Take my hand and save me

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Yoongi runs out of the car before Jeongguk can even park it. By the time Seokmin parks his car Yoongi is already banging on the door, yelling out his brother's name. The rest have to freeze for a second though, Jihoon's house is nothing like they expected. It was not huge or classic. It is a medium sized modern house with a large garage. The house looks like it has more to it inside then it does outside, but outside is more decorated then than any of the brother's houses and that says a lot since Yoongi's whole living room is practically at outside.

"Jihoon!" Yoongi yells banging loudly on the door "Open the door God damn it!" Jinki, who the boys hasn't noticed that he left, returns from the back.

"They're in there, I saw them..." Jinki says "...Just sitting"

Chan and Yoongi look at each other. The begin banging again, loudly, harshly and rapidly. The neighbors have their lights on yelling at them and The boys calm down to apologize, before they continue.

They left at around 3 am and They didn't see Jihoon.


Joshua, Vernon, Seungkwan and apparently Hoseok who just joined the group are sitting in Hoseok's house. The couple's in each others arms as they stare, with different emotions at Seungcheol. The Choi boy sighs rubbing in temples frustrated.

"Nah, Like don't you ever feel bad for your actions? How can one be so insensitive and selfish and just a plain jerk?" Vernon asks. Out of all the boys he is the least mad, he doesn't really know Jihoon by what the boy must be going through, he just doesn't want to feel it. Seungcheol turns to glare at Vernon.

"Okay, I know I am a jerk—" Joshua cuts him off by letting out a 'ha' In agreement. Seungcheol breathes in angrily "I know I am a jerk and what I did to Jihoon is..." Trails at a lack of words

"Stupid, dumb, mean, selfish, the worst thing you could possibly do, the most jerkish thing to ever be done by Choice Seungcheol, not something to actually talk lightly abo—"

"Okay Seungkwan I get it" Seungcheol stops the boy from continuing "But Mark came back for me, He said he still loves me and He came back. Do you know what that means, He has never forgotten about me, about us, what we had. I—"

"You and Mark make the perfect match" Joshua says. Seungcheol looks at his best friend. The sentence is holding so much anger, disappointment, hate maybe. The sentence just has so much disdain in it and Seungcheol never thought Joshua would feel that towards him. It hurts to be honest, a lot.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Seungcheol asks. Joshua let's out a harsh breath.

"I don't know, what do you think?" He asks. Seungcheol looks down. What does he think? He thinks his friends just don't get it, they don't want to understand.

"What do I think?" He begins "You guys are only thinking of Jihoon and how he is hurting. You are not thinking of me and how happy I am, I know I hurt him and I know ow he hates me and I was a jerk, But I am happy, I love Mark and no other and now he is back, you want me to lie to myself and just let go? Be with Jihoon even though I don't want to be with him? Isn't that worse than letting go? The earlier the better?" Seungcheol asks

"You think that's what we are and about?" Seungkwan asks. "You can't be more blind"

Confused Seungcheol looks at his friends. What on earth is their problem then?

"What are you guys on my case for?"

"We don't care if you go back to Mark. Stupidly. You left Jihoon hanging, no words exchanged, no goodbyes and you aren't even trying to be friends at least. He'll you are not even talking to him. You can't do to him what you did to Jeonghan, this time we can actually fix it. Plus, it has been three months and we haven't heard from Seokmin" Vernon says "I miss Seokmin"

"He doesn't want to talk to me" Joshua says "He doesn't look angry when we go to their house, he just looks... Lost and worried; him and Chan"

"They say Jihoon just vanished from their lives. They don't see him around Seoul anymore, they don't hear from him, he just... Left" Hoseok says. Seungcheol looks at them.

Jihoon wouldn't just leave just like that. Jihoon wouldn't do that to his family. Did Seungcheol hurt him that bad? Bad enough for him to shut himself away from his brothers? His everything? Can he really do that?

"Talk to him at least. Give him closure so that he can try moving on" Joshua begs now "Because I swear if I hear my brother crying one more time about how Jihoon is gone, I slowly kill You and dump your body into the ocean" Joshua adds angrily wiping his tears.

"I have to find him first"

"Then start looking"


Yoongi groans as he sits down. Once again the brother have been to Jihoon's house in Incheon and much to their anger and worry, the old lady next door told them that the trio that lived there moved, about two months ago.

"Where do you think they went?" Chan asks as he sits down on the carpet. He only saw his hyung once since the whole Seungcheol incident and that was a week after it. Soonyoung and Chan bumped into Minghao and Jihoon at the furniture store. The brothers shared a hug and that's it. One hug and a fake 'I am fine' from Jihoon before he vanished and that the last he saw of the short man with a brain older than his body.

"They couldn't have gone to China, could they?" Jeongguk asks. Yoongi turns to glare harshly at his husband.

"No, They haven't" He says, histone mathcing the look in his eyes.

"It's a possibility" Taemin agrees with Jeongguk. Jinki shakes his head rapidly. "Ji—"

"No! Jihoon can't just up and leave the country like that. He would at least tell us" Jinki yells. He stands up and walks out of the house. Taemin sigh shaking his head

"We have to find him" Seokmin speaks up. "We need to know he is okay" Chan gets up from the carpet and he too walks out of the house. Seokmin and Yoongi follow after him. Jeongguk sighs from his position on the love seat.

"Yoongi has been harsh this days"

"So has Jinki"

"Chan just cries"


Mark and Seungcheol are walking down the road holding hands and talking animatedly about their day as they head to the cinema. It has been two days since they last saw each other, both being busy with their own things and catching up on their lives away from each other.

