Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: Thalia
"Will he be alright?" I asked.
"Sure, he'll be fine" Apollo responded.
"What's wrong why did he scream like that? Nothing happened!"
"It appears that someone has put some kind of curse in him so every time he thinks or is near that person he will feel pain. Eventually if he spends so much time with that person he'll die of pain. In this case I think that person is Annabeth."
Piper gasped. "That's horrible! Percy and Annabeth are a team! How is her not supposed to think about her? Who would do this?"
"Old dirt face would." Leo responded.
We all murmured in agreement. The answer had to be Gaea. So why did I feel uneasy about it? I stayed with Percy in the infirmary. Annabeth wasn't here which wasn't like her. I didn't know what happened between those two but it must've been bad. I didn't eat anything since dinner and I skipped breakfast and Lunch. I was in the same clothes too. Percy looked dead. I touched it forehead but it was as cold as ice. There was slight pulse and on his forehead there was dried blood. I decided to go look for Annabeth. She had to know what happened to Percy. I went to Annabeth's room. She wrapped tightly underneath the covers. She hasn't anything since we came here. She looked thin and there were tear stains on her cheeks. She was wide awake and there were still tears coming down.
"Annabeth? It's me Thalia."
She turned around. Her eyes were bloodshot and her curly blonde hair was in tangles.

"What are you doing Annabeth? You haven't eaten anything since we got here. And Percy... He could really use you right now."
That seemed to snap Annabeth to reality. "Why does he need me?" She asked.
"Annabeth... He almost died yesterday... Actually he's barely breathing and has a really faint pulse. His skin is so cold it felt like he was in a freezer his whole life. Annabeth how do you not know this? You're the closest person to him. Apparently Gaea put some kind of curse so every time her thought about you or was near you he be in pain. Annabeth are you even listening to me?" She wasn't. She turned back around and her chest fell up and down. She was sleeping. I sighed and got up. I bumped into Jason.
"Hey Thalia. Anything from Percy?" I shook my head. "No and something happened between those two. Annabeth didn't even seem alarmed when I told her Percy almost died. Jason what are you hiding?"
"What makes you think I'm hiding something?"
"Because I took care of you when you were small I know the way you move and I know everything about you. You move side to side when your lying and you stand perfectly still when your hiding something."
"Ok fine. Yesterday when I was going towards the sword fighting arena Percy and Annabeth seemed to be arguing about something. The only thing I heard was 'Percy I'm telling you my mom is just being protective...' But then I came and Percy dismissed Annabeth. She walked away furiously."
"But what was she talking about with her mom. I know that her mom always hated her relationship with Percy but what happened to where Annabeth wouldn't even talk to Percy?"
"Maybe they ju--"
"JASON! THALIA!" It was frank.
"Frank what's wrong? Did something happen?" Jason asked.
"Percy...he... He lost his pulse"

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