Lifting up the curse

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Previously on 'The life of a black ranger'

I discovered some kind of negative energy in the arrow. Just like how Cupids arrow makes people fall in love, this arrow is the exact opposite." Redbot explained his discovery.
"Once hit by one, dark venom will fuse with the blood that transfers to the heart and poison it." He continued while the analysis appeared on the computer screen.

"And that venom fills people with negative energy so they don't feel any sort of happy emotions." Prestion got on to what they arrow does.

"Exactly, anger, disgust, selfishness, and all those types of emotion are what they feel." Redbot finished.

"And now that Sarah and Hayley were hit, they won't help us fight Dark Hater." Calvin said, realising what's gonna happen with the girls.

"Our team is getting smaller. That's what Galvanax wants." Brody pointed out a major fact.

"Kaylee said she had some sort of interference. She must have encountered Dark Hater." Levi connected the dots together.

"So that's why she was mean." Prestion mentioned.

"We have to find a way to get the girls back." Brody said.

"But, how?" Levi asked the big question.

*Present time, Levi's POV*

"OK, we have to think of a way to break whatever curse they are in." Brody said, walking to the computers

"Maybe I can think of a solution. Like a trick or something." Prestion suggested. It wasn't a bad idea, but what can he do with magic tricks.

"No offense, Prestion, but I dont think magic tricks can help us with this." I told him patting his shoulder. He seemed offended but understood what I meant.

"We can reverse it." Calvin said, standing next to redbot with crossed arms.

"Um, what do we reverse?" Brody questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, maybe if we show them things or people that they care about, they could break from this curse they're in." Calvin explained his theory, and it was a rather good one.

"OK, so, first, let's think of Mick. What does he love the most." Prestion thought aloud, thinking of what Mick cares about.

"I know." Redbot mentioned taking a picture frame from his cabinet. He doesn't let anyone open it.
"This is a picture of his family. He always talks about them to me." He showed us a picture of his family. I do see the resemblance.

"So maybe if we show him this photo, he may remember." I said, catching to what he's saying.

"Maybe we have to find him." Redbot told us.

"But after geometry, we don't want the teachers to be suspicious." Calvin pointed out. It was true. We can't bail from class.

"Okay, we'll act like nothing happened. And redbot, do tell us if you see Mick." Brody explained, grabbing his backpack. We took off to class. When we entered the room, only half of it was full.

"Um, class starts in a minute. Where are the girls?" Prestion asked, checking his watch.

"They aren't like this." Calvin mentioned.

"Well, you forgot that they were hit by Dark Hater's arrows." I reminded them of the situation.
We walked to our assigned seats and waited for the teacher. 15 mins pass and still no sign of the teacher nor the girls.

"OK. It's been 15 minutes, and Mr.Quackson still isn't here." Brody pointed out, and Prestion and I laughed. His last mane always gets us. Soon enough, Mr. Quackson *snort* comes into the class.

"OK, class, I'm not in a good mood, so listen up or else you'll get detention." He announced putting his stuff on the desk. It's a bit rude, but what do you expect from a cranky 67 year old man. Just this second, Hayley and Sarah entered the classroom.
"Young ladies, why are you late for class?" The teacher asked, crossing arms the best he could.

"We lost track of time, no big deal. Plus, didn't you JUST get into the room." Hayley argued with him.

"Yeah, there is no point in silly arguments when you're the same." Sarah backed up Hayley. It's not like they don't do it, but the reason is ridiculous.

"Oh no, guys, the spell is starting to take them over." Brody whispered as me and Prestion turned our heads to face him.

"We have to find out what they care about the most so we can break the spell," Calvin whispered.

"I think I know what Sarah cares about the most." Prestion mentioned in the conversation.

"OK, but we should discuss it after class." I added in. They nodded their heads, and I turned back.

"Ladies, I'm afraid I have to give you detention. You'll stay an hour after the day ends." The teacher wrote them a punishment and gave it to them.

"Whatever." Sarah muttered, and they sat in their seats. Another 15 mins pass. Most of the students weren't listening at all, either using their phone or sleeping. Hayley and a classmate, Marissa, were talking. More like whispering, but the teacher caught them and told them to stop. But they didn't listen, and now they got an hour in detention. Interesting, though, Victor and Monty weren't in class at all. According to Jack, another classmate, they were in the principals office. Reason? Because they threw food at Principal Hastings. I was writing my notes when i heard the door open. I looked up, and it was Kaylee. She was wearing an outfit, not in her style. It was all black. I mean, she loves black, but she adds some color to make it more unique. It really is a coincidence how our power stars are in our favorite colors.

