Soo... I was going to update this on Saturday cuz it was my bday and all but I didn't cuz it was also Easter mass and stuff and I was literally in church for like 5 hours.... So umm... ENJOY!!
Chapter 45: Piper
I watched Leo walk out the door and shut it. Cutting connection from him for a long time. I know he'll come back. Leo is smarter than what he gives himself credit for. He's one of the most selfless people I know.
Another selfless person I know is Percy. Athena says that his fatal flaw is his loyalty but I say it's a gift. Being loyal isn't something you can do easily. It takes guys to go back and save your friends. Percy could've stayed in the infirmary the whole time to be with Annabeth but he came back to fight. He helped Leo and a lot of other people. If Jason were in Annabeth's situation I wouldn't have left. I would've been too scared to leave.
I looked up at the ceiling. It was pitch black outside. But I could see the small traces of fog here and there from the smoke. I shuddered at the thought that some of that smoke is from Annabeth's body.
It still hasn't sunk in that Annabeth was dead. I still expected her to be running around frantically yelling out orders or scolding Grover for eating the furniture. But instead all I heard was silence.
Jason was still asleep as well as Hazel. Leo was gone and Percy was probably still out. I looked at Frank who was desperately trying to stay awake.
"Hey Frank. Go get some rest. I'm gonna go get Percy. Or try to." He didn't even protest and went to the nearest room to crash.
I opened the majestic golden doors to be greeted with a cool crisp breeze. It was nice outside. It was a shame it would be ruined soon with Gaea.
I walked to the burning sight not surprised to see Percy standing there. I silently went up to him and stood there silently looking in the same direction as him. The light breeze seemed to calm me down about everything. The war, Percy, Annabeth.
If there was one thing I was relived about it was the fact that this war is taking place in the original Greece. I would've hated it to be in the states where it would put our families in Danger. Especially my dad. I was scared what would happen if he saw another "mythical creature" I didn't want him to freak out again and get scared. I still haven't told him about my Half Blood life and I hate that I'm keeping it away from him. But he isn't ready. I don't think he's at the level where he can take some news like this. It's only been a few months since Jason, Leo, and I saved my father. Every time I call him I decide I'm going to tell him but the way his forehead scrunched up like he's trying to remember something or the way his eyes holds so much sadness. I couldn't bring myself to tell him.
"I'm a coward." I stated breaking the beautiful silence.
"What are you talking about?" I was startled to hear Percy's voice. I expected him to be like one of those people in the movies that just go through this coma state after their loved ones leave... Wait no... That was only Twilight.
"I still haven't told my father that I'm a half blood. I want to but I can't because I feel like he's not going to take the news right. I'm scared he might think I'm a freak and might send me away. I'm a demigod. A warrior. I should be able to be on my own. But I can't I'm too scared. And the way you went back to fight in the war when you knew Annabeth was Injured. I would've never done that for Jason. I would've stayed there. And if he died I probably would've pulled a Romeo and Juliet and died a long with him."
"Piper that doesn't make you a coward. You don't think I was hoping I could somehow kill myself? You don't think I was thinking to jump into that burning fire while I saw Annabeth's body burning under her shroud? You know. A few years ago when Annabeth and I were still friends I remember burning our shrouds because we completed a quest. Since I didn't have siblings mine was a bed sheet with the word LOSER painted with red courtesy of the Ares cabin. Annabeth... Her's was the same one she was buried in. I remember it being beautiful and I told her it was a shame she wasn't being buried with it. She punched me that day. I would do anything for her to just punch me again. I spoke too soon with that joke. I broke my promise to her. I promised I would never leave her. But I did leave her. I left her when we came back from Tartarus and put distance between us because she was a reminder that we were in Tartarus and it hurt seeing Annabeth in those scratches. I made feel like I was useless. Then I broke up with her just because I was scared of her mom. And then I left we again to go with Jason to go to camp. And I finally left her dying in the infirmary. I was so stupid to not think about the prophecy. I was only thinking of myself. I'm a coward."
"No Percy. You broke up with Annabeth because you didn't want her to get hurt if you died. You put space between you guys because you were shaken by the horrible experience. You left Olympus with Jason so you can get help for our war. And you left the infirmary not because you were a coward but because you're loyal."
"Athena always said my loyalty was my fatal flaw."
"She's wrong. If you didn't leave Percy. Leo could've also been dead. Jason could've been overrun by monsters. Olympus could've been destroyed by the giants. And I'm really sorry to say that but no matter where you would've been you wouldn't have been able to save Annabeth."
"I know. And I hate that I couldn't save her. She has a family. She has her dad and stepmom and two little brothers. She has all of her brothers and sisters at camp. But me? What do I have?"
"You have a mom. You have Poseidon who cares about you so much. You have your stepdad. You have Tyson. You have us."
Percy stayed silent for a moment. It was only when I turned around I saw that he had tears streaming down his face. I quickly moved closer and gave him a hug. He hugged me back but I could tell he was trying to keep in his tears.
"Percy. It's ok to show emotion. It shows that you're strong."
