I'm pathetic and So afraid

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It's has been a week since the brothers hung out and they now keep in touch more than they should. Which is sometimes the worst thing that could happen. Right now one of those bad things is about to happen.

The Lee brother and their husbands stood in Jihoon's living room. Taemin and Jeongguk like always are just fucking lost as to what their husbands are doing but, the more they watch, the more they begin to understand.

"You know? Then why don't you end it?" Yoongi asks

"He loves me, I know he does" Jihoon responds.

He doesn't really know who is trying to convince though, his brothers or himself. A week ago, when Jihoon came back home, his boyfriend apologized for missing his birthday by taking him out on a date to his favourite restaurant and the next day he helped cook dinner, but that was also the day Jihoon saw them. Whilst he was putting frosting on the cake, he saw them. The red marks on his chest and on his biceps. Stupidly, Jihoon thought nothing of it and let it go because he doesn't want the think of the latter. Don't fucking blame him!

But now his brothers are telling him what he has always been denying.

"You are smarter than this Hoon, If you let go now it will hurt less then when he will dump you" Jinki tries to convince his little brother. Before they got into their cars and barged I to Jihoon's house, Chan sent a picture of Jihoon's boyfriend kissing another man, smiling and holding hands. You better be crazy if you think they will allow him to play their brother like that.

Personally, they never liked the guy. He looked like a player but a year into their relationship, the boys were half convinced that he may be a good guy, but then On his surprise birthday party that Jihoon threw a few months ago They all saw the swollen lips, messed up hair and hickeys, but what shocked them was that Jihoon discarded it. That was the night they realised how much Jihoon loves the fool that will hurt him. They have to go through another depressed Jihoon period, hopefully this one is shorter than the last two. Hopefully

Jeongguk let's out a sigh. He knew this would happen. If he had set Jihoon up with Taehyung instead of working together with Seokmin to set him up with his cousin than they won't be here today. Taehyung could have won Jihoon's heart, but he said and I quote "Nah, I know your cousin will mess it up someway and when he does I will be there. I am willing to wait for him" But now they know that The Brothers won't allow any man get close to their brother. His cousin sure is an idiot. Yet again, so is every love sick Jeon.

"I don't want to. I am going to get hurt either way" Jihoon says. The four Lee's glare.

"I swear" Chan threw the first punch "Come back to earth for fuck's sake!" He yells. Yoongi looked at his little brother shocked.

Jinki decided, hey, haven't done this in a while. He threw the Second punch and Chan fell to the ground. "This is how it begins" Seokmin says as Jihoon punches him.

Jeongguk watches eyes wide as the brothers fought. He looks at Taemin who is shaking his head. "Aren't we going to do anything?" He asks. He never saw them fight. Yes, Yoongi used to come home with bruises and sometimes he would be limping and say he got into a fight with his brothers but Jeongguk didn't know it is that bad.

"Yeah, let's get rid of all the breakable things" Taemin responds as he begins moving the vases and frames form the tables and the wall. Jeongguk stumbles to help him as he is still getting over his shock. He steps back when Chan falls in front of him and watches as he stood up and went for Jinki.

"Tae... Tae... Taemin?" He stutters walking over to the older. Taemin grabs his hand and Avoids a punch from Jihoon, unfortunately it hits Jeongguk straight in the jaw. Jeongguk stumbles back and his hand flies up to his jaw.

"Fuck you!" Yoongi yells as he punches Jihoon. "Leave my husband out of this" He sneers. Seokmin kicks him in the shin before pushing him.

"Maybe he should stay out of the way" Chan says. Taemin grabs Jeongguk's hand and drags him away from the angry men.

"Help me move the couches" Taemin says and begins moving the couches. The door opens and the two Boys look at the new arriver. "Come" Jeongguk and Taemin immediately stand Infront of Wonwoo.

"Hoon" He yells seeing His boyfriend falls to the ground. Yoongi looks at him and begins marching over.

Jihoon gets up from the ground and tackles him. Yoongi groans when his chest hits the floor. "Don't fucking touch him" Jihoon sneers. Jinki literally throws him into a couch and he rolls over.

"Don't fucking protect him" He yells and again the fight continues.

"Why are you crying?" Jeongguk asks his cousin. Wonwoo has his hand on his mouth and tears running down his cheeks. "Wait, You still love him? Even though you found another?" He asks shocked.

"I will always love Hoon" Wonwoo whispers "please ask them to stop" He pleads

"Uh, see, once they begin, only they stop. I've seen them fight before and only once was it this bad. So I would pray they don't end up in the hospital" Taemin says. "No, seriously, pray."

"Why are they doing this? Whey are they fighting like this?" Wonwoo asks.

"Oh" Jeongguk let's out a huff "It's your fault. See, they found out that you are cheating on their brother, but Jihoon loves you way too much to break it off. He rather cry every night than lose you, apparently" He explains and Wonwoo sucks in a breath before letting it out shakily.

"Why didn't you just break up with Jihoon?" Taemin asks and winces when Jinki falls to the ground after Chan and Jihoon worked together to take him down.

