Chapter 43

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Yay! I finished this chapter!

So maybe I should torture you and continue talking building the suspense.....

But I'm not...

I have a geometry test tomorrow and I have to study...

So depressing... Why Can't I say I have a potions test tomorrow or I have to train the new demigods with their sword fighting....

My life sucks:(

Ok enjoy....

Last time on The Life After Tartarus

(A/N; haha I feel like one of those people on the dramatic shows like last time on Once Upon A Time... Ok I'll shut up now)

"Guys I'm fine we should really get back to the--" right then a huge portal opened up in front of us. 'Oh my gosh another wave of monsters?!' I thought
but instead demigods stepped out dressed in Purple and Orange. I squealed. We got our final reinforcements meaning Percy was back. The demigods just went straight to the fighting and I was at awe. The roman and Greek demigods fighting together was a beautiful as the way Leo thought Festus was beautiful. It was like watching a dramatic ballet. There were also many demigods. It was only now I realized just how many demigods we've gained since the Titan War. I turned back towards the portal. Reyna stepped out giving me a small smile then running to join the fight. Finally Percy stepped out. He was in his armor and this time it wasn't crooked. He smiled at me and I started running towards him. But just as quickly he smiled at me he screamed.
"ANNABETH! LOOK OUT!" Percy started running towards me but it was too late. I felt blood staining my body as blood dripped from my chest. My body felt weak and I dropped to my knees. The dagger was blade deep into my chest and I was sure I was going to die.
The last thing I remembered was Percy calling for help as his blood covered arms protected me.

Then everything went black.


Chapter 43: Percy

2 more hours. That was all the time left until I saw Annabeth. We would fight alongside each other and we would live happily ever after.

So of course I had to jinx it.

The only thing I could think about when Annabeth was running towards me was how beautiful she looked. She was scratched and her blond hair was in a pony tail flying behind her with some strands flying out. Her Camp Half Blood shirt was covered in monster dust and slime. But it was the most beautiful scene. Like watching a sunset. But that was taken away when she stopped. Her orange short turning Blood Red. She was still smiling at me. She didn't event notice that she was dying. Only as I screamed she realized there was a blade sticking out of her chest. She looked back at me. I was running now as her knees slowly started to become weak and fall to the ground. I caught her pale body that was growing colder by the second. I felt the tears steam down my face. Her blood was covering my arms but I didn't care. I screamed for help not thinking about the spare ambrosia in my pocket. I felt Jaz sit next to me and she gasped at the sight. She was talking to me but I didn't hear anything except Annabeth's ragged breaths.


"Shh. Everything's go-going to be ok."

"Percy- y-you ha-have to keep f-fighting."

"No. I'm not leaving."

I felt Jaz grab my shoulder. She motioned for me to follow her. I picked up Annabeth and started running to get to the infirmary.

"Percy. You need to go and fig--"


Jason and Nico came in trying to figure out what's going on. Nico gasped when he saw Annabeth.

"Why aren't you guys doing anything? Her life is slowly slipping away!" Nico yelled.

Jaz and a bunch of Apollo campers started swarming her. I was getting frustrated. They were crowded around her and I couldn't see her. I needed to see her!!

"Guys what's wrong? What's happening?! TELL ME!" I cried as the tears streamed down my face.

"Oh god this is bad." One kid said.

"She's lucky. It's just under her heart."

"But it's in her lungs. We need to get it out before it's too late."

"Give her some ambrosia. And lots of it. That should get rid of the broken bones."

Immediately two kids came with a gallon of Nectar, forcing it into Annabeth's mouth. There was enough space for me to see the scene in front of her. It was not good.

Her chest was bare and turning a sickly pale white. The blood was smeared all over her. Her breaths were getting shallow as I saw her chest struggle to take another breath. She was gasping for air, like a fish when you take it out of the water. I felt myself get dizzy and was grateful for Nico to steady me. He squeezed my hand which seemed to bring me back to life. I needed to be strong for Annabeth. I need to do what she would've wanted me to do. To fight.

I turned to Nico not being able to look at the disfigured body of my beautiful Annabeth. Nico looked at me with concern.

