Rocking And Rolling

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Today was Levi's concert, and since we got backstage passes from him, we could go inside the concert hall to check out the process. We went through the tunnel that led inside, and it was amazing. All of us were checking it out while Levi was standing with his guitar case in his hand. I was just looking at the stage.

"Levi, 20,000 people all comin' to see you." Sarah congratulated Levi, patting him on the back.

"It's sold out. Crazy huh." Levi replied.

"I heard some people waited in line all night." i heard Brody talk about something, but i kept staring at the stage. It was a dream for me to be on stage. I then felt a presence next to me, so i turned my head, and it was Levi.

"Cool, right." he said, and I nodded.

"Astonishing." i replied with a smile, looking at the stage again.
"I only see it on TV, but this is wicked. It must be incredible to be on stage and perform." i continued.

"Would you like to go on it?" he asked me. I turned to him with my mouth opened and wide eyes.

"You're joking." i chuckled, but when his expression didn't change, i knew he was serious.
"Are you kidding? You're really gonna let me?" i asked, and he nodded.

"Not kidding." he answered, lifting the gate so i could get through.
"Go right on in." he replied. I squeled and ran ahead. I climbed on the stage, and the view was crazy awesome.

"Oh my god! This is awesome... fantastic!" i exclaimed, spinning around. I stopped to look at the others.
"Hey Hayley, check me out." i said, doing a little dance.

"Hey, look at you." she replied, laughing at me. I ignored her comment and continued dancing. This was fun. I saw them talking and then heard someone calling for Levi. It was Mary. I got off the stage and walked to the others.

"Did you guys know he was going on a world tour for three months?" I heard Sarah ask. What? A world tour?

"What world tour?" i asked, standing next to Hayley.

"Levi is having a world tour for three months." she explained.

"What?!" i whisper-yelled so Levi doesn't hear me. Then the ground started to shake. Great another earthquake. I held onto Hayley for support.

"Whoa. That's another earthquake." Prestion pointed out as the shaking stopped. Brody got a call from his ninja comm, so he looked around and answered it. Mick appeared on the screen.

"All those earthquakes are coming from a location close to you." Mick explained.

"Really? Send us the coordinates, Mick. We'll check it out, " Brody told Mick and ended the call.
"Levi!" he called for Levi. He said goodbye to Mary and came to us.
"All these earthquakes aren't normal, even for California. We need to see what's causing them." He explained the situation to Levi.

"Levi, we gotta go." Levi's managed informed pointing at his watch.

"Be right there. Guys, my concert is about to start." he told us.
"Can you handle it?" He asked with gritted teeth. We all looked at each other before Brody answered.

"Sure, i guess if you have to. We'll let you know if we need you." He explained a bit disappointed.

"Thanks. Appreciate it." Levi thanked us and took his guitar case, following his manager.

"Let's go." Brody said, and they all left, but I stayed and watched where Levi was a second ago.

Ever since i saw Levi at the contest, i've felt like i knew him. He was so familiar. But also, when we got to know him a little, i started to feel rather strange around him. But a good kind of strange. Every time we talk, the world will feel brighter. And something tickling my stomach from the inside with the slightest touch. And his smile. God, that smile. Every time i see it, it's like I'm in a sauna, getting hotter and hotter by the minute. People will say,'omg you are so in love' or 'its love at first sight'. I don't know exactly. Love is what I'm experiencing right now, but I feel like it's not love at first sight. Like I've fallen for him before.
It's almost as if i.......

"Kaylee, are you coming?" I heard my name being called by Prestion, so I turned around.

"Um yeah, coming." I replied, running past him. Wow. That was a long speech. We ran to the base to get in our training gear. We got out and went to the coordinates that Mick sent us. We jumped past some rocks to get to the location.

"Levi's concert is happening right over there." Prestion said, pointing at a building. And indeed it was the concert hall.

"And it's gonna start soon." i mentioned with sadness in my voice.

