As we all are talking someone rings the doorbell and Alycia and Y/N get up ans answer the door and they walk back with Ally Normani Dinah and Camila following.
"Damn yall have a huge house."Dinah says looking at the living room and kitchen
"Yeah well it has 7 bedrooms, a gaming room, theater room, a underground pool, and a huge garage Y/N and I keep our cars."Alycia says making Ally dinah Normani and Camila jaws drop
"Why thay many bedrooms?"Normani asks
"Well our parents wanted alot of kids."Alycia says shrugging then sittinf next to Eliza wrapping her arm around her shoulders and Y/N does the same with me.
"Oh yeah I forgot about yalls brothers."Normani says
"Turns out they aren't dead."Alycia and Y/N say
"Wait what?!"The girls yell
"Yeah a woman named Ashley came by today and dropped of Kade who is now five."Alycia vocie cracks with tears falling down her face and Eliza switches positions with her and Alycia cries into Eliza's neck.
"That must've been hard to hear."Camila says
"It was then turns out Kace was never dead they did some surgery and fixed his ribs and his skull wasnt actually cracked like the nurses told us and hes been living with Jeremy the last five years."Y/N says sniffling
"Did yalls mom know?"Ally asks
"Yeah but she didn't want us to know because it was better for Alexander to beat us then to beat Kace for running into the road but also turns this Ashley chick is the same chick Alexander cheated on my mom with for the last few years."Y/N says angrily
"Wow I wouldn't be able to forgive my mom if she ever kept information like that away from me."Dinah says
"Yeah thats Alycia and I told her its gonna take some time to forgive her."Y/N says
"What did she say about that?"Camila asks
"She understands but still wants us to go see Kade and Kace."Y/N says shrugging then makes me switch positions with her and lays her head on my chest and I run my fingers through her hair.
"Do want us to come back another time?"Ally asks
"No yall are fine."Y/N and Alycia says
"Are you sure?"Ally asks
"Yeah we're sure."Y/N and Alycia says and looks at the girls with their heads still on mine and Eliza's chest.
"So what do yall want to do?"Dinah asks
"We could watch a movie."Y/N says
"IT."dinah and Normani say at the same time
"NO!"Camila and Eliza and I say
"Yes!"everyone else says
"Come on baby I'll protect you."Y/N and Alycia say to Eliza and I
"What about me?"Camila asks
"I'll cuddle you Chanco."Dinah says and Camila blushes
We all walk into the theater room Y/N lays down on one end of the couch while I half on top of her with my leg around her waist looking at the screen and Eliza and Alycia are on the other end doing the same thing. While Dinah Normani Ally and Camila are on the other couch. Camila and Dinah are doing the same thing Eliza Alycia Y/N and I are doing and Ally and Normani are just sitting up.
When the stupid clown jumps out I jump and stick my face in Y/N's neck and she laughs kisisng my head and rubbing her fingers through my hair.
After the movie is over we all go out to the backyard and get into the pool. After an hour Y/N and Alycia get out and sit in the chairs.
"Lo."Eliza says
"Yeah?"I ask
"You're turning nineteen tomorrow how does it feel.?"She asks laughing
"Like I'm getting old."I say laughing
"Welcome to my world."Ally says making all of us laugh. Alycia walks back over but Y/N goes inside.
"Where is Y/N going?"I ask as Alycia walks back into the pool
"Bathroom."She says and swims over to Eliza and picks her up making Eliza laugh and nod. Few minutes later Y/N comes back and does a cannonball.
"Babe!"I scream getting splashed the most
"It's my house."She says shrugging.
"Ooohhh."Dinah Normani say
"Like you said earlier sis it was nice knowing ya."Alycia says then goes back to kissing Eliza who laughs.
"Baby you know I love you right."She asks swimming to the edge of the pool and then jumps out.
"Yeah I know but you deserve whats coming to you."I say smirking and walking out the pool and then I walk over to her and jump on her making her and I fall into the pool. When we come back up we're both laughing.
"I love you."She says and picks me up
"I love you too."I say and kiss her
Today was an amazing day and tomorrow is going to be better.