Stars. There is not any proof of how many are in the sky. They are just there, disappearing and appearing whenever the time hits. Well, but not my star. Mine stayed forever, shining bright in my view. As we sat outside at the beach late at night, he turned to me. "I have an idea." He asked. I looked back at him. "What is it..?" I asked, I was genuinely curious, especially about these types of questions. He then grabbed my wrist, encouraging me to stand up, and so I did. He walked towards the ocean shore, my wrist in his hand. As we took a step into the shore, the warm water covered our feet. Sonic was still holding onto my wrist until his hand moved to mine, and we intertwined fingers. I got goosebumps, knowing he did this often, but it still flusters me to this day. He then took one more step, and so did I. He let go of my hand and walked deeper into the shore until the water was up to his kneecaps. "Cmon, Flashy!" He called out, splashing a bit of water onto me. I giggled a bit from his act. "Alright, alright, just don't get my hair wet." I told him, knowing he would get my hair wet anyways. It's what he does. "You're so protective over your hair!" He laughed, splashing more water onto me as I took some steps until the water was up to my kneecaps. I splashed some water back until we were having a splash fight. My hair got wet, but I didn't care at the moment. We were both soaked, our clothes clinging to our wet skin, our hair messy and soaked, we were having fun, which is something we couldn't have for so long. We continued to have a splash fight until we both got tired and sat on the shore, panting and laughing. "And I thought you said you wouldn't get your hair wet!" Sonic claimed. "Maybe I lied." I replied back, smirking at him. He turned to me, and I turned to him. We stared into eachothers eyes for a moment until I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the lips. He returned it, our lips interlinked for a good 10 seconds before I pulled away, not trying to get carried away. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." I heard him whisper back before looking back at the shore. The moon was like a piercing glow
in the sky. "I think we should head home." I claimed, standing up and wiping sand off myself. Sonic stood up too, also brushing sand off him, especially his butt. I smirked a bit before brushing the sand off his ass myself, which caused him to look back, his face full of disbelief, which got me to laugh. As he brushed the sand off his butt, I washed my feet in ths shore water before slipping my sandals on again. For some reason, Sonic came here without his, but as long as he is comfortable is all I care about. As we walked out of the beach and on the sidewalk to home, we held eachothers hand and intertwined fingers, standing close to each other, not letting anything tear us apart.
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