Chapter 14

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"So she woke up and then she fainted?" Rusl asked again.

"Yes but.. I wouldn't say that she woke up." I muttered. I now lay in the spring, the pain in my stomach lessening by the minute. 

"You what?"

"It wasn't her in there! The dark marks all over her? Something is inside of her and its possessing her. I managed to snap her out of it eventually, but then she fainted. Who knows what will happen when she wakes up!" I said with frustration. Rusl's brow furrowed. "I need to stay with her." Rusl grabbed my arm as I went to push myself up off the ground. "Rusl, please just let me." I said seriously, looking into his crinkled eyes. He kept a tight grip on my arm but rather than holding me down, he helped me get up onto my feet. "Thank you." He nodded in response and I turned to slowly walk away. 

Zelda was currently at my house, out the way of the rest of the village and therefore not a danger if she was still being controlled. I sat outside on the little cliff my house stood on, letting my legs dangle over the edge. A small shadow popped out of my own.

"Are you stupid?!" Midna spat at me.

"What?! I'm taking care of as many people as I can here-"

"I don't care about any of that, Link! Why in Hyrule are you not out looking for that thing that took her in the first place? I'm the Princess of Twilight, I should have been the first person you came to for answers! Isn't it obvious that there is dark power in her?"

I lifted my eyes to look at her. "You think I'd just leave Zelda on her own with no idea what might happen if she woke up?! Yes, you know all about this stuff, but I don't, and you're not exactly the easiest person to find without going all the way to Gerudo!" I retaliated.

"I came as quickly as I could. Do you think it's easy to get back here?"

"I'm not the one that smashed the mirror!" She shot me a glare, and I expected her to leave, but to my surprise her shadow remained next to me.

"Regardless, I'm here now. I'll try my best to take out the darkness that's been put in Zelda, but it won't be easy. You, however, need to do something about whoever did this. My guess is they took her power and exchanged it for some of theirs, and they're now taking advantage of that by controlling her. But she's strong, you know that. She's fighting it." She said with a sigh. 

"I'll go to where I found her." I said as I got to my feet.

"Stay safe." She mumbled as her shadow moved through my door. Through the little window I saw her true form materialise.

A/N: Finally updated! I didn't get to do much writing until I got back from visiting family, and I couldn't post there anyway because I couldn't get any wifi, but Endless is back! Enjoy :)

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