Thanks for reading! I have 1.95k reads! Spread the story around and maybe follow me? I update at random with school getting in the way ughh...Ok well I'll let you read chapter 40 now....
Chapter 40: Percy
Why is it that no matter how many times I kill monsters, no matter how many times I was bullied at school, no matter how many times I stood up to Annabeth's death glares that I was never scared but someone mentions Silena or Beckendorf or even Luke and all of those memories flood my mind scaring me even more than it did before. because now I went to Tartarus and I'm not able to control my emotions.I shook my head. "Get a grip Jackson" I walked into the Athena cabin to tell them about the plan but instead it seemed like they already knew.
"Um why are you guys in battle Armour?"
"Because you are taking us right? To the battle? I mean Annabeth might be smart but she has the job of keeping you under control. You need someone smart to help Annabeth." One of Annabeth's sisters said. I glared at her. "I'm not dumb. And I can totally control myself on my own. And if I'm not mistaken I'm the one who guided you guys in the war last year."
"Hey let's save the fighting for the war." Malcolm said. I looked around the cabin. It's been so long since I've been at camp. I was so sure I wanted to go to Camp Jupiter after the war. To start a new life with Annabeth. Maybe even a family. But now seeing my home again it was hard to choose.
"Earth to Percy!" Malcolm was waving his hands in front of my face.
"Sorry. I haven't been at camp for a long time."
"Yea we know. I got scared sometimes. Annabeth would go nonstop trying to always get out of camp to look for you. She would have tantrums and end up crying for you and of course blaming Hera. Sometimes I woke up not seeing her in her bunk and I panicked. I was scared she did something to herself. I looked everywhere and I ended up finding her sound asleep on you bed her hands wrapped around your blanket like it wasn't a blanket it was you. When we found out Jason lost his memories and you were at the other camp, we were so worried about Annabeth. What if you also forgot all of your memories? What if you forgot Annabeth? I think she was scared of that too. That you found another girl or you forgot her. But she was calmer after she knew you were still alive and you were in a place."
"I didn't forget her. The only think I remembered when I woke up was my name and hers. Actually at first I didn't really remember my name but her name was clear in my mind. She also judo flipped me when she saw me."
Malcolm smiled. "You deserved that. Putting her into so much worry. Causing me so much trouble."
"You? Why would I cause you trouble?"
"I'm Annabeth's brother I have a duty to protect her. Especially from boys." He said teasing me.
"Well I'm not a boy. I'm a man." Malcolm shook his head and waved goodbye as I left his cabin. I looked around as my eyes lay on my cabin. I haven't been in there and I wasn't sure if I wanted to go in there. I opened the door and someone was sitting on my bed I took out my sword ready to attack when the black shawl fell and a mane of red hair revealed. Rachel look at my sword and back to me.
"Are you still trying to kill me? Because it won't work. I'm 100% mortal." She smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. It's been so long since I've seen any of my friends.
"So what are you doing in my room?" The smiled disappeared.
"The war is getting worse. Well it's a little better since camp half blood isn't at war anymore but the only way for me to see what's going on, to figure out the prophecy, is to be in your room or Jason's."
Rachel shrugged. "I think it's because you two started the whole process of getting the two camps together. The magic is just more powerful in your cabins. Sometimes more in one room than the other. Anyways is it only you?"
"No it's me and Jason. We need the campers at Mount Olympus. The war started somewhat."
"But that leaves you with 5 demigods at Mt. Olympus."
"I know but were hoping we can get as many demigods across."
"So why are you here?"
"Oh um I guess I just miss the place."
"You miss your bedroom?"
"I lived here for 4 summers. A lot happened."
Rachel nodded. I waved goodbye and went and told the other cabins Jason and I selected.
"You know Punk. Just because you're the hero of the first war doesn't mean we like you any better. Besides I have 8 months of beating up to catch up on." Charisse said as I left her room.
"I'm glad nothing has changed."