"Because I can't imagine my life without him" Wonwoo says. Jeongguk and Taemin roll their eyes.

"You seem to have found a replacement already" Jeongguk responds. Wonwoo sighs

"He is nothing like Hoon though. Yes I like the other guy, but he is not Jihoon. Hoonie is soft and cuddly and Adorable. I wake up before him and make breakfast for him even though I am one bad cook, he still eats my food joking about how much I suck at cooking. I spoon him when we sleep and he snuggles closer before softly doing off to me humming. He appreciates everyone thing I do for him and he makes me laugh, he is my first love" Wonwoo says and Jeongguk has to step back and looks at his cousin properly.

"If you love him that much. Then why?" Taemin asks

"He started getting more artist to produce for and we began spending less time together and I got lonely. It was supposed to be a fling, that's it, but then I developed something for the other and I didn't want to lose him, but he isn't Jihoon. I know I have said that a lot but it's true. I would wake up at night wondering where the fuck I am and where my Hoon is before I realize I am not home. I would run back just to be with him. Or when I wake up to breakfast already cooked, I frown, because usually when Jihoon is in the Kitchen, so am I, helping him. When we go out, I would miss giving Hoon a piggy back ride as well walk like idiots towards the park or whatever place we are going. I like the other, yes, but I love Jihoon" Wonwoo responds

"Then break it off with the other" Jeongguk says frustratedly. Wonwoo is giving him a headache right now and His husband is running from his little brother as they fight. What in the world?

"I feel guilty. He left his boyfriend for me. I feel bad for leading him on" Wonwoo says.

"You can't have both" Taemin responds looking at the fight. "You have to choose" He looks back at Wonwoo.

"I choose Jihoon, But I know they only allow me to stay with him. I was going to break it off tonight. Our Anniversary with Hoon is coming up and I just want to be with him" Wonwoo says and Jeongguk sighs.

"I think you know that you are too late" Jeongguk says. Yoongi finally manages to get our of his brother's freakishly strong grip and throws a punch at Wonwoo. The Young Jeon falls to the ground.

Jihoon throws Yoongi back and screams in his face. Yoongi steps back shocked. Jinki, Chan and Seokmin stop what ever they were doing and look at their brother. Jihoon stood there with tears in his eyes as he just screams. Jinki reacted first, he ran over to the boy and held him.

"Calm down" He says holding Jihoon tight. Chan soon joined when he saw Jinki struggling. Seokmin went to help Wonwoo up and Yoongi joined Jinki and Chan.

"Well, He broke" Seokmin says looking at Wonwoo "I regret" He says walking towards his brothers. Jihoon is now crying shaking his head mumbling 'i don't want to' over and over again.

"This is for you" Jinki says "He has hurt you enough, please walk away" He adds. Jihoon cries harder. He doesn't want to, but he knows his brothers are right.

"If I do this, you guys promise to keep from falling?" Jihoon asks and they nod in unison

"The Min Promise" They say in unison and Jihoon sighs. One by one they move away and watch as he walks to Wonwoo. Taemin and Jeongguk look at each other alarmed.

"No wait-" A glare from Jinki stopped Taemin from continuing. He sighs.

"Wonu" Jihoon begins. Wonwoo is already crying shaking his head. Jihoon can't do this to him.

"No, I am going to fix it" He pleads. Jihoon begins tearing up again. Seokmin and Chan cover their faces.

"This is so K-drama worthy" Seokmin says "I will be outside bawling my eyes out" He says and leaves the house followed by Chan.

"You can't fix this" Jihoon says. He hugs Wonwoo, and his boyfriend hold him tight. "I know you love me and I love you too, but I can't do this anymore" Jihoon continues. He step back "I am sorry, but this is the end"Β  He says and Wonwoo looks down. Jeongguk and Taemin walk out as well.

"Let's go pack his things" Yoongi tells Jinki. The oldest brothers walk to the master bedroom. When they leave Seokmin and Chan return with Taemin and Jeongguk, eyes red.

"This is so sad" Seokmin says. Jihoon and Wonwoo are in each others arms, both crying. Yoongi and Jinki return with Wonwoo's bags.

"Okay, leave" Yoongi says. Yoongi may seem cold right now but, he is really mad at the Jeon boy and he just doesn't want to see him ever again.

"No, I am leaving" Jihoon says getting out of Wonwoo's arms and running to the room.

"What? Hoon this is your house!" Yoongi yells. The others are looking down the hall waiting for him to come out and just scream 'sike' or something.

"No, I put it under Wonwoo's name. It was supposed to be his anniversary present" Jihoon says dragging his bags sniffling. " Can you guys take my things to he car?" He asks. Yoongi glares.

"Sure" Chan responds and takes his luggage. Seokmin grabs the other and Jinki grabs his duffle bag. Taemin and Jeongguk dragged Yoongi out.

"Why?" Wonwoo asks "I can't afford this place" He adds.

"I'll pay for it. Besides, this gives me an excuse to visit you once in a while" Jihoon says shrugging. Even though they both know that's not true. "Be happy" He adds. Jihoon plants a soft kiss onto his lips and walks out of the house.