"Miss Foster, you're really late. And what is with this outfit?" Mr. Quackson *snort* pointed out. Kaylee looked so bored of what he was saying.

"Clothes, dude. Did the 30s didn't have that?" She joked, but only she chuckled at it. Since no one e paid attention

"That is no way to talk to an elderly man, let alone your teacher." He was starting to get angry.

"Whatever, bro." She walked to a seat at the back. Usually, she sits between Hayley and me.

"Uh, uh, miss Foster, go to your seat." The teacher stopped her, telling her to go back to her original seat.

"Now you're being ridiculous. When a student isn't here, you can sit in their seat." Kaylee argued, wanting to stay in the back.

"Because of your behavior, you're not going to sit there. "He told her sternly. She groaned and walked to her seat. She sat down and plopped her bag on the floor.
"And you'll be getting a two-hour detention, along with Sarah Thompson, Hayley Foster, and Marissa Klark." He added, which made Kaylee groan. I took a closer look at her. She had very dark makeup and weird-looking earrings.

"What are you looking at, Cowboy?" She questioned, with an annoyed look. I turned away from her and looked at the board. Another 20 mins pass, and I can hear Kaylee wanting this class to end. We still had 15 mins. I know American school days suck. (FYI, I'm not from America, so if this is wrong, please let me know)

"Mr. Quackson (*snort*), can I go home? I dont feel well." Kaylee said, putting her stuff into her bag.

"No, Kaylee, you have detention. You can't leave." The teacher answered her question.

"But I feel sick, and I'm on my period. Do you want me to sue you for women's rights?" She threatened. Looks like a part of her is still the same.

"Fine, fine, go. I can't deal with this." He let her go, muttering the last part. Kaylee took her bag and left, but I swear I could hear her say 'sucker'. She must have lied to get out of class. This is getting out of hand.

Soon, the class ended. Sarah and Hayley were the first to get out. We tried to stop them, but they just pushed us away. It was lunchtime, so we headed to the base to think of something.

"Hey Redbot, any news about Mick?" Brody asked as we entered the base.

"He still hasn't shown up. He missed his class with the sophomores." Redbot told us. We put our bags down and gathered around the table.

"Well, we have to find out where Mick is. And also to know what Sarah, Hayley, and Kaylee care about the most." Calvin pointed out, crossing his arms.

"I think I know what Sarah cares about." Prestion joined into the conversation.
"When we met, she said that her dream is to set a new speed record on her hoverboard. If we get her on it, she'll remember the reason she built it and return her to normal." He explained the day they met.

*flashback 3rd person POV*

*Prestion and Sarah were clearing up the mess that Victor made. It was Sarah's first day at her new school. She met Victor Vincent, and he tried to impress her with trying to ride her hoverboard. He was out of control and crashed into Prestion's magic show. As they were cleaning up, Prestion was talking about
becoming a magician.

"And someday, I'll be the best magician...of all time." Prestion ended his story doing a simple card, impressing Sarah.

"Nice, that's a great goal. Mine is set a speed record on my hoverboard." Sarah told him her goal as he smiled.

*End of flashback*
"Well, we got Sarah figured out. What about Kaylee and Hayley?" Brody questioned after the explanation.
"Calvin, aren't you the person that Hayley loves the most?" Brody asked Calvin, facing him.

"I doubt it. It could be Kaylee. They do have an inseparable sister bond. But there's no way they can change back to normal when they hate each other." Calvin denied what Brody said.

"Okay, we can think about the twins later. Right now, let's get Mick and Sarah back. Sarah does spend a lot of time with the girls, so she would know....." I was explaining, but heard a sobbing sound. We turned around and spotted Mick. He was holding the picture frame that had his parents on it.

"Mom.....D-dad." Mick quietly sobbed. It was a sad scene.

"Mick?" Brody asked him softly, walking to him and placing his hand on Micks shoulder.