I start walking back to Jason when I stop. Jason and Reyna seemed like they were fighting and Nico was in between trying to keep peace between them. I decided to go up to help when I heard Jason yelling at Nico. "What's going on with you Nico! The last time I saw you, you were all depressed about your Percy problem and now here you are 10 inches away from him and you don't even flinch?" Nico looked up. He looked like he was going to say something back when he saw me. The color drained out of his face. He looked back at Jason with cold eyes and ran off into the forest. Jason turned and his eyes widened. I had a feeling Jason just revealed a big secret people weren't supposed to know. Especially me. I understood exactly what was the secret. Nico was in love with me. I tried to go up to Jason but he quickly walked away. Reyna was still frozen shocked at what Jason said.
"Percy. You should talk to him." She turned and walked away. What the heck. Did everyone know? Knowing Nico probably not. I remember Jason saying how he went to confront Cupid with Nico. That's probably how Jason found out. I guessed we had about 10 hours left. I ran into the forest trying to find Nico. I decided to go to Zeus fist. That's where Nico disappeared last time. Sure enough I saw Nico sitting on the fist head down. He was sniffling. I wonder if this is how he was after I told him Bianca died before finding the entrance to the Labyrinth. Nico didn't seem to hear me as I approached him. I went to sit next but before I could he tensed and took out his sword.
"It's me Nico."
Nico didn't look up. "Go away."
"No. I'm not leaving until we talk."
"There's nothing to talk about now leave before I let the ground swallow you up."
"You could've done that 3 years ago but you didn't."
"Well because I already Lost my sister and I couldn't lose y- I mean I couldn't lose the opportunity for you to suffer for what you did."
"I'm sorry."
"You said that a million times."
"Not about Bianca. Well I am sorry about that too. But right now I'm sorry for not noticing the real reason you left camp. It's my fault that you've been feeling umm well I dunno depressed? Confused? Sorry I'm not exactly sure how to say sorry for you having a crush on me." As soon as I said it I regretted it. Nico looked up at me. His face was blotchy with tears and there were still tears coming down his cheeks but his eyes were filled with hate and anger. The same eyes that he had 3 years ago.
"I never had a crush on you. You are stupid and dimwitted. I honestly don't see what Annabeth sees in you."
"Probably my good looks and awesomeness." I say trying to lighten the mood.
"Just go away Percy. You need to get back and fight in the war. Annabeth needs you too."
"Nico I want to work something out."
"No there's nothing to work out. As much as I want to get over you I can't because my past is tied with you since we met you. I barley remember my past as it is. The only stuff I clearly remember is you defending Bianca and I, Bianca telling me about her choice, your promise that you broke, telling me Bianca died. And the fact that I had a crush on you just made everything overwhelming. A ten year old shouldn't have to go through all of that in less than 1 week."
"I know and I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything? It was my choice to start liking you."
"This time I was apologizing for Bianca. Nico you know you're like a little brother to me. I mean you might've crossed me a couple of times but we both saved each other's life at times and that's the type of relationship brothers have. They fight they betray but they always save each other. I know you probably don't see me as your brother and now I get why you don't stay at camp. It's torture for you to see me holding hands with Annabeth, hugging her, loving her in the way you wish I was with you." I took his hand and placed it over my heart. "You will always have a place in my heart. Just not as you hoped it was." Nico snatched his hand out of my hand but doesn't glare at me. "I guess you're right. Maybe we can act like brothers. But that would still cause pain. Wondering if you will come back after a battle."
"You can't dwell on death."
"I'm the son of the death god. You can't just tell me to not dwell on death."
"Find someone you love that makes you feel alive."
"I think I did."
"Who... REYNA! I knew something was up between you two when I saw you guys today."
"What are you talking about? For all you know I could be with Leo or Jason or Frank."