"Jackson is trying to woo Jaebum. A very nice man with one sharp tongue" Mark says "He keeps turning down anything to do with Jackson harshly but the boy keeps going back" Marks says shaking his head with a soft smile on his face. Jackson really is something.

"Pfft... All of my friends are in relationships and while that's a good thing, it gets annoying because they are dating people in the circle, so, when I am with them I feel alone bacuse you are not there" Seungcheol says.

Mark's phone is off most of the time because he can't use it when he is working, claims it's a distraction and he doesn't need those in his working zone. Seungcheol often has to watch his friends be all lovey-dovey and he just sits there feeling like he wants to die. Jihoon would be laughing his head of saying a mean comment about him and his loneliness.

"Aw, babe. I am sorry I don't spend time with you that much" Mark apologizes. Seungcheol has to blink for a second. Jihoon would seriously be mocking him for it, making the air light and bubbly before turn it soft, Mark goes— Is he comparing the love of his life to Jihoon? Again. Seungcheol sighs.

"It's okay. I know you have to work, I understand" Seungcheol says. He looks ahead and pauses. The familiar, now black, mallet on a familiar short man makes him freeze right in his spot. Jihoon is standing in front of the theater laughing at something either Minghao or Junhui said. He looks happy.

"Babe?" Mark asks. Seungcheol looks at him for a brief second and then to Jihoon.

"Jihoon?" The aforementioned turns around and his face goes blank before a small smile comes in his face... Slowly.

"Oh, hey Cheol and Mark is it?" Jihoon asks the boys standing next to man that broke his heart, twice.

"Yeah" Is Mark's only response. Jihoon nods before turning back to Minghao and Junhui. The pair wave at them before they take Jihoon's hands and begin walking to their car.

"No— wait!" Seungcheol yells. The trio stop and turn back to him. Seungcheol looks to Mark before walking to Jihoon "Can we —I mean— yeah can we talk?"

Jihoon nods. "Give me a second" He tells Junhui and Minghao. Glaring at Seungcheol darkly, Minghao and Junhui nod at Jihoon and get into the Bentley. Jihoon's Bentley. Seungcheol has to admit, a lot happened in that car and he misses it.

"What?" The smiley Jihoon is suddenly gone. The glint in his eyes, the smile on his face, The warm look on his face is replaced by a bank cold look, a look Seungcheol can't believe is directed to him. He suddenly feels nervous.

"I—how are— I am sorry" Seungcheol stumbles over his words. Jihoon's expression doesn't waver, he gives off no reaction, not even a simple raise of the eyebrow. Seungcheol sees it fit to continue "I know I hurt you by just leaving, no words said, no explanation and we'll you know what I did. I am really sorry for what I have done to you, You were the best thing that happened to me after Mark, you taught me how to laugh again, how to live again. You brought me back to life and it was unfair of me to do what I did to you, to break you like that when you were healing—"

"I was never healing" Jihoon's cold voice cuts Seungcheol off. Seungcheol looks up from his hands and to Jihoon.


"I knew you were going to leave someday" Jihoon shrugs. The first reaction he is giving Seungcheol and it's the 'i don't give a shit' shoulder shrug. Seungcheol feels it in his heart. The jab that makes the back of his eyes burn, a warning of incoming tears. The jab in his heart the makes him want to choke out a sob. Why do Jihoon's words hurt him?

"Oh" Is all Seungcheol can bring out.

"Yeah and I wasn't wrong. So I forgive you" Seungcheol swears his heart stopped right there and then. Jihoon then walks away leaving Seungcheol by himself. Sad and in pain and he just doesn't know what to do. Seungcheol watches as Jihoon gets into the passenger seat of his Bentley. They wave to him and Mark, who has appeared by his side, with smiles on their faces, big bright smiles before they speed off into the night.

"Are you okay?" Mark asks looking at Seungcheol worriedly. Seungcheol looks at Mark with a smile and nods.

"Yeah" he is not okay.


Jihoon is once again sitting under a tree, this time it's in his backyard, reading a book. The boys moved to a new house not so far from they old house, bigger and more homey though. They actually have a room they the turned into a miniature library.

"I was thinking" Junhui begins, Minghao and Jihoon put their books down and give him their full attention "Why don't we got on a vacation? China?, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan even Singapore" Junhui exclaims excitedly

Jihoon chuckles at his best friend's antics. "That sounds good. Let's get away for a while, two months or more, just the three of us" Minghao agrees.

Jihoon shrugs "Sure. But we leave after I finish Working with Yugyeom. He needs to release his album soon and I am helping him with it" Jihoon says.

"So I can start planning?" Junhui asks practically jumping in his sit. Minghao looks at Jihoon before turning back to Junhui

"Go ahead" Minghao says. Junhui yells and jumps up from his position on the swinging chair. "Are we going to regret agreeing to this?"

"Probably" Junhui replies and runs inside the house not giving the two time to answer. Jihoon shakes his head smiling.

"We are going to die"

"Yes we are"



I dunno but I just feel like all my my stories are sad and angsty and honestly I just... Oof.
Anyways, I am very sorry for all the slow updates but like we have been knew that I have that habit. But I also lost the Draft book of this story, like I legit had a book where I wrote down each chapter plot for the brothers stories and I lost it. And I am sad.
Guys I have to read the whole book over again to get my thoughts of this book back on track and wow, that's a lot of words to go through. But have no Fear, I won't abandoned this book like it did with 'Hunted'. Speaking of that book, should I just delete it? For those who read it of course.

Please tell me if I should? Because I am not even sure if y'all are reading it anymore or even interested in it, that and I literally have no idea what to write. I am just not as happy with it as I was with African Girl.

Sorry for this long Note. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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