Chapter 13

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She had thrashed around the tiny room, splashing water everywhere. Ralis ran away immediately, but I couldnt bring myself to leave. I saw panic written across her face, not anger. I knew she was still in there. Though it pained me to do so, I grasped her shoulders and shoved her against the wall. She struggled against me.

"Look at me!" I yelled, her eyes still darting everywhere but my face. Her breathing began to slow and she looked at my hands, pinning her to the wall. Eventually her big eyes locked with mine. "It's me, it's Link. Fight it, Zelda, come on!" I said with frustration. Her look of panic was now mixed with confusion. She pushed against my hands again. I pushed back. "No! Fight it! It's me!" I shouted this time. I felt her stop pushing. She looked at my hands again, and I gently released her and backed away slightly. "Zelda?"

She examined herself, her fingers running over the black patterns that covered her skin. Her eyes returned to me. She looked as if she was about to say something, but she stopped herself. I noticed that she was still so pale. She stumbled towards me, and I managed to catch her before she hit the floor. She had passed out. I scooped her into my arms bridal style, and moved as quickly as I could down the seemingly endless corridor. Zeldas arms hung towards the floor, as did her head. I could barely look at her, as it brought back some painful memories. 

I finally came out the other end of the corridor. Ralis stood, explaining the events to another Zora.

"I managed to snap her out of it, but shes fainted. What do I do?!" I asked him hurriedly, "You need to get some more healing water for her, she-"

"She is not staying here. I'm sorry, but it is too dangerous."

I didn't stay to argue, there was no time. I made my way back to Epona.

By the time I got back to Ordon, I basically fell off of Epona. I was in so much pain that my vision had started to go black around the edges. I saw Rusl's dusty boots as he rushed over to us. "Link?!" I groaned in response. He began to pull me up, and sat me against a large rock. 

"Don't help me! Help Zelda!" I pointed over at her. She now lay on her stomach across Epona's back. 

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