"Let's figure this out quickly so we can get to the show." Calvin suggested.

"Look down there." Brody told us to get our attention. We walked to him and Sarah and saw some new looking kudabots. They were close to a mine opening and were moving rocks.

"Those look like new monsters." Hayley said, worried.

"But what in the world are they doing? What's with the dirt?" i asked utterly, confused.

"Maybe it has something to do with the earthquakes." Sarah thought aloud.

"We have to get into that mine," Calvin said firmly.

"Sarah and I will go check it out. You guys stay guard." Brody told us the plan, and everyone was on board.

"Okay, got it. Be careful, guys." i told them, pulling my mask up. Prestion and Calvin took care of the kudabots guarding the entrance, and Sarah and Brody ran inside.

"Stay out there!" Brody shouted from inside as the rest of us huddled up.

"Maybe tell it to them." Calvin said as kudabots came running to us.

"Oh yeah. Time to make an express delivery." i joked, chuckling but quickly focusing on the task in hand.

"It's morphing time!" Calvin yelled, and we pulled our stars and morphers.

"Power stars! Lock in." we shouted together, locking our stars.
"Ready! Ninja spin!" we spin our stars and morphed into rangers.

"Ninja rangers, fear no danger!" we got in a final stance.

"Let's go." Calvin said, and we ran to fight them. These new kudabots were quite an unexpected turn of events.

"These new bots are tough." Prestion informed, blocking a hit.

"Yeah, but we're tougher." she replied, dodging an attack.

"Tougher than rubber." i finished with a rhyme slashing a bot. We flipped and swung, but there sure were a lot of them.

"We're surronded." Calvin pointed out the situation. We pulled out our blasters.

"Ninja blasters," we exclaimed, shooting the remaining bots down. We cheered but then a hole form on the ground, so we took a step back. Sarah and Brody came from it, already morphed.

"Look out for the hole." Prestion said as we walked to the two.

"What happened? Are you guys okay?" i asked them.

"Yeah, we're fine, but they're digging under the concert. They're gonna destroy everything." Sarah explained, worried, and my eyes widened. Oh no.

"We've got to stop Levi's concert." Brody said, and we ran as fast as we could. Just as we managed to get the backstage, the ground violently shook.

"Come with us, Mr. Weston." Brody said as him, Levi, and I ran backstage. The other went to get everyone out safely. It was getting harder to maintain our balance.

"The monster is gonna destroy this entire building." i explained, almost falling. Levi held to both of us for support

"What?! We gotta make sure everyone gets out okay." Levi said and pulled out his star.
"Ninja spin!" he yelled, spinning his star and morphing into the gold ranger.
"Let's do it!" he ran ahead, and we all splitted up, checking out every area. Many people were running. I led a few people out of the exit, and when everything was clear, i went to check with the others.

"Guys, is there anybody left?" Brody asked when we all got together.

"There's no one over here." Levi informed.

"All clear on this side." Prestion said.

"Good, our area is empty too." Brody said, and the place shook uncontrolably. A big piece was about to fall on me, but someone's arm wrapped around me and pulled me closer to them to not get hit. I looked up and saw that it was Levi. And again, that ticklely feeling appeared in my stomach.

"Uh, thank you!" i thanked him.

"You're welcome." he replied. I noticed that his arm was still around me. Levi must've seen me look down and quickly removed it. We all jumped away to not get hurt and ended in an old construction yard.

"The rangers are dust." he said to himself as he walked proudly, but Brody blasted him.

"That's news to us." Brody said when we faced the monster.

"You escaped? That's impossible!" Stonedozer exclaimed in anger.

"Well, that's what happens when you underestimate a ninja." i said with a smirk even though no one could see.

"You crashed my concert!" Levi said offended like with his rock-storm guitar on his shoulder.

"Now we're gonna crash you." Sarah shouted, pointing her sword at him.

"I'l take the rock headed monster. You guys handle the rest. Okay?" Levi told us the plan looking at us as we agreed.

