Y/N says making Alycia snicker but she stops when Eliza elbows her in the ribs
"No I really am I like someone else."Camila says
"Really who?"I ask
"Me."Dinah says which is not  surprising
"Thats not surprising."I say
"What?"Camila asks
"Come Mila you gotta admit yall aren't very subtle about it yall sit closer then usal."Ally says making them blush and everyone else laugh.
"Now thats over back to my baby."Y/N says and pulls me into another kiss making me laugh then kiss back.
"Alright I know it's your birthday and she just proposed but yall quit making out."Chris says laughing and Y/N and I pull apart.
"Alright I love all of yall but I want to go home with my fiancée now."I say laughing

"Wow we feel so loved."Normani says making everyone laugh.
The next day I woke up and did my morning routine and walked downstairs and saw Y/N sitting on the couch with Diablo next her and I sat in her lap.
"Morning babygirl."She says making me smile
"Morning."I say smiling
"We have the house to ourselves for the next two to three months."Y/N says smirking making me shake my head laughing
"Why?"I ask
"Eliza and Alycia are in Vancouver Filming the 100."She says and pecks my lips
"Well thats good I guess but I do want to talk to you about something."I say
"Okay."She says and puts her hands on my hips
"I want us to buy a house together."I say
"Like right now?"She asks smiling making me smile
"Yes right now."I say
"Okay well lets do it."She says
"Really?"I ask
"Yes really show me the houses baby."She says and I run to our room and get my laptop and sit back down next to her where diablo isn't and lean into her putting my laptop on her lap and she scrolls through all the houses.
"I do like the one with the 8 bedrooms one can be for us four of them can be for our kids."She says but I cut her off
"You want four kids."I ask smiling
"Yes unless you don't want to."She says
"No I think four is a good amount."I say and she smiles
"Well good so that leaves two guest bedrooms and a room for the dogs."She says
"Yeah thats sounds good."I say
"And it also has a gamming room theater room huge kitchen and living plus it also has a Arcade room and a underground pool thats bigger then the one we have here."She says
"Okay so we're getting this one?"I ask
"Yeah call the lady."She says and I kiss her hard then call thr lady.
Few hours later we get to the house and meet the lady sign paperwork pay the amount then she gives us the key and leaves.
"Welcome home future Mrs. Debnam-Carey."Y/N says picking me bridal style
"Well thank you Mrs. Debnam-Carey."I say then kiss her

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