"They all have girlfriends. Admit it you and Reyna are a thing now aren't you? So when are you going to make a move on her?" I smirk. His face is red with embarrassment. "Holy Poseidon! You guys already kissed didn't you? Oh gods in my room too!" I laughed at him while he punched me in the arm. "It's not good to make fun." Nico exclaims.
"But as your older brother, I have a duty to make fun of you." Nico smiles in what feels like the first time in years. I'm happy I talked this through with him. Now he might stay at camp. Unless he goes to Camp Jupiter after the war to be with Reyna. I suddenly realized how we're all going to split up after the war.
"What's wrong Percy?"
"Nothing. I'm just going to miss my friends. You know after the war."
"You're not staying at Camp Half Blood?" Nico said in disbelief.
I shrugged. "I don't know. I want to do what's best for Annabeth but..."
"But what?"
"What if I die?" There I have confessed my biggest fear.
"You can't think like that. It's going to distract you. You can't dwell on death after all." He says with a smirk. I smile at him.
"We should go back and get some rest we have a war to fight." Nico nodded and we walked back to the mess hall not realizing they already started dinner. My ADHD is really annoying.It seemed like nobody was listening to the rules of sitting at their own table. Nico and I walked over to Jason and Reyna. They stopped talking when they saw us walk over. Nico went and sat next to Reyna while I sat next to Jason.
"What took you so long! It's been 5 hours since you were in that forest! We were thinking you guys were captured or something!" Reyna exclaimed.
"We were talking." Nico explained.
"So you guys worked it out?" Jason asked.
"Yes. We found out that it was a mistake and really Nico is in love with you so we decided to call Piper and tell her that you don't like her anymore." I said. Nico and I burst out laughing at Jason's horrified face. I looked over to the Athena table on instinct, expecting to see Annabeth then remembering that she wasn't there. Reyna put her hand on my arm.
"Hey you will see her again." I nodded.
"So we have 5 more hour as right? Until the portal opens?" Jason asks.
"Yea. I told the cabins. We should Iris message them." I said.
"Reyna and I can do that. You two should finalize everything else." Jason said. They got up to find a prism to make a rainbow.
"I just wish we had some kind of army or someone that can bring forces into Olympus right now." Nico complained.
"Yeah if on--" I went cold.
"Percy what's wrong? What happened?"
"I can get help. I can call him."
"Who?" Nico asked. I looked into his eyes. They were full of confusion and need to know this mystery guy.
I smiled. "Carter." Immediately the air warped and changed around us. The campers fell silent as 4 kids walked out of a portal.
"Long time no see Percy. I knew it was impossible that you didn't need my help." Carter smirked.
"We need your help. There's a war going on an--"
"Really? Is this your definition of a war? I would love to live here!" The girl with the pink stripe in her hair said.
"Sadie we do live here. This is Long Island!"
"No fair how come we get all the scary spirits and gods after us."
"The war isn't here. It's in Greece. The Original Mount Olympus."
"Wait. You haven't exactly explained to me what you are." Carter said. Nico and I escorted them into my cabin. They looked around in awe. I quickly gave him an explanation about Half Bloods and how the gods are alive. In return, Walt, explained how the Egyptian gods are still around and how they're known as magicians. The other girl, Sadie I think, kept encountering embarrassing moments about Carter. I noticed she had a British accent. I wonder if Carter and Sadie lived together because Carter didn't have an accent like her. The other girl shyly introduced herself as Jaz. She was a healer. I was pacing the room thinking not realizing that Carter looked at me waiting for an answer.
"Huh. What sorry? I'm ADHD. And Dyslexia. And I'm not the smartest. That's my girlfriend Annabeth. And I have no idea why I'm saying this right now. I guess I'm just kind of nervous." Just then Jason and Reyna returned with troubled faces. They made quick introductions with Carter and the others.
"Percy the war started and it's the giants and monsters against Piper Frank Annabeth and Hazel and the gods of course." Jason explained.
Chapter 41 coming soon I think who knows? Lol
Well follow me on...
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