"Basherbots! Bash! " Stonedozer exclaimed to the basherbots, and they ran to fight us. We all took a few each and began attacking. More and more were coming, but that didn't stop us. I was fighting basherbots on a platform.

"Im getting tired of this." i said, pulling out my blaster.
"Ninja blaster! Whiplash!" i shouted, shooting the remaining bots. They all got destroyed. I managed to see Levi fighting the monster.

"Storm star! Tornado mode!" he yelled, spinning his star.
"Storm star! Tornado slashes! Final attack!" he shouted, slashing the monster before pulling his weird camera. He took a selfie as Stonedozer exploded. Iconic.
"Stonedozer has left the building!" he joked as we all cheered for him.

"Good wor...." i was gonna congratulate him, but i took a step forward and slipped down the rocky mountain. When i slid down, Levi helped me up.
"Woah! All i wanted to say was good work, Levi, not slide down to you." i told him, and he laughed. The others came down to check if i was okay, and when i told them, they laughed about my incident. I rolled my eyes, and fake laughed before a purple beam shot down from the sky, meaning that Stonedozer would be gigantified.

"Im huge!" Stonedozer exclaimed when he grew. We all gasped at the sight.

"First, this one hit wonder attacks my fans, and now he's trying to make a come back." Levi said, frustrated.
"Leave this to me. I've saved my biggest hits for the oncore." he told us, pulling out his zord star.
"Let's meet my zord. Bullrider zord, lock in! Activate! Ninja spin!" he yelled, locking his star and spinning it.
"Bullrider zords, out of the shadows!" he shouted as his zords revealed themselves. He had two zords!! Unfair.

"I get two zords. The robo-rider zord and the ninja bull zord are wild rides." he said as we all looked at them.

"Totally epic." Brody told him, and Levi got inside his zords. He started fighting Stonedozer. Stonedozer threw rocks at him, but Levi managed to dodge them. The battle was getting intense. The bull went with his horns at the monster, but Stonedozer pushed them. They weren't gonna hold it for long.

"Levi needs some help." Brody said, pulling the Rumble tusk zord star.
"Rumble tusk ninja steel megazord, combine! Ninja spin!" he yelled, spinning the star and combining the megazord.

"Robo-red zord!" Brody shouted.

"Dragon zord!" Prestion shouted.

"Kodiac zord!" Hayley shouted.

"Zoom zord!" Sarah shouted.

"Nitro zord!" Calvin shouted.

"Pheonix zord!" i shouted.

"Rumble tusk zord!" Brody shouted, and the megazord received the two axes.
"Rumble tusk ninja Steel megazord! Ready!" he yelled when the megazord was complete.

"Ninja spin!" we spun our master mode stars and entered the cockpit with our master mode.

"One Stonedozer, coming your way!" Levi told us, throwing Stonedozer in our direction.

"Batter up!" Brody swung the master blade, and we slashed Stonedozer. We swung a few more times, and he fell to the ground. Levi got close to us, and then his zords formed into a megazord. It was awesome. Levi then attacked with his new megazord. His gun shot all the rocks thrown his way.

"Let's finish him together, Levi." Brody told him. Both megazord prepared their attack.

"Rock-storm guitar, activate! Bullrider megazord, rodio rapid fire! Final attack!" Levi yelled, activating his gun.

"Ninja master blade, activate!" Brody yelled, activating the blade.

"Rumble tusk ninja Steel megazord, double axe! Final attack!" we shouted, swinging our swords. The axes were thrown at Stonedozer, and gunshots were shot.

"Rock and out!" Stonedozer exclaimed before exploding. We all jumped and cheered.

"Show's over, ninjas win!" Brody and Levi announced our victory.

*The next day*
After yesterday, the mayor and Levi were gonna make an announcement. It was at school. We all thought about Levi going on this tour.

"Three months is a really long time without the gold ranger's help." Brody said sadly as we walked through the main hall. Kodi was even with us.

