Chapter 27

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Word count:464




Ayyyy, I'm back! Sorry I haven't posted in so long.

Anyways, here goes! 


~Harry P.O.V~

It's been a week and I haven't been able to eat alone per Madam Pomfrey's instructions. I know it's for my own good, but I really hate the feeling of being watched; I've never really liked all the attention I get for being "The Boy Who Lived". So right now I'm sitting in the Great Hall with Hermione and Ron, eating the small amount of food on my plate slowly so I don't upset my stomach. I don't usually eat very much, and over the course of the past few months, I have found that if I eat too quickly, no matter what it is, I start to feel queasy.

Enough about my terrible eating habits, though. Remus and Sirius have given me some privacy, which I am extremely grateful for. I know that they care about me, but sometimes my brain starts to scream at me that they hate me. That Hermione and Ron hate me. That Draco hates me. I know that it isn't true, but my brain just seems to love to torture me by making up stories that end up keeping me from sleeping at night.

"Mate, are you okay?" Ron asks me, shaking my shoulder and breaking me out of my thoughts.

We've made up since our fight and now we're best friends again.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking..."

"Well don't think too hard or you'll become Hermione 2.0!"

"Hey! Thinking is not my only personality trait, you know," Hermione butts in, a miffed expression on her face.

"She's right Ron, she does more than just think-"

"Thank y-"

"She also would rather die than get expelled."

"Well I was just being honest since you two wanted to run off and find the Sorcerer's Stone!"

"Okay, okay. Geez Hermione..." Ron said, his face a mix of annoyance and fear that Hermione would hit him over the head with one of her books.

The rest of lunch goes by pretty quickly and suddenly it's time to go back to classes.

"What class do we have next? I forgot again," Ron asked.

"Herbology, Ron. We have Herbology next."

"Oh, okay."

Just like that, we're off to the greenhouses to deal with magical plants.



Sorry that this was so short, I got writer's block. 

Anyways, thank you all so much for 19.1k reads and all of your votes and amazing comments. It gives me the motivation to keep writing this, even though I'm not as obsessed with HP as I once was. Still, I do plan to keep writing for you guys because y'all are just awesome.

Much love,

The Author <3

Question of the day: What do you like to do over summer break?

I like to read and go to theatre camp. I do theatre a lot, even though it gets super chaotic at practices. 

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