"It's all my fault. She got speared because she was running towards me."

"You can't blame yourself Percy. She was worried sick."

"And I should have reassured her."

"Percy. She loves you. She was doing what her heart was telling her to do."

"Stop trying to convince me it's not my fault!"

"I'm not! Don't you think I know how it feels? To be separated not once but twice by someone you loved?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean. When Bianca left me for the hunters I felt like a part of me was missing and then when she died, I did too and I let the demons take control of me. I let them consume my mind, my feelings, my ability to find joy in the world. You still have Annabeth. Don't blame yourself or anyone. Because you're just letting demons get inside your head. You'll turn bitter."

"Well maybe I want to be bitter. I won't ever find happiness again if Annabeth isn't here."

"You have to. Annabeth would've wanted you to."


"Everything will be fine." Nico said.

I wanted to hit a wall. What was this kid not getting? There was a stupid dagger in her lungs! The very organs that help her breathe. I mean I may not be smart like her but I'm pretty sure that's what helps you breathe!

I couldn't even look at Nico anymore and looked back at Annabeth. Her breaths were even slower than before if that was possible. I was so happy but then mad at the same time that we weren't in a hospital. I wanted to here the reassuring beeping sound that monitored her heart. But at the same time I didn't want to here that beep that will haunt me in my dreams forever.

If Annabeth died...

No I wouldn't let that happen. If she did die I would go to the underworld and get her soul back. I would go through Tartarus again just to get her back.

I can't believe a few weeks ago I was distancing myself from her because of Tartarus. That made her worry and now we're in this position.

"I love you Annabeth. Please wake up. I'm so sorry for all the pain I caused you."

Nothing. The only reassurance was her chest moving up and down. But they were struggling. They stuck some kind of tube into her arm and I saw nectar flowing through it. I think it was working. Maybe her bones were fixing but other than that she still looked the same. It was still heavily bleeding.

It was at that moment I realized she was half naked and there were other guys in the room. Nico seemed to realize too because he murmured something in Jason's ear and they left.

It was only the Apollo kids and Jaz.
Jaz was doing something in the back. She was whispering words and mixing stuff in a bowl but I couldn't figure out what she was doing. I hoped her Egyptian thing worked.

I looked back at Annabeth. Her lips were still blue and maybe it was my imagination but I think it was a lighter shade of blue. I couldn't understand why a god wasn't here. Apollo could just touch her and she would be healed. Or if we had the Golden Fleece. But then I realized that the gods probably doesn't know that Annabeth is hurt. In fact they wouldn't be affected if she did die because they're used to the fact that people die in wars.

I felt this sudden wave of rage and I hoped that something happened in out in the battlefield because of that rage. This was all Gaea's fault. If she could just sleep for maybe all eternity we wouldn't be having this problem right now.

I squeezed Annabeth's hand and placed a kiss on her lips. They were as cold as ice but I tried to ignore that.

"I'm coming back. I'm going to make Gaea pay for what she did to you."

I let go of her hand and ran outside. It was total chaos. The giants were getting closer to the throne room and if that happened all Hades will break loose.


It was Leo and Piper. Leo was trapped underneath some weird metal thing. Leo was trying to use his fire and tools to get it off him but it wouldn't work. And by the way piper was moving her hands, she was trying to Charmspeak the metal beast. She was failing miserably and Leo looked like he was going to be crushed into pieces. I ran as quickly as possible and hacked at the metal thing.

"N-no. Don't stab it. It's just get
stronger." Leo gasped. When I looked closed I saw it was made in an assortment of Imperial Gold and Celestial bronze.

"Who made this?" I asked.

"Leo did." Piper answering.

"What did you not give this machine enough love or something when you were making it? Why is your own invention trying to kill you?" I yelled.

"Been tampered with! Or maybe some stupid demigod told it the wrong command!" Leo said. He was trying to wiggled himself out but even someone as scrawny as him couldn't get out.

Gods I remembered when I was that scrawny...

And then cheeseburgers were introduced to me.

"Ok so how do I get this off you?"

"There's a self destruct button.."