"We made such a great team. Now he's leaving." Prestion added to the conversation. Then Mary ran past us. Levi said that during the earthquake, Mary was in trouble, and he saved her. They were talking for a bit, and then i walked to them.

"Mary! Your father told me what happened. Are you alright?" i asked her, giving her a hug.

"Yeah, im okay. Thanks to the gold ranger." she reassured me with a smile. I pretended that i was surprised.

"Wow, really?! The gold ranger saved you? Guess that guy really is amazing." i said, smirking at Levi, who looked away.

"One day, i wanna be a hero, just like him." she smirked, crossing her arms.
"Bye, guys." she told us, leaving.

"First fight out live, and you already have a fan girl." i joked as he stood up, but he didn't say anything.
"Are you alright?" i asked, touching his arm. He looked at me and nodded. The mayor got on the platform, meaning i had to leave. Levi tipped his hat at me as i left.

"Ladies and gentlemen. May i introduce Mr. Levi Weston." The mayor and everyone clapped and cheered as he got on the platform. People with cameras were everywhere.

"Im so glad everyone's safe, thanks to the power rangers." Levi said, and everyone clapped while we smirked at each other and played along with the crowd.
"And I recently figured out that even though music is important, lots of other things are important too, so i've decided to postpone my world tour." he continued and everyone was shocked but we all smiled in suprise.
"But don't worry, i love my fans, and im gonna keep working on new songs for you." he finished, and everyone clapped.

"Go, Levi!" i shouted as he looked at us. He got off the platform and walked to us. We all congratulated him.

"im so sorry, guys." he started apologising after putting his arm around my shoulders. And again, that tickly feeling appeared.
"I should've put being a ranger first and going with you to help investigate the earthquakes. My friend Mary taught me something today. Summer Cove needs the gold ranger a lot more than it needs Levi Weston. Im a ranger now, and that's my top priority." he apologised. We looked at him smiling.

"Boy, am i glad to hear that?" Calvin told him, happy patting him.

"I always wanted to finish high school. Now i can." Levi said, and we laughed. We were interrupted by the mayor's announcement.

"The power rangers weren't the only heroes yesterday. Victor Vincert broke every bone in his body, bravely saving people." The mayor added as Monty pushed Victor to the platform. And he was covered in gause and bandages. He pretended to be in pain.
"i hear by present you. The Summer Cove trophy for exceptional bravery." The mayor got a trophy, and everyone except us cheered.
Monty took the trophy.

"Guys, that's not fair. He didn't save anyone at all." Hayley whispered to us, annoyed. I totally agree.

"Yeah, the last time i saw him, he was stuck in a drum." i explained then thought about my sentence.
"How did that happen?" i asked, looking at Levi.

"I'll tell later." he replied with a chuckle. Then Kodi ran forward.

"My 50th trophy! It was worth every broken bone." he said proudly, pretenting again. But Kodi grabbed a loose end from Victor's ginormous cast and started to pull, running away. Victor looked down confused as he started to spin. In a few moments, he was free and perfectly fine with only underwear and socks. I covered my eyes as everyone gasped. He flashed a smile, hoping to smooth the situation.

"You don't have any broken bones!" the mayor exclaimed angrily.

"Well, i do have a broken fingernail." Victor told him, showing his little finger. Like that was gonna help.

"You're a fraud." the mayor said, talking the trophy Monty was holding with a little struggle.

"Run Monty." Victor told him as he smiled, running away.

"Cute underwear, Victor." Someone said sarcastically as we all laughed at them running away.

Well, hello, pretties. Sorry i haven't been posting. I had my birthday last week and wanted the week with no jobs, just laying down and doing nothing. And something tragic happened at school, so i didn't have much motivation. But rewatching Ninja Steel, i thought of the book, and now i have more motivation to finish it. I hope I'll be able to post more regularly and on the new book. Well, that's all from me.
Piece out. Love you❤️❤️

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