"Oh, uh, sorry." He shook off Brody's hand and walked to his cabinet. He opened it and placed the picture frame in it. As he was doing that, a black circle formed on his back. It started spinning, and a black arrow pulled back from him. It crushed like dust, and Mick soon stood up.

"Um, Mick, are you OK?" I asked as he turned around.

"Uh yeah, peachy. What's up?" He answered, smiling.

"Are you back to normal?" Calvin asked him a question. Mick looked a bit confused.

"Uh yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He answered, confused by Calvin's questions. He shook his head and looked at his watch.
"Oh my, look at the time, I missed my class with the sophomores. What happened?" Mick was panicking about missing his class. He's back to normal.

"Thank goodness, you're OK." Brody gave Mick a hug. Mick hugged him too and pulled back.
"We have a lot to explain." Brody added as he walked to the table.

*After they explained what was going on.*

"Wow, that's a lot." Mick said, surprised by everything.
"Although I do remember someone in a cloak entering the class during the second period." He reminded himself of what happened while we were fighting Dark Hater.

"So what happens next?" Mick asked, placing his hands on the table.

"Well, we have to get the girls back.
We know how we can get Sarah back, but the twins are a mystery." Prestion explained.

"Let's get Sarah now. She'll know how to get them back. But we need your help, Mick. I said, pointing at Mick.

"Uh, how?" He asked, wondering how he'll help.

*An hour later, 3rd person POV*
"Mick, why do I have to be here? Sarah asked as she was dragged to the junkyard by Mick.

"It's just some adjustments I made on your hoverboard." Mick said, taking the hoverboard that was on a tire.

"And what about that?" She asked, wanting to leave already.

"Well, I need you to test it." Mick explained.

"Why can't the others test it?" Sarah was so done with this.

"Well, they're looking for Hayley, so you were the only one left." Mick explained, trying to make her stay.

"Ugh, fine." She turned on the hoverboard and got on it.

"Why dont you do a lap around the school." Mick made a suggestion, giving her her pink helmet.
"You know, to test it." Sarah rolled her eyes and put on the helmet. She rode away to finish this thing. As she reached half of the lap, something just clicked in her mind. The way the wind hit her face, the feeling of riding, the feeling of being free, the reason she made it in the first place. When she reached the junkyard, she stopped and took off her helmet.

"Mick, it feels great. It's like you never made adjustments." She got off and shut down the hoverboard. As she was putting it away, the exact black circle formed on her back. The same event that happened to Mick happened to Sarah. She shook her head and turned to Mick.
"But maybe try to make it a bit faster." She said and looked at her phone.
"12:30, how did time pass so fast." She panicked a little, putting her phone into her pocket.

"Well, glad to see you're back to normal." Mick told her smiling.

"What do you mean.....oh." she was confused by what he said, but remember the events that happened.
"Oh boy, this is crazy. I was so awful." She started to feel bad about everything she said and done.

"It's OK, it now matters that you're back and you can help us." Mick reassured and called the boys from his comm.
"Boys, we got Sarah back. Have you got any luck on Hayley?" Mick informed them of his victory and asked about Hayley.

"We did find her, but she won't come with us." Brody answered his question.

"Hayley, you here?" Someone called into the distance. It was a woman, and she was holding a leash with Kodi in front of her.

"Um, hello, who are you looking for." Sarah greeted the woman and asked for her business. Mick turned so the woman couldn't see his gadget.

"I'm looking for Hayley Foster. I'm her aunt, Katrina. Her father, my brother, told me to take care of Kodi, but the principal in my son's school informed me that I should go there. Her father said that she could take Kodi." Katrina introduced herself and explained that she was looking for Hayley.

"Uh, well, I don't know about that...."
Sarah was saying, but she was interrupted.

"Please, I really have to go." Katrina pleaded, putting her hands together in a pleading position.

"OK, I'll take Kodi and leave it to her." Sarah took the leash from the woman. She thanked her and ran off.

"Brody, a woman just came here and asked for Hayley. Tell her that her aunt wants her at the junkyard." Mick gave Brody instructions and ended the call.

*10 mins later, Levi POV*
We managed to convince Hayley to follow us. It was hard, I must say.

