Chapter 38

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As if it were a blink of an eye, another week had passed in Molly’s foster home. Late June had given way to the beginning of July. Never did a day pass where I didn’t think about Meredith. I desperately wanted a return to normalcy, or at least what my new normalcy was supposed to be. Throughout the entire week, I heard not a single word regarding my birth certificate, or my prospective adoption by Meredith. I hadn’t spoken to Meredith since we had been separated at the airport the previous week. I begged Molly, day after day to speak with Meredith, but by the end of the week I had given up, seeing as it simply wasn’t going to happen. As every day marched on, I started to lose hope that I would ever return home to Meredith. Despite everything, I was enjoying my time with my temporary family. I had established two very important friendships with Lauren and Amaya. Amaya finally opened up to me about how she tragically lost her entire family in that horrific car crash years ago. She explained to me how the friendships she had built in this house helped her cope with her loss. Lauren spent time with me talking about how drugs had destroyed her mother and father’s lives, and the toll they took on her own life. She didn’t spend as much time around the house because she was working waitressing shifts at the nearby Cracker Barrel. Molly had become a mentor for me, as she had been to the other girls. She was also very kind to us. Seeing that it was summer break and school wasn’t in session, she always had several activities for us – in the house and out of the house. She had us clean the house, water the plants, and keep the yard clean. We did some volunteer work as well. On Tuesday, we went to a place where we made lunches for the homeless. Not all Molly had us do was work, however. She gave us plenty of time for other fun activities, too. We swam in her backyard pool almost every day that week, played several board games, went to the beach, and went to see a movie. We even went out to eat at Cracker Barrel on Friday night while Lauren was working, much to her dismay! Most importantly, all these things were much more enjoyable with my friend Allie. Not only was she my roommate, but she quickly became my best friend. We did everything together. We did each other’s hair and makeup every morning, always sat together when we went places, always laughed at each other’s jokes, and had late night conversations every night. We were practically attached at the hip. That Monday morning, we were both sweeping the pool area while listening to some cheesy pop song. Both of us were singing along, using our broomsticks as microphones. We both looked at each other, smiled and laughed in unison. I had so much fun with her. We continued to sweep and dance, then I just froze. Allie looked at me puzzled. “What’s wrong?” she said. “Nothing,” I replied. “Meredith and I used to do this exact same thing. Literally exactly the same thing, just with our hairbrushes instead of broomsticks.” I continued. Allie gave me a sympathetic smile. “Have you heard anything from her at all this week?” she said. I nodded no. Allie sighed. “Don’t give up hope, Olivia. I know we keep telling you this, but it’s going to happen, eventually,” she said reassuringly. I wish I believed her. I was resigned to the fact that I would never be able to go home. Allie leaned in and gave me a big hug. “You looked sad, so I thought I would give you a hug,” she said to me. I smiled back at her. “Thanks,” I replied with a smile. I was so lucky to have her in my life. “Looks like it’s all clean, should we go check on lunch?” I said to Allie. Allie just smiled and gave me a thumbs up. Allie and I walked into the kitchen where Lauren was walking in and Amaya was already sitting at the table. Molly was just setting out the last of a spread of taco bar. “Molly, Taco Tuesday is supposed to be tomorrow!” Amaya said. “Yeah, well the chicken goes bad tomorrow, so this week, we are having Taco Monday,” Molly replied. “Dig in!” The four of us were dishing up our tacos when Molly’s phone rang. “Hello?” she said. “Mike who?” she replied to the voice on the phone. “Yes, she’s right here,” she continued, as she motioned to me to come into the next room with her. “Okay, but what is this about?” she continued, I not having the slightest idea what she was talking about to the person on the other end of the line. “Okay, well we’re just finishing up lunch. I can get her up there in the next 45 minutes, will that work?” she continued. “Okay, we’ll be there,” she finished, as she hung up the phone. “What was that all about?" I said to Molly. She turned to me. “Do you know a Mike Patton with the NSA? He said he interviewed you last week.” I shuddered. “Y-Y-Yeah,” I replied nervously. “He wants to meet with you, as soon as possible. He wouldn’t explain why,” she said. “Okay,” I replied. I was suddenly petrified with fear. This was the man that yelled at me the week before. “Was I in trouble?” I thought to myself. It couldn’t be anything good. This man was pretty high up the totem pole with the NSA. I wonder if he was onto me for something. I don’t know what it could have been, but whatever it was it made me very nervous. We walked back into the dining room where I finished up my lunch. Lauren started to speak, “Olivia, what was that ab—” Molly interrupted her. “Just continue eating your lunch. Olivia and I have to make a trip. We shouldn’t be gone too long.” “Okay,” Lauren replied, with a confused look on her face. I turned toward the group, shrugging my shoulders as I followed Molly out the front door. I was just as confused as everyone else. “Mike’s office is back at the airport, he wants to meet you there,” Molly said to me as we got in her car. I gulped in fear as we began to drive up the road.

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