Chapter 22

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I stood next to Lennox while i crossed my arms over my chest. Santos walked next to us but i didn't look at him.

"Here they come." Lennox said to Santos.

"You think there's enough?" Santos asked.

"No, not even close." Lennox answered and looked at others.

"But it will be enough... This is our moment or never again." I muttered and then something happened. It was everything else than good. I felt the electricity in my whole spine and i looked behind us and the whole thing started to move above us.

"It's coming." Santos said and stared it.

"It's now or never!" I said and i watched the pieces connect to eachother.

"Get that ship clear of the crush zone now!" I heard Cade's voice.

"Lennox!" I yelled to him.

"We got to bail!" Lennox yelled right after me. We all started to run towards the Ospreys.

"That thing's gonna roll right over us!" Hound yelled next to me while we were running.

"It's not if you keep running!" I yelled to him.

We were still running and it felt like forever. How can one field feel and look so big. I wasn't tired but frustrated yes. The shit was right above us and we didn't have much time. The ship's doors were open and people were running in. I just wanted to get everyone in there safely and not gonna get anyone killed. I looked behind me.

"Crosshairs, Hurry up!" I yelled to him.

"Just keep running with your little legs!" Crosshairs spitted back to me and i just focused back to me. I ran inside the ship and it was more than huge.

Bee, Drift, Cade, Viviane and the others were already there. I was walking towards them and i heard loud thuds behind me. Hound and Crosshairs got safely inside the ship.

"Do you really have a plan?" Somebody asked me and i stopped. I turned around and it was Santos who looked mad. Did he really hate me or did he think he's better than me?

"You really don't know me, huh?" I smiled at him to piss him off.

"If i was you, I wouldn't mess this up too." He spitted back to me and i just shook my head. I turned back to look at the others and i walked towards them. I was confused and i raised my eyebrows at them.

"What?" I asked and then i heard growling behind us. I turned around and i saw them staring at us.

"Crap..." I said and i felt my heart jump in my throat. I wasn't scared of them but that they were actually here with us made me surprised.

"Very mean looking." Drift said and i crossed my arms over my chest.

"Oh, they look like wusses to me." Hound said proudly.

"No, they all messed up." Bee said and looked back to me.

"Mhh... I'm sure they're not that bad." I shrugged and stared at them. One of the Knights was staring at me and i had no idea what was in his mind right now. Theirs optics looked like there was nothing inside of them.

"I think they like you, Y/n." Hound joked again.

"I'm pretty sure they will eat me if they have a chance." I joked back.

"We will not let that happen." Drift commented.

"Two minutes! Two minutes!" Lennox announced. I started walking towards Lennox and all the stuff i needed to wear.

"Are you really gonna do it?"I heard and someone grabbed from my arm.

"I'm not gonna do it alone... We would all die." I said to Cade and he let go of me.

"Catch this!" Cade threw a west towards me and i catched it.

"What is this for?" I asked from him.

"Preventing from dying." Lennox answered to me and it made me scoff.

"You think your bullets wouldn't have done so already?" I smiled sarcastically at him. I dropped the west to the ground and grabbed the gun next at him.

"This is what i need."I said and i checked it. Lennox stared at me and just shook his head but i could see the little smirk on his face.

"Load out, let's go!" Lennox yelled to the soldiers.

"I thought i was leading this mission?!" I teased him.

I followed Lennox and i looked if Cade was behind me but he was talking to Viviane. I didn't stop and i just continued walking 'cause i didn't want to interupt them.

"Let's go, let's go!" Woman pilot yelled to us and i jumped inside of the plane.

"Strap in. It's gonna bea rough ride." Male Osprey pilot said to us.

"Rough ride?" I muttered.

"Like you wouldn't know how it feels like." Cade coughed and joked. I immediately slapped his arm and i went to sit down.

"Idiot." I smiled and i put the harness on.

"I'm gonna hook you up." Soldier said to Cade who was breathing the extra air from the mask.

