Road Trip

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Josie POV

We got on the road at about ten o'clock last night and by now it was just about six in the morning and we were just outside Atlanta Georgia. Nine hours down, seven hours and...eighteen minutes to go. Jo and I switched off driving at about one in the morning but we'll have to switch back soon since I'll have to feed the boys soon. Wow, breastfeeding two now...this will be interesting.

The rest of the Mikaelsons pulled into a Chick Fil A for breakfast. Oh thank god, I need food. Next we'll have to stop at Starbucks. I pulled into the parking lot and turned to Hope.

"Babe." I said softly as I shook her lightly. She groaned and scrunched up her nose. Aww.

"No...I don't want to go to class." She mumbled, obviously still half asleep and unaware.

"Hope, we're in Georgia, we're at Chick Fil A." I said and her eyes shot open. Leave it to food to get her awake.

"Food." She said and I giggled at her reaction.

"Yeah, now get your lazy ass up." I said, still giggling. Then I remembered that my children were in the backseat. "Oops, sorry boys, lazy butt up."

"What'd you say about my butt?" Hope sat up, placing her hands on my waist as I was still leaning over the seat. She just smirked and trailed her hands down to my ass.

"Babe..." I said, moving back into my seat. I wish we could've made out but her family is right outside and our kids are in the car. Hope pouted and I rolled my eyes. "Oh just get out of the car, I have to change the boys and then feed them soon."

"Alright alright, I'm up." She held her hands up in surrender.

Hope stole a quick kiss from my lips before getting out of the car. I shook my head and followed her. She took Niko's car seat and I took Eli's. I still can't believe we forgot about this sweet boy.

We walked over to where the rest of the Mikaelsons were waiting outside of the Chick Fil A.

"Hey girls, we're just going to grab a quick breakfast and then get back on the road." Davina told us and everyone agreed.

"We'll have to make it quick because I'm sure Josie has to feed those two angels." Keelin said and I nodded. Hope looked at her watch and then turned to her mom.

"When do you think we'll be home, mom?" She asked. Hayley checked her own watch and then did some mental math before answering Hope.

"Around noonish, maybe one?" She said, giving us a timeframe. I capfuls see Hope working out the boys schedule is her head. She's such a good mom.

"That long?" Klaus complained when he heard how much longer we had left. Now that I've met Klaus, I cannot imagine him being a crazy murderer but I guess he was.

"Yes Klaus, that long." Hayley told him with a pointed look.

"Quit complaining, you're making me wish you were still dead and I'd like to be glad that my brother is alive." Rebekah said, obviously annoyed with her brother. Everyone laughed as we headed into the restaurant.


We all ordered our food quickly and we got back on the road in no time. The boys had both been changed and I just feed Eli and now I was feeding Niko. Hope's eyes kept moving over towards me. I swear this girl.

"Babe, eyes on the road, stop checking me out." I called her eyes and she blushed, quickly looking back at the road.

"I'm sorry but you manage to make breastfeeding hot." She whined. I rolled my eyes.

"You're such a horny teenage boy." I teased her and she fake scoffed.

"Hey! That's offensive!" She complained and I laughed.

"Oh shut up and eat your chicken mini." I told her and she pouted as she ate one of the chicken minis we had left.

Niko finished eating and I pulled my shirt back up. I burped him and then leaned over to the backseat and put him back in his car seat.

"There we go, all fed and happy." I said as I buckled him into the seat.

"They've been really good so far." Hope said as I sat back in my seat.

"Well we did leave at night and they're always good when it's really early but soon they're going to turn." I said. These two boys , while they are relatively good babies, they're still only four, almost five, months old.

"I doubt it." Hope said, taking my hand with her free hand as we continued down the highway.


Two hours and one stop later, the boys were screaming. I leaned back to the backseat to try and calm them down but I couldn't do much from the front seat.

"Yeah, so what was that about them being fine." I said, stressed over the fact that we had two screaming babies.

