Chapter 6

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The five of us walked through the doors into the convention center, as we were greeted by the echo of the loud booming of music from the auditorium down the hall. “I’m going to bring Chloe backstage and I’ll join you in the auditorium in about fifteen minutes,” Stella chirped. “Save me a seat!” she continued as she walked away. Meredith, Evan and I made our way to the auditorium and sat down in our seats. As soon as we sat down, Evan pulled out his phone and began to play a game. Meredith leaned over and whispered into my ear. “I can’t wait to get away with you. What else should we do for the next couple of days?” I whispered back into her ear, “We could maybe look around down in Cassadaga and see what kind of weird attractions that town has to offer. Then we could maybe come back here and spend some time of the beach, and maybe go grab some dinner and stop for a night cap.” “It’s like you read my mind,” Meredith said as she smiled at me. Stella hurriedly made her way back to our seats and settled into her seat next to Meredith. “Chloe’s going to be up right after this number. Evan, put your phone away!” Stella said, trying not to yell above the music. Evan complied, as the current number finished up and the dancers made their way off to the right of the stage. Right after the dancers vacated the stage, Chloe’s group made their way onto the stage. “There she is!” Stella said excitedly. “Doesn’t she look adorable? That’s her, first row, second from the left.” I’m glad she pointed her out to us, because all the girls were practically indistinguishable, all wearing the same pink leotards, matching pink tights and ballet flats, and all with their hair put up in buns. As the music started, the girls danced along to a classical piece, as they made their way across the stage, spinning and moving in time with the music. I wouldn’t like to admit it, but I became absolutely immersed in the performance. They moved around the stage leaping through the air with such grace. Watching the smiles on the girls’ faces, I wondered what was going through their minds as they danced. The performance was truly a work of fine art, and was pure, enchanting beauty. After the performance concluded, the four of us gave a rousing applause, and we cheered on Chloe vociferously. I watched the remainder of the performances, and I was mesmerized by the following numbers. Even though Chloe’s next performance was about an hour away, I became lost with every number. So many talented dancers of different levels and different age groups. As I was immersed in even following dance routine, I thought about how skilled these dancers were, and thought about what it would be like to dance up on the stage. I’m pretty sure I couldn’t even come close to their skill level, but it still piqued my curiosity. After Chloe’s second performance wrapped up, Meredith made our way to the exit. “Chloe did so well out there today! Stella looked proud of her.” She spoke.  I replied, “As she should be. Chloe worked hard on those pieces, and it really showed. She was wonderful out there.” Meredith grinned at me and said, “It even looked like you had a good time as well. It’s not the most macho thing to watch these performances, but you looked like you were enjoying it!” I shrugged her off and replied, “Yeah, the music was good and all, but dancing’s not really my thing. I really enjoyed watching Chloe dance her little ballet shoes off today though.” “Sure…” she said, giving me a few playful jabs. “Before you know it, you’re going to be up on-stage wearing tights dancing just like Chloe did!” I just laughed as we made our way out to our rental car, waiting for us out in the parking lot.

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