Chapter 36: Nico
Ok. That kiss didn't mean anything right? I mean. I'm nico and she's Reyna. There isn't anyway that I love her?! Or is there a chance? But what if she didn't like me? Oh whatever. I couldn't worry about Love right now. I haven't talked to Reyna since then. After we talked to Percy, a few minutes lares Sally came home from work. I told her we talked to Percy and she was sad she missed him again but was happy he was still alive. (So maybe I didn't tell her that he did die and then came back...details don't really matter right?) Sally and Paul were making dinner and Reyna was washing up. I decided to call Coach Hedge and see how he was doing.
"O Iris Goddess of the Rainbow please accept my offering." I threw the drachma in the mist and asked for Coach Hedge. He was flying on the Pegasus. With the Athena Parthenos at his side. Before we left I have him something that Leo made to make it smaller. "Coach Hedge." He looked at the IM and smiled. "Oh hey cupcake! I'm almost there. I should be there in an hour."
"Really that's great!"
"Yea. Then we can get to camp and save the day! I'm a very heroic goat."
I felt guilty. I eavesdrop on the guy and didn't even tell him. "Hey coach I have something to tell you. I know that you're going to be a dad. I overheard you talking to Mellie."
He was silent for a moment. "Oh it's ok. I just didn't want you guys to feel sorry for me or anything. I need to be there for my baby."
"We know. And we will make sure you get to see your family." He smiled as I cut the connection and saw Reyna standing at the door.
"Um sorry. I was just trying to tell you that dinner was ready." She said. I nodded without looking at her. Instead of leaving she came closer. I felt my palms getting sweaty. This is not fair. Why can't I just be cool like Percy or Jason? "Look Nico about that kiss..."
"It never happened."
"No. It did happen. You should really stop wishing things didn't happen. Nico I don't regret what happened."
I looked at her. "You don't? You mean you liked it?"
She nodded. "I don't know when but I started liking you. I didn't know if it was even possible if you would Iike me back."
I looked into her brown eyes. Her black hair was slightly wet. Water droplets threatening to fall off. I closed the distance between us and put my mouth to hers. She put her arms around my neck and stood on her tip toes. I didn't realize that I was taller then her. I wrapped my fingers in her wet black hair. The kiss was slow but passionate. She pulled away when Sally called us again. She looked at me and smiled. "I love you."
"I love you too."
A few minutes later we were talking to Sally and Paul about our conversation. (I decide to tell her about Percy...she freaked.)
"Well I mean. He's still alive and I thought that, that's all that matters."
"But he died."
"And came back. That doesn't happen to a lot of people." I didn't really say it to imply to anyone but then her face softened as she looked at me. I think she thought I meant Bianca.
"Right well then yes we are very lucky. Have you guys contacted camp?" She asked.
"No. We don't want to contact until we get the statue. Which should be anyti--" the bell rang.
Paul went to open the door. I walked behind him with a sword out just in case. Paul opened the door and Coach Hedge came in. He saw my sword and looked at me. "Were you about to turn me into a goat kabob?"
"Umm... Yes?" He came and patted me on the shoulder. "I have taught you well." I looked at Reyna but she shrugged.
"Do you have the statue?" Coach nodded. I looked at Reyna and she understood. Gods. I've been waiting for someone who could understand me like that. She came back with out bags.
"Thank you Sally and Paul. We need to get to Camp as quickly as we can now. To stop all of the fighting." Sally nodded and hugged me. I was startled at first but then accepted her hug. Percy was really lucky to have mortal parents that understand. Paul shook my hand and we all got into the car. Sally drove us to the beach. We got out and we heard all the fighting from there. Sally was already driving away. We walked up to the top where Thalia's tree was located. I gave the statue to Reyna as we walked in, squeezing her hand for good luck. Chiron and Grover noticed us first. They were about to say something but Reyna already had it under control.
"ROMANS! I COMMAND YOU TO STOP AND LISTEN TO YOUR LEADER!" The Romans stopped and turned except Octavian.
"Shut up Octavian." I said.
"Now. I have came back from Greece after a long journey to meet up with Jason and Percy."
"Where is Percy?!" It was Clarrise.
"Percy is--" right then a blue portal opened up right in the middle of the crowd. Out came Percy and Jason. Everyone gasped as Percy looked around and smiled.
"Hello Camp Half Blood. Miss me?"