"Okay, I'm sorry that I'm trying optimism now." Hope retorted as she kept her eyes on the road. I moved back to my seat and put my head in my hands.

"Ugh, I don't understand why their crying. They're both fed and they both don't need to be changed." I complained, pretty close to tears. Why can't we calm them down? They're our kids.

"Should we pull over?" Hope asked and I shook my head.

"No we can do this." I said, pulling my head out of my hands and searching for something...anything to help.

"Maybe Aunt Freya, Aunt Keelin, and my mom know how to help." Hope said and that pushed me over the edge.

"No, Hope, we have to be able to do this on our own!" I yelled which only made the twins cry harder. If we can't handle a simple road trip then how are we going to handle parenting on our own? We can't rely on others all of the time.

"I'm pulling over." Hope said calmly. She found a near by fast food restaurant and pulled into the parking lot. As soon as we got there, someone called her.

"Hey mom, Yeah the babies are fussy so we're just pulling over for a few minutes." She explained to her mom on the other line. "No we'll catch up or be a little late." She said after a few seconds."Love you too, bye." She hung up and we both got out of the car.

Hope and I each grabbed a baby and looked through their diaper bags as we bounced them. We got back into the front of the car with the twins and gave them their pacifiers. We started rocking them and they calmed down.

"Thank god they stopped." I sighed, relieved, as I looked down at Niko.

We both put the twins back in their seats and gave them toys to play with for the rest of the trip. We got back into the front but Hope didn't start the car.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She said softly, turning to me. I gave her a confused look.

"About what?" I asked and she took my hand.

"What you said before we pulled over." She told. Oh yeah, that.

"I-I just feel like such a bad mom sometimes." I confessed, feeling tears forming in my eyes.l.

"Babe, you're an amazing mom." Hope said, moving her hand to rub my back.

"Yeah an amazing mom who drops her kid off with her dad for hours on end every day and barely gets to spend quality time with him. I even forgot that we had two kids." I said, finally  letting all of my fears and emotions out. I'm not a good mom and I need to fix that. Tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"JoJo, none of that is your fault." Hope said softly moving her hand up to my face and cupping my cheek. "A deranged psycho stole our son and forced us to forget about him. And as for the first part, we're teen parents, we're going to need help while we do school work but our boys still love us and we spend as much time as we can with them. They're happy and healthy, that means we're doing something right." She said softly, whipping some of my tears with her thumb. But I continued to cry.

"Sometimes I feel like we can't do this on our own. Like when I graduate next year and we move in together on our own, will we be good parents?" I cried and Hope pulled me in for a hug. Well as best as she could do in a car.

"Of course we will, plus it's not like all of our support goes away when we move out. We've got this." Hope said, pulling away and wiping my tears again. That made me feel a lot better, knowing that Hope has my back. I'm still scared but now I think we'll at least be okay parents. Who really ever has perfect parents.

"Thank you, for being such an amazing girlfriend and coparent." I said softly and Hope kissed me gently.

"I love you, this all comes with my love." She said as she pulled away. I smiled softly and picked her lips again.

"I love you too." I said and she smiled as well.


Three hours later and the boys were changed and fed again, Hope and I had switched places and we were making good time. We only had about two hours left.

"Ugh, are we almost there?" Hope complained from the passenger seat. That had been going on every twenty minutes for the last hour.

"Hope, babe, I actually might kill you." I said as we stopped at train tracks and the bars were coming down. This could take a while. When I said that Hope whole demeanor changed and she tended up."What's wrong?"

"It's...when I was kidnapped, I refused to do something that the monster asked me to do and he snapped my neck. Now I'm dead and you're alive and I don't know how to feel. I still have my wolf side and witch side intact but what if I can't reproduce anymore. What if we can't have anymore kids together? And what happens when you start getting older and I don't? I-" Hope rambled, crying. I felt my heart drop, my poor Hope.

