Chapter 42: Annabeth
Stupid Percy. I hope he isn't doing something that will hurt him. I mean it's only Camp but still. And I didn't completely trust Percy's new friends. Egyptian gods? How come we never came across them if we all lived in New York? This is so frustrating. Why couldn't Jason stay back. Yeah I know it's selfish because Piper was just as scared as me for Jason as I for Percy. But Percy "died" and I don't want to let him out of my sight. I will seriously Judo flip seaweed brain. I looked over at Nico. I haven't seen him since we got out of Tartarus and I didn't get to properly thank him. Although he was acting a little cold towards Percy.
"Hey Nico."
"Oh hey Annabeth." He was nervous. I heard he had a crush on me but this seemed beyond that.
"Are you ok?" I put my hand on his shoulder. He flinched so I took my hands off.
"Just- I. This is just really Awkward." Nico said. I was confused. And I hated being confused.
"What's awkward?"
"I mean I made Amends with Percy but it's still awkward."
"Made amends with Percy? What are you talking about?"
"I-I used to have a crush on him." He said it barely above a whisper. I had to strain my ears to hear him. He had a crush on Percy? I mentally slapped myself. Why didn't I see it before? It was obvious that Nico hated Percy for some reason other than Bianca. And that also explained why he left Camp when he could've stayed. And why he was cold towards Percy after Tartarus. I looked at Nico who was trying to avoid eye contact with me.
"You probably hate me right now and I'm so--"
"Hey you don't have to apologize. If anybody should apologize it's me." I told him.
"What do you mean?"
"I should've realized. I mean I can see why Percy didn't realize but me? That should be impossible." I smiled.
"Why didn't Percy realize?"
"Because he's seaweed brain." I laughed and Nico joined. I admit. It was nice hearing Nico laugh. I haven't heard him laugh since we rescued him and Bianca from thorn. He hasn't been happy either.
"I like this happy side of you." I told him.
"Well don't get used to it. I'm supposed to be the ghost king. You're supposed to be scared of me." He joked.
"Oh my gosh you totally spook me." I dramatically said.
"Don't start with the bad puns." He warned.
"Yeah that wouldn't be wise" I joked.
"Shut up."
"Oh come on Nico. Lightning up a bit." I said.
"I swear I will personally make sure you don't make it to Elysium."
"Now wouldn't that be shellfish?"
"I officially hate you."
"Ok ok I'll stop." We walked in silence when one of the Egyptians walked up to us. I think it was Walt.
"Hey Annabeth."
"Um hi?"
"You probably don't trust us very well." I blinked. Did this guy have like the ability to read minds?"
"I wanted to make sure you didn't hate us."
"I don't hate you guys. In fact I love you guys for coming to help us out. It's just Percy never told me about you guys so I'm just a little skeptical."
"Oh well he couldn't tell you about us."
"When Carter and Percy met and fought together, Carter told Percy a way to contact him if he needed help. Percy just had to say Carter's name and he would appear. So if he told you..."
"Makes sense."
"I just don't understand why we never met before. We all live in New York." Walt said.
"It's probably the mist." Nico said.
"What do you mean?" Walt said.
"The mist is this veil that covers the real image from mortals but sometimes it works on demigods. Maybe it was covering us from you guys." I explained.
"That makes sense. Anyways what are we going to do about the entrances."
"We have to find the source. But I don't know how to do that." I said.
"She hates not knowing stuff. Daughter of Athena, goddess of Wisdom at work" Nico explained. I looked at him.
"Wow sometimes you are just like Percy."
"No Percy is too idiotic to be the ghost king." I laughed.
"And why is that?"
"Because he's more of a 'under the sea down here it's better person'"
"I didn't even know you watched those Disney Movies."
"Bianca made me." He gave me a small smile. I smiled back and turned towards Walt.
"The best we could do is fight off those giants. But even with the reinforcements we still need more. But that's in another." I looked at my watch. "2 hours." 2 hours until Percy comes.
"Well let's get to the killing then." Walt exclaimed. We nodded and ran. I led my group of demigods and woodland creatures to the gates. We were greeted by nasty monsters and giants. We slashed and stabbed most of the monsters. I saw Leo on fire burning up some of them and Jason, Thalia, and Zeus summoning lightning... Talk about a bad hair day. I myself was covered in monster slime and dust but I could care less. I was really tired but I couldn't sleep knowing Percy wasn't here on Olympus but now I could really use that energy.
"There are so many more monsters... We didn't even kill half of them." Hazel said.
"Annabeth are you ok?" Jaz asked. I wave her off.
"I'm fine just tired."
"Annabeth you should get some sleep before you get hurt." Piper said. For a while I felt like I should go and take a big nap but then a huge explosion of lightning woke me up.
"Sorry. But you really should get some rest."
"Piper is right. Annabeth you look Pale." Jaz said. I would wave her off but she supposed to be some healing expert so I couldn't ignore her statement.
"Guys I'm fine we should really get back to the--" right then a huge portal opened up in front of us. 'Oh my gosh another wave of monsters?!' I thought but instead demigods stepped out dressed in Purple and Orange. I squealed. We got our final reinforcements meaning Percy was back. The demigods just went straight to the fighting and I was at awe. The roman and Greek demigods fighting together was a beautiful as the way Leo thought Festus was beautiful. It was like watching a dramatic ballet. There were also many demigods. It was only now I realized just how many demigods we've gained since the Titan War. I turned back towards the portal. Reyna stepped out giving me a small smile then running to join the fight. Finally Percy stepped out. He was in his armor and this time it wasn't crooked. He smiled at me and I started running towards him. But just as quickly he smiled at me he screamed.
"ANNABETH! LOOK OUT!" Percy started running towards me but it was too late. I felt blood staining my body as blood dripped from my chest. My body felt weak and I dropped to my knees. The dagger was blade deep into my chest and I was sure I was going to die.
The last thing I remembered was Percy calling for help as his blood covered arms protected me.
Then everything went black.
I know I'm evil. :) but you guys still love me.
Yay Nico is like 9 year old nico again.... Oh how I missed him...
And I don't know if Annabeth will come back... Maybe she will maybe she won't...
Don't ask... Cuz that might jeopardize her life
Hahaha I'm evil...
No I'm not related to Rick Riordan...
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