It's been a boring 4 months without Eliza here. She even missed Thanksgiving and Christmas my two favorite holidays. As I'm thinking of Eliza Y/N walks in.
"Hey what you doing?"Y/N asks sitting next to me on my bed
"Nothing just thinking about Eliza."I say and Shurg
"Yeah I'm thinking of Lauren to."Y/N says chuckling
"Why are we such a mess without our girlfriends?"I ask laughing
"Because we spend every second of every day with them."She says
"Isn't that the truth."I say
"Hey why don't we go on a run?"Y/N asks and I shurg
"Sure why not."I say and we get dressed in a sports bra and joggers and walk downstairs
"Hey mom we're gonna go on a run."I tell our mom
"Alright I'll be out with Jeremy."Our mom says and roll our eyes. Don't get us wrong we love him to death but she is always with him now she is hardly home we miss hanging out with her. We decide to take a break when we get by Laurens house since thats 6 blocks away from our house and we ran non stop getting here.
"Dude that was the longest we've ever ran without taking a break."Y/N says out of breath
"I know I was just thinking that."I say
While we are trying to catch our breath Mama J walks outside and Hands us each a bottle of water and we down it.
"Thanks Mama J."Y/N and I say
"You're welcome."she says smiling
"We didn't even think about bringing water for some reason."I said laughing a bit
"How far did yall run this time without stopping?"Mama J asks
"6 blocks."I say and she does a suprise face
"Thats great."She says
"Yeah we didn't even notice though."Y/N says
"How?"Mama J asks
"Eliza and Lauren are the only thing on our minds right now."I say
"Well I have surprise for you then."She says making Y/N and I confused then we see Eliza and Lauren walk out the house and Y/N and I run to them picking them up spinning around and they scream and laugh at the same time
"Alright put me down you're sweaty."Eliza says and I put her down but kiss her hard
"Well I missed you too."She says laughing after we pull away
"Why are yall back so early?"Y/N asks
"Well tour got canceled because Dinah and Camila got hurt."Lauren says
"And I finish filming early."Eliza says smiling at me
"This is the best day ever"I say and kiss Eliza again while Y/N kisses Lauren
"Alright Alright you four yall can kiss later but for now lets go eat."Mama J says making us all pull away and walk inside.