They get to Seokmin's house and immediately the Brothers fall to the ground. They finally feel the pain from the fight and wow, wow, it has been a while.

"Why does it hurt so much?" Seokmin asks. As he massages his arms. "Jihoon's punches hurt more than I thought" He adds

"You started it" Jihoon mumbles from his place. He should be sad that he and Wonwoo are over, but that is a lie. He is pretty sure that they will get back together. Wonwoo just has to not be a dumb fool.

"Sit up" Jeongguk tells Yoongi as he takes off his husband's shirt. He looks at the red and purple bruises covering his husbands' chest and back.

"Oh wow, Yoongi looks like bad art" Jinki says and they laugh. Jeongguk and Taemin look at them. How can they laugh at a time like this. Every single one of them has red marks, burst lips, probably swollen eyes.

"I think I have a first aid kit around here, somewhere" Seokmin says. Taemin stands up and begins looking for it.

"How long has it been since we threw punches?" Yoongi asks and his brothers shrug. "I bet we need to be in the hospital tomorrow" He says and they roll their eyes

"Haven't been there in two years" Jihoon says and they nod in agreement "I bet our doctor will not even be surprised" He adds

"I think we did well, for the first time in a year, this hurts. We didn't lose our strengths" Chan says

"Well except for Yoongi. Not only is he weak, but he is lighter too. Also I think I punched bones" Jinki says before their heads snap towards Yoongi who has his head hanging

"Uh this bastard" Seokmin says "I thought it was over?" He asks. Yoongi shakes his head.

"It just began, I promise" Yoongi lies.

"Lies" Chan points out "How long hyung?" He asks

"Yoongi how long have you been Fighting Aneroxia?" Jinki asks and Jeongguk looks back at his husband. Did he hear that right? That can't be right.

"About 8 months now" Yoongi mumbles and Jeongguk walks over to his husband.

"Eight months? Why wasn't I told about this? How did you manage to hide it?" Jeongguk asks. Jinki and Jihoon shake their heads. This child has a lot to learn about them.

"He is quite good at faking. He would eat and eat and then go puke later at night claiming his is going to brush his teeth" Chan says and Jeongguk's eyes widen a little. He does that

"Oh, he would lie about eating already, he would also wear baggy clothes to hide it" Seokmin adds. "He has many tricks really, like make up, to hide his sunken eyes and his cheek bones that are showing" He adds "How did you not notice the excessive amount of make-up on his face?"

"Oh God" Jeongguk says.

"You think he has it bad? Yoongi is only fighting Aneroxia and a few phobias. Chan has severe Social anxiety, like he gets deathly panic attacks. Seokmin has insomnia and synopsis, he forgets things easily and some shit as anemia that doesn't want to leave. I have Insomnia and severe anxiety" Jinki says. Taemin and Jeongguk look at each other. Taemin has know these guys for almost ten years now and he is realizes that he only know what they want him to know. He is kind of hurt.

"Hoon probably has it worse though, He has depression, Anxiety and he is a bad insomniac. Like how many hours can he get in a week, 5 to the most, unless he is Drunk he sleep the whole night" Yoongi says.

"When did all of this begin?" Taemin asks worriedly

"Oh, when our father left right?" Chan asks and the rest nod "Yeah, when dad left" he confirms. Taemin and Jeongguk furrow they eyebrows.

"Mr. Lee once left?" Jeongguk asks

"What? No, our father Min Jihyun" Yoongi answers. "Lee is just our step father. The reason our father left us" He adds.

"But your last names" Taemin says

"We officially changed it to Lee When mom got married" Jihoon responds

"When did he leave and why?"

"When I was three, I believe and it's beacuse mom cheated on him. Got pregnant with another man's child" Chan answers.

"You guys have a little brother?"

"Oh yeah, Daehwi, he schools in England, some prestigious boarding school. Been there since he was 9. Never met the kid, ever" Jinki repsonds

"Maybe we should change our last names back to Min" Seokmin suggest and they shake their heads.

"I have had the worst years of my life as a Min" Yoongi responds. "Having to fend for ourselves, working three jobs after school, just to keep the house, pay for water and electricity, and have food on our plates. I am fine as a Jeon" Yoongi adds

"Mh, Going to school and then work before we meet up at the gym just to spare our anger out" Jihoon adds "I am fine as well" He says.

"I worked, Four jobs? All together? I think" Jinki says "A sixteen year old working those many jobs just to tend to his little brothers. We would go days just eating beans because we can't afford anything else" He shakes his head.

"That year you had to leave school because school fees were becoming more" Seokmin says. "I think we all has to get jobs that year to just pay for our fees. I think I walked dogs" Seokmin says.

"But we broke out, when Yoongi got discovered by BigHit and got the job as a producer and it became better when I got I to Pledis" Jihoon says.

"Now here we are" Chan smiles. "Still standing" He adds.

"I just realized that I know nothing about my own husband" Jeongguk says and Taemin nods in agreement.

"Yeah, we hide shit from people"

"Like Instagram couples"

A/N: This is an apology update!
Exams are coming to an end soon and I will give you guys a full blown five chapters! I promise!
Anyways, thank you for reading!

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