Not a bonus chapter, I'm just unhinged :')

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The night court was having a pleasant night except for the screams of their High Lord ringing inside his house.

They were, to say the least, rather un-highlord-like.

Morrigan's body shook and Feyre had to clench her dress in her fist to save him from whatever humiliation he could furthur experience. Cassian and Azriel obediently sat behind Amren and occasionally exchanged glances. You might think Cassian wanted to join Mor and Feyre, but he knew that if he laughed and Rhys lived, he would lose his kneecaps.

"It is almost midnight. "

"I'm sorry." Rhysand's face was drenched in sweat and his lips trembled. "I won't forget it again."

"So you admit that you forgot?" Daggerheart descended the stairs, her expression cool.

"No!" The high lord said too late. "I was just late."

"Ah." Daggerheart raised her eyebrows and smiled. "You didn't forget the time when I lost a bet and had to give you a hundred gold coins. You remembered that quite well."

"Azriel." Rhysand looked at him with pleading eyes.

The spymaster simply cradled his son and grinned at his brother. "You bought this upon yourself. Deal with it."

Ren then demanded his attention to show him something interesting that his uncle cassian had given him and azriel dutifully ignored his friend.

Cassian followed suit and Rhysand looked at Daggerheart with a defeated look. "I'm really sorry."

She dug the tip of her shoe into the think rug and pouted. "Why should I forgive you?"

"Because....I'm your brother. And you love me?" He looked at her nervously.

Mor and Feyre were now a heap of muffled laughter and tears.

Daggerheart contemplated, "No." She shook her head.

"I just want to go to sleep. Please." Rhys pleaded.

Daggerheart smiled at him and let the matchstick dangle from her fingertips.  "I'm going to light it up, little brother. "

Rhysand, no less dramatic than her said, "Fine, then. Do it and tell them what you did to your little brother who you love so dearly."

She bought the lit matchstick a little closer to the pile of clothes. "I will have no regrets, bitch."

"My bed." He almost whimpered.

"Your late bed." Daggerheart beamed. "It's about to go up in flames.

"I just want to sleep. I apologized!" He threw his arms out.

Daggerheart said to Feyre, "Feyre, love, you can sleep with Mor. Mor don't let this rascal in." She gave Mor a stern look and the blond female nodded.

"Excellent." Daggerheart turned her gaze towards the High Lord who was almost reduced to tears.

"Mumma?" Ren interrupted their misadventure. "When are we going to fly?"

"In a while, baby." Daggerheart smiled pleasantly. "Some people need to be reminded that they can't forget my birthday like that."

"But I'm sleepy." Ren rubbed his eyes and rested his small head against his father's chest.

"No problem." Daggerheart dropped the match.

"No! My bed!" Rhysand almost lunged forward and stopped himself when the silks went up in flames. He pulled at his hair and groaned.

Daggerheart picked up Ren. "Now, you won't forget my birthday the next year." She turned towards the male who was looking at the fire like his soul was burning with it.

"Let's go baby." She motioned towards Azriel who snicked at his brother and got a glare, and "I'll see you later" in return.

A brief farewell followed. Mor promised she would make sure Rhys had no place to sleep in the house, Daggerheart knew she was not lying. Feyre barely controlled her laughter to give her a hug and Amren, though with and eye roll, accepted a hug as well. Cassian squished Ren's cheeks and tickled him. With a kiss on the cheek, he bid the family of three farewell.

Ren clung to his mother and whooped and shrieked with excitement at the beginning of their flight but got tired again really quickly. He laid on her back and poked at her feathers until they got home and he was put into bed.

Both Daggerheart and Azriel kissed him goodnight and he was asleep in  no time.

"That was a little harsh." Azriel said with a chuckle when they were back in their bedroom. "But he'll get over it."

"You know he deserved it." Daggerheart sighed and stretched, "I'm exhausted. "

"He did and I am as well." He tugged off his boots before falling backwards on the bed.

Daggerheart laid down beside him, "This was such a long day. Why are birthdays so long?" She groaned.

"Because,-" Azriel pulled her on top of himself, "- you decided to work in the morning. "

"Only for an hour." Daggerheart objected.

"Work." Azriel held up a finger. "You shouldn't work on your birthday. " He clicked his tongue.

"There is a lot to do, darling. " Daggerheart sighed. "And only one me."

"I can help you if you will let me." Azriel offered as he had several months ago but Daggerheart shook her head. Again.

"You know, by law, I'm the King of the Mortal Realm." Azriel seemed extremely pleased with his new discovery. "So can I order you to go to sleep?" His expression turned to excitement and Daggerheart rolled her eyes.

He sat up, pushing his mate in his lap, "Should I make a harem?"

Daggerheart considered her nails, "You can try. It'd be fun watching you."

He pouted, "Just for the show. A small one."

Daggerheart smacked his shoulder, "I dare you." She threatened. "Who are you going to put in there anyway? Nobody is going to put up with you except me."

Azriel scoffed, "I have slept with plenty of women and they liked me well enough."

Daggerheart smiled sweetly, "Do you want me to slit your throat? Is that what you want? Bury you in my garden?"

Azriel laid down again and pulled her closer, "I was joking. However, there are definitely women out there who would want to be in my harem, if I get one."

Daggerheart raised her eyebrows, "And what makes you so sure?"

"Angel." Azriel sighed. "Have you heard yourself moan in bed? I'd say I'm really fucking good."

"I just have low standards. " She shrugged. "That doesn't mean everyone does."

Azriel stopped mid gasp, "The nerve-" He shook his head, "You did not just say that. Take that back."

"Nope." Daggerheart shook her head, her hair swaying back and forth and brushing against his bare chest.

"Take that back, angel." Azriel glared.

"Or what?" She raised her eyebrows in challenge. "What are you going to do?"

He scoffed and flipped her over, "Take. That. Back."

She didn't answer and only stared at him a blank expression. "What are you thinking about?" He frowned.

She sucked in a breath, "Birthday sex."

Azriel laughed, "This is why you picked a fight with me?"

"You bought up the Harem, not me." She accused. "And I deserve birthday sex anyway."

"I don't think so." He narrowed his eyes.  "Not this year."

" I deserve every orgasm in the world. Shut up." She rolled her eyes.

Azriel opened and closed his mouth several times, contemplating what to say. Then, nodded, "You do. But I also deserve an honorary harem. Just for the sake of it. I don't have to fuck anyone in there."

Daggerheart slapped his chest, "No."

"I just think that the world should know I can pull women."

"The world knows. You pulled me. Literally. I didn't walk in on this mess. I was forcefully dragged."

"But my bedroom skills-" Azriel cried as Daggerheart pushed him down and pressed her cold fingertips to his warm chest. 

"Here is a bedroom. Show me your bedroom skills here." She said when he dug his fingers into her bare thigh. "That hurts."

"Should I stop? Maybe someone in my future harem will like that-"

Daggerheart silenced him with a kiss. "I didn't say I didn't like that." The soft skin of her breasts brushed against his chest.

"Well then, I hope your screams don't wake up our son. That'd be very unfortunate. "

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