"WHICH WE ARE NOT USING! You'll die from the impact!" Piper yelled.

"I'm just some guy that nobody cares about. It'll be fine."

"Yeah and then Calypso will wait for another millennium waiting for you only to get resentful and then take her anger out on some other poor demigod!" I said.

"Maybe it was supposed to be like this. I promised her something that I couldn't keep. I'll die breaking the promise.

An oath to keep with a final breath...

Holy Poseidon

I promised I would never leave her again.....

And I left her....


I shook my head. I couldn't think about that right now. I needed to get Leo out so he could help Calypso. I should have made sure she was free and I didn't and this is the only way to say sorry. By saving the one she loves. I went behind the machine and saw a big button that said self destruct. I used my sword to take the screws off.

"Percy! What in Hades are you doing?" Piper asked.

"I don't know! Just something!"

There were blue sparks coming out of the outlet. A collage of Red, Blue, Green, White, Yellow, and even rainbow wires crackled in front of me. Since when were there rainbow wires? I didn't know what to do. I wasn't handy with wires.

If Beckendorf was still alive he would've been able to save Leo. But what the heck am I supposed to do.

Then I thought about Home and how my mom would always tell me how great I am at untangling wires. I got to work, stinging my hands at the process. I pulled out some of the wires and untangled them. Soon enough it looked like the metal monster had rainbow spaghetti coming out from it's back. I grabbed all the wires and once and pulled them.

"Piper get over here."


"Grab my sword and cut the wires."


At the sound of Annabeth's name my shoulders drooped a little and Piper noticed.

"Percy what's wrong?"

"A-Annabeth... She got stabbed in the lungs... Jaz doesn't know if she'll survive."

"She will Percy. Annabeth is strong and she has a reason worth fighting and living for."

"What is it?"


"But it's my fault she's hurt in the first place. If I hadn't been so distant with her she wouldn't have worried about me."

"Percy. Annabeth will always be worried about you. It doesn't matter if you were at home eating pizza or fighting for your life against your worst enemy. She will always worry about you because that's how she reassures herself that you'll be fine. That's what keeps her going. And that's what symbolizes her love for you."

"But what if--"

"No buts! Now where do I cut these wires?"

"Just cut everything!" She grabbed my sword and closed her eyes. She brought the sword down and I fell back as the wires snapped. Suddenly Leo's machine stopped humming and fell back. It was dead. Leo got up. Surprisingly he wasn't burned.

Duh. He's a fire guy.

I wish I still had my Achilles heel.

"Oh no! My poor Oliver. You're dead." He turned to us. "What did you do to Olly!" He yelled.

"Well. Olly was going to kill you so we killed it!"

"You couldn't have found a less harmful way?!" Leo said in disbelief.

"Come on Repair boy. There's still a war going on." Piper said.

The three of us ran back to the main event. I saw lightning bolts in different places and I knew that was Thalia, Jason, and Zeus. I saw an army of monsters ganging up on Frank and I summoned a wave that pushed them back. I see Hazel doing her mist magic out of the corner of my eye. The only person that was missing was Annabeth. Usually she would be by my side. But now she wasn't.

"She'll be fine". I said to myself. But at this point I didn't know if I was saying that to myself or the world.
I ran into the battlefield hacking at everything that came in my way. I was unstoppable. At one minute I was on the East side helping Jason kill the monsters and at another I was on the west helping Demeter kill a giant who she happily turned into cereal.

I don't think I will ever look at cereal the same way anymore.

I was getting so hyped up and it started to be fun. My hair was matted with sweat and I was covered in Monster grime but I was laughing with the adrenaline coursing through my veins.
I was interrupted by a tap at my shoulder. I turned around and saw Jaz. Her face was straight and emotionless and I couldn't remember why she was here. She dragged me out of the fighting area and sighed before telling me two word's that killed me forever.

"She's dead."


I would like to invite everyone to my funeral.

I died because angry fans came to my house and killed me by hitting me with their hardcover Percy Jackson books.

The wake will be on Friday.

The burial will be on Saturday....

Unless these fans bury me in a ditch after they kill me....

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