Chapter 13

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Val's POV

We come across two paths and a sign.

"The right path is long, arduous, and enlightening. And the left, a short cut that is a possible evil skeleton graveyard." Nya reads the signs.

"Why would they say possible? They would know, right?" Jay asks a little nervous.

"We're taking the short cut! Let's roll!" Garmadon says to us.

"No, no. Just wait. Master Wu said we should stay on the right path." Lloyd says to the others.

I nod my head in agreement.

"What?! Do you want to listen to the guy fell off the bridge, or the guy who didn't fall off the bridge?" Garmadon asks.

"The guy who fell off the bridge." I answer as if it was obvious.

Sadly though, we had to take the short cut.

It was dark and scary going through the short cut.

But I wasn't scared. Nothing was happening so far.

"Hey, Zane, could you record this and then never play it to me?" Jay asks Zane with fear in his voice.

"Yes." Zane answers.

"Maybe, this isn't such a great idea." Nya says to us.

"Oh, now you decide to take the right path." I say as I roll my eyes.

Everyone was looking around at the skeletons.

They were all scared by the looks on their faces.

I, on the other hand, wasn't scared at all. They're just skeletons for goodness sake.

"This is my least favorite place I have ever been in." Jay says scared.

We then hear laughter around us.

"Did you hear that?" Cole asks us.

"No, I didn't hear anything. Of course I did, Cole!" I say to him.

We then see people come out of their hiding spots. I couldn't tell who they were because of the darkness.

"We're backing it out. Back out. We're baking out. We're backing out!" Lloyd says as we start backing out of the area.

We turn around to leave but we stop when we see more of those people start to surround us.

They were holding torches and were coming closer.

"Wait a minute. Oh, my gosh, L-loyd. They look like... my former general number ones." Garmadon says as the people come into view.

I now understood what was going on.

Garmadon would fire generals out of a volcano, and they are probably mad at him for doing that.

"You guys look great. You guys have been tanning lately?" Garmadon asks nervously.

"We were fired." One of his generals says.

"Out of a volcano." Another general says.

"Oh, right. But other than that, you're well?" Garmadon asks nervously.

"Uh, Garmadon? Did you fire all of these generals out of a volcano?" Lloyd asks Garmadon.

"No. Not all at the same time. These guys are like family to me. They love me. Right, generals?" Garmadon answers.

The generals just laugh, maniacally, as a response.

"That doesn't really answer the question, Garmadon." I say to him.

"Ninja go!" My friends say as they start to run towards the generals.

I just stand there next to Lloyd.

"Wait! We need to use our ninja powers!" Lloyd tries to tell the others.

"What! What do we do? We're useless without our mechs!" Jay says to Lloyd.

I wasn't listening anymore. I start running towards a few of the generals and start fighting them.

If only I can use my powers. Then it would be a lot easier.

"We gotta get out of here!" I hear Jay say to us.

"No, guys. Use your elemental powers. We have the power!" I hear Lloyd say.

I then notice a lot more generals coming towards us.

I was still fighting though.

I then feel arms wrap around my waist as I am being carried.

I turn around to see Cole carrying me and running with the others.

"No! Let me at 'em!" I yell as I struggle to get free.

We were running to who knows where, and Cole finally puts me down.

We were still running and I noticed that we were now separated.

I was all alone right now. I an looking around to see where the others went.

I hope everyone is all right.

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