Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Frank
Leo was gone before I could say anything. But one thing was clear. He wasn't going for annabeth. It wasn't the real reason anyways. He felt left out-- like he didn't belong. It was how I felt when I got to Camp Jupiter. I was so clumsy and wasn't good at anything. Except Archery. And then Percy came and for the first time I felt like I could belong but then BAM! Mars claimed me as his son and I felt like an outcast again. An outcast because now I was the scary dude's son. But as I journeyed with Percy and Hazel on our quest I felt more better. And now I was praetor because of Jason. I decided not to tell anyone about Leo until they notice. It's probably what he would've wanted anyways. I thought about how Jason gave up his praetor ship for me. What did that mean? Did he think I was a good leader? Or was he just giving it to me cuz we were desperate. I wonder if Jason was even going to come back to Camp Jupiter. Doubt it. Why would he leave piper?
"Your up early" hazel said. I jumped. She was right next to me. Sometimes she's as creepy as her brother.
"You scared me for a moment, um yea I uh couldn't sleep"
My palms were sweaty I was really bad at lying.
"Frank what happened?"
I sighed. "It's Leo, he um kind of took off in an airplane to find annabeth."
"I told him not to go! And this boat has an airplane? Since when? And you didn't try to stop him?! Frank he's going to die!"

I don't know why but for some reason I got defensive for Leo. "HE ISN'T GOING TO DIE! And don't you think I tried stopping him? He left because he feels left out! Why do think he's going to die? He built this whole ship practically by himself. He saved us so many times! We would've died if he didn't figure how to work the spear thing he values so much! He got me a fireproof bag to keep my firewood from burning!"
Hazel had fear in her eyes. I realized this was the first time I yelled at her. And I also realized I'm so much bigger then her.
"I'm so sorry Hazel I don't know what got into me"
"It's ok Frank you're right Leo will come back with Percy and Annabeth. I know he will."
There was silence for almost 5 minutes.
"Do you think we should tell the others?"
"No we should wait until they notice he's gone."
She nodded and put her head on my shoulder. We fell asleep holding hands.

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