"I can't believe I listened to you guys." Hayley mumbled as we dragged her to the junkyard. We spotted Mick, Sarah, and Kodi. Sarah waved at us, which means that she's back to normal. Koid spotted Hayley and pulled on the leash, wanting to go to her. Sarah dropped the leash, and Kodi ran straight to Hayley, knocking her to the ground.

"Kodi Kodi, stop, that's tickles." Hayley laughed as Kodi licked her face.
"What are you doing here? Did aunt. Katrina, send you here?" She pet him on the head, smiling. Just like Sarah, something clicked inside her mind. The licks on her face, the fluffinest of the fur, the joy she felt every time she was with her best friend.
"Well, it looks like you'll be staying with me." A similar black circle formed on her back, and a black arrow removed itself for her, evaporating. She shook her head and looked up.
"Hey guys, I didn't notice you here." She greeted us, standing up. She walked to Cslvin and gave him a hug.

"Hayley, are you OK?" He asked, hugging her back.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be." She answered, pulling away. A look of realization soon appeared on her face.
"Oh my, I remember. I was so mean. I'm sorry, guys." She apologized, lowering her head in shame.

"It's OK, Hayley. You were under a curse." Calvin reassured her and grabbed her hand, and intertwined their fingers.

"Wait a curse?" Hayley questioned as Sarah walked closer to Hayley.

"The arrow the Dark Hater hit you with. It had a spell, venom was spread towards your heart and made you feel only negative emotions." Prestion explained to them with his hands on his hips.

"Wow, sounds harsh." Sarah commented, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, it is, but it's good to know you're back to normal." Brody added, placing his hands on each of their shoulders, smilling.

"Wait, where's Kaylee?" Hayley asked. Brody removed his hands and stood next to me.

"Well, we're thinking that she encountered Dark Hater before meeting up with me." I explained. Hayley took a breath of relief.

"That would explain everything. So how are we gonna get her back?" Hayley asked, waiting for an answer.

"Well, that's what we were gonna ask you. You see, we figured that if we triggered positive emotion by something or someone that makes you happy. With Sarah, it was her hoverboard, and for you was Kodi." Brody explained to her.
"But, we don't know what Kaylee loves the most. So, since you two are twins, you would know what she loves." He added, making Hayley think of what Kaylee might love the most. Soon, she raised her head....... and looked at me?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked as the rest stared at me.

"Why do you think I do?" She raised her eyebrow. I shook my head when I realized what she meant.

"Oh no. There's no way that I'm the person she cares about the most. It's probably you, or maybe kodi, and plus, when we were on that date, she was so rude to me........." I was denying what she said, but she put her hand on my shoulder.

"Levi, I believe that is you because of how she's acting. Ever since she saw you, she hasn't stopped talking about you. Every time you touch, she has this exciting feeling. And the fact that she told you something was traumatizing before me. I know Kaylee, you know her, and everyone does. She couldn't act that way. She's under a spell. And we need to help her. Do you wanna help her?" She gave a long speech about how Kaylee felt. That's exactly how I felt when I looked at her. I want to know. I want Kaylee to tell me how she feels. But she's in trouble. We helped Mick, Sarah, and Hayley. Now it's time to save her.

"I'll do whatever it takes to save Kaylee." I replied, determined to save the girl as Hayley smiled at me. Prestion got a call on his datacomm.

"Redbot, you got news?" Prestion asked, answering the call.

"Sure do, Dark Hater was spotted at an abandoned parking lot near 'Western piser park'." Redbot informed us.

"On it, you and Mick try to locate Kaylee." Prestion instructed, ending the call. We ran off as Mcik wished us good luck.

We ran to the park and looked for an abandoned parking lot. Suddenly, we heard shooting and saw a few black arrows flying our way.

"Duck!?" Calvin shouted, and we ducked from the arrows. That means that Dark Hater is definitely here.

"My, my. Look who decided to appear from their rabbit hole for a snack." Dark Hater cackled, flying inside front of us.

"Well, we got bored, so wanted to get some fresh air." Sarah said to him, crossing her arms.

"But this free entertainment will spice up our walk," Hayley added.

"Looks like moody Michaels aren't so moody anymore. I'm intrigued. How did you break from my spell?" Darh Hater asked, a little bit of anger visible in his voice.

"Well, telling our secret can do some serious damage, so nope." Calvin answered him as we got to into a fighting.

"Why not share? Sharing is caring, as you know." Dark Hater

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