Percy hastily wiped his face with his T-shirt.
"I hope Leo finds Calypso. He deserves her."
"Did you love her? Calypso?" I asked.
"When I crash landed there it was because of an eruption I caused at St. Helens. Annabeth and I was doing a task for Hephaestus. Before the eruption happened I told Annabeth to leave. That was when she kissed me. Next thing I know I'm awaken by a beautiful girl with Hazel eyes. I'm not sure how long I was there. According to Chiron I was there for 2 weeks. Calypso is cursed to fall in love with the hero that is sent there occasionally. But the hero can never stay. For a while I was convinced I should stay there. I thought I loved her. But it wasn't love. It was just pity. She's heartbroken and depressed and it makes you want to hold her forever and never let go. It was always Annabeth. Ever since that drive to Vegas in a Zoo Truck." Percy smiled at the unknown memory.
"It was our first quest. Mind you but we didn't have some fancy metal dragon to ride on. We had several ways of transportation. The zoo truck being one of them. You should've seen the animals. They were so sad. We helped them escape of course. Grover wouldn't let us go without doing so. That was when I found out why it was so dangerous to be a child of the big three. That was also when Annabeth opened up about her family. It was when I realized I loved her. Everything about her. And even though we were only 12 I already knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her."
There were tears in my eyes while Percy told his story. He had a smile on his face the whole time.
"But that isn't happening now. All my dreams were crushed. But I'll survive. I hope I do. I don't want everything we worked for to go to waste. I'm going to make her proud and one day I'll see her again."
I stepped back and smiled at Percy. A real smile.
"Come on. Let's go inside. You need to get your rest."
"Yes my beauty does need it's sleep." He said.
I scoffed. "Leo just left. We don't need another one."
"I'm Persassy Jackson. You can't tame me." Percy said snapping his fingers in a Z formation.
"Persassy? Where in hades did you come up with that?"
"I dunno. I figured that if I was like a celebrity I would be a sassy person and all of my fans would call me Persassy."
"God I don't know how Annabeth dealt with you."
"Well easy. I'm hot. I'm a great fighter. She loves me. And I'm hot."
I shook my head while opening the door. Before I could open it fully Percy stopped me.
"Thank you Piper. You and Leo both helped me realize I still have something worth fighting for."
"And that is?"
"The same answer as always. Annabeth."
I smiled at his answer. Percy was so sweet. Even though I didn't know him for a long time I felt like a little sister. And if he started dating any other girl I would purposely plan with Leo on how to get rid of her because Annabeth was the only girl for Percy.
When we stepped inside we were greeted by Chaos. How long was I outside? What time was it? Why was everyone running around again?
I looked for Jason or Frank or the others and finally I saw Jason. He was talking to Thalia. They seemed like they were having some argument with the hand gestures they were using. I took Percy's arm and dragged him over with me so he wouldn't get lost in the ruckus.
"Jason! We have to act now! We don't have much time! The hunters and I--"
"No! Thalia I already lost you once! You can't fight this one!"
"And who are you to tell me that?! I'm older than you!"
"Technically I'm older than you!"
"Not according to our birth certificates!"
"Woah what is going on here?" Percy asked stepping between the siblings.
"PERCY! OH HOLY ZEUS! I THOUGHT YOU WOULD JUST SIT AND DROWN IN YOUR MISERY!" Thalia yelled. Then she realized what she said and her face softened.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to be so vile. I know it's hard for you..."
"It's fine. What's going on? Why is everyone running around?" Jason reached into his pocket an pulled out a letter. He gave it to Percy. I read it with him.
Hello fellow Enemies,
You might be surprised when you find out who wrote this but don't worry. I'm simply informing you that Olympus will fall this time and I'll make sure of it. Gaea is already rising and we just need your blood to complete the ritual.
Come to the center of Mt. Olympus. It's near Poseidon's holy shrine. What better way to rise the wonderful and powerful goddess than sacrificing the Sea God's son in front of his own shrine? Come at midnight tomorrow and you'll be spared.
Still won't come? Well we have something you might want. Something that could help you in this war. We were going to keep it but what other way would you come here?
Remember dear cousin. Midnight. And your friends will be spared after Gaea takes power.
And you get your surprise.
Percy gasped while I read it again still confused.
"It can't be! I just talked to him! Why! Why would he do something like this again?!" Percy yelled.
"Percy. Who are you talking about?" Thalia asked.
Percy scoffed. "Seriously you couldn't figure this out? You spent most of your mortal life with him before you turned into a tree!"
Thalia gasped and shook her head. Tears forming in her eyes. "No no no. It can't be. He promised!" She screamed. She was full out sobbing now. Jason trying to comfort her.
"Percy. Who is it?" Jason asked.
Percy was silent for a few moments before he finally spoke again with a cold expression on his face.
"Luke. Luke Callestan."
Yay! Luke is back!
No! He's evil!
Oh well....
Tbh I'm not sure if it's just because he was basically evil the whole book but I liked evil Luke better than nice like but that's just my opinion.
So what do you think the surprise is?
Ok I'm gonna go now...
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