"Whoa, babe. Slow down. That bastard killed you?" I asked, turning to her and she nodded."Oh I'm going to kill him." I said, angrily. Then I looked at Hope and took her hand. "But, anyways, sweetheart you don't have to worry about all of this. Honestly if it came down too it, I wouldn't be opposed to becoming a hybrid."

"I can't let you give up your mortality for me. What if we can't have anymore kids together." She said, worried about me. Honestly, I would do anything for Hope, I love her that much. If I need to I will give up my mortality to be with her forever and if we can't have more kids, who cares.

"But I will if I have to. I love you so much and I will love you for eternity. As for the kids part, we'll figure it out. If it turns out that we're not supposed to have anymore kids, then Niko and Eli are enough. Our little family is amazing and it will still be with or without more kids." I told her and she took a deep breath, kissing my hand. She's been through so much lately, I can't imagine how hard it's been on her.

"Jeez, what are we doing? This road trip is just one big mental breakdown." She laughed slightly and I did the same.

"I'm kind of glad it was, though. I feel like we rarely have time to really talk about this stuff together which isn't healthy." I said and she kissed my hand again. The train passed and we continued on the road.

"You're right. I think we're going to really enjoy this time at home. Especially since we have plenty of babysitters around." Hope said, back to her playful mood. I laughed, trying to keep my eyes on the road.

"Hope Mikaelson, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I said dramatically and she chuckled.

"You'll have to wait and see." She said cheekily, placing my free hand on her thigh.


Finally, we made it. Hope and I switched places again because she knows the area better. New Orleans is so amazing, I'm jealous she got to grow up here.

"We're finally here." Hope said as we got closer to where she lives.

"It's beautiful, you grew up here?" I said in awe as I looked around at the scenery.

"Yep, I love this city." She said. Then one of the babies started crying. I looked in the mirror and saw that it was Eli.

"Oh, that's Eli." I said, leaning over to grab him and calm him down.

"Man, you've memorized their cries?" Hope said in disbelief as I returned to my seat with Eli and started bouncing him. I giggled at her.

"No dumbass, I looked in the mirror." I said, still giggling then I remembered our no cursing in front of the babies rule."Crap, sorry."

"That's okay, they don't understand us anyway." Hope laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"What if they do?" I teased her. I know how much she hates this rule, although I'm the one who has been breaking it the most lately.

"Then they're screwed and we'll be paying a lot for therapy." She laughed and I joined her.

"Oh shut up." I said as we turned into her drive way. "Is this your house?"

"Yep." She said as she parked. "Come on."

We got out of the car and grabbed the twins. I put Eil back in his car seat just to make it easier.

"Whoa." I said in awe again as I look at her house. She smirked her signature Mikaelson smirk.

"I know." She said cockily and I rolled my eyes. Then Kol came up to us.

"Hey girls." He greeted us both with a hug. "Okay so you too will be in Hope's room and the boys in the guest next to your room. Marcel and I helped turn it into a nursery when we found out Josie was pregnant so it's all set up for twins."

"Thanks uncle Kol." Hope said, giving him another hug.

"No problem. Marcel, Klaus, and I will get your bags so you can just go ahead up stairs." He told us.

"Thanks, it's nap time for these two." Hope said, slightly laughing and Kol nodded.

"Alright, have fun girls." He said with a wink as he walk away. These damn Mikaelsons.


Hope lead me to her room before taking the boys to the guest room right next door to put them down for a nap. I looked around at her room, it's so beautiful and perfectly...her.

"Alright, boys are down and Davina and mom are making lunch." Hope said, coming back into the room and smiling at me.

She put the baby monitor down on the nightstand and came over, wrapping her arms around me. I smiled and kissed her softly.

"Then we have some time to ourselves." I said softly and her eyes darkened slightly.

"That we do..." She said, walking me over to her bed and pulling me down onto it with her.

A/n: aw, just a cute fluffy piece. Don't really know what's going to happen next with the actual plot but there's going to be a lot of fluff for a while. Comment any ideas you have!

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