"Pull it down tight, right? Just this one? You jump..." Cade was panicking and when i looked at Viviane, she looked like the most calm person in this plane. The fact that few days ago she was playing polo in the fields.

"Are you all right?" Viviane asked from Cade.

"He's panicking." I answered to Viviane and she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Can i borrow your cell phone? I've got to text my daughter." Cade asked from one of the soldiers and he gave his phone to Cade.

"Say hi from me too." I looked at him and he just nodded while texting. He was quiet for a while and he handed the phone at me but i just stared at it.

"Please..." I said and i turned to look at Lennox who looked at me in the eyes. The whole plane went quiet but i started to think about it.

"Give it here." I said and took the phone. I put the phone number there and i texted my message there. I send it and i threw the phone back to the soldier.

"Who did you text?" Lennox asked from me.

"It's a secret." I said and i smiled softly at him.

"1 minute to drop!" I yelled to the soldiers.

"Those birds better be softening our target. " Lennox looked at me.

"That's not giving me that warm and fuzzy feeling." Cade yelled.

"Well, in good luck it does... a little bit. If osprey flight ceiling is 12,000 feet. We're over double that." I spit the facts on the table.

"The air's too thin, the roto's got no grab. We're gonna be coming in hard." Lennox continued after me.

"So it's not gonna be soft, fuzzy or pretty." I said.

"It's all bad news." Cade said to Viviane.

"And i hope that's it..." I murmured and i noticed that Cade was staring at someone. I followed his gaze and he was staring at Santos who was staring at me. I stared right into his eyes and i could felt how he hated me. His eyes scanned me throughly. From head to toe and he looked at my arms where the bare skin or would you say bare metal was shown. This whole situation was so funny that i started smiling.

"You got something to say?" Santos asked from me and i scoffed in respons.

"This is just funny that you were wrong all this time. You and your little friends never stopped hunting me and my boys." I smiled to him.

"Orders. You were with them." Santos tried to defend himself.

"Hell yeah i'm with them... I've been with them over past 10 years and i would never leave them. Fuck the orders... You're like puppies who're doing what they're told to do. I didn't listen the orders back then and i chose my side. The side where i belong. I belong on the side with the great ones. Optimus Prime and his grew. I never... NEVER lost faith in them. You all did and you pulled the world with you." I raised my voice and i was getting frustrated. I was right the whole time.

"You and your friends... destroyed the world and look where we are now." Santos spitted out and every inch of his face made me want to punch his teeth back to his throat. That was the last word from his mouth when i quickly stood up and i took steps towards him and i grabbed from his shirt's collar when all of the other soldiers stood up and Lennox quickly ran towards me.

"HEY, hey, hey!" Lennox yelled and grabbed my right arm. Santos stared at me and i stared back at him. Lennox didn't let go of me.

"Get back on your seat." Lennox said quietly to me and after few seconds i let go of Santos.

"You're now flying with me! You wanna save the world with me! I was right and you're the enemy in here... You all were against us and if you weren't this wouldn't have happened!" I looked all of the soldiers in the plane and i sat back down.

There was long silence between all of us when i saw with corner of my eye that Santos did something. He ripped his TRF patch off and threw it on the ground.

"Get that staff. We all go home." Santos said and rest of the soldiers ripped their patches too. Santos stared at me and nodded in agreement and i just nodded back to him.

"Lennox, Y/n, your team is to hold. Strike fighters are getting shot down. " Morshowed talked to us through the radiophone.

"That's our sign." I said and i started to prepare.

"Uh. No, it's now or never Pilots, go now! Go!" Lennox said after me and walked quickly towards the pilots. Something fell down and i heard a familiar whir.

"What are you doing here?" Cade opened his mouth.

"I don't know." Izabella stuttered.

"You got to be kidding me? We don't bring kids in the field!" I said.

"He said we were family." Izabella raised her voice and i quickly turned to look at Cade.

"No, i didn't mean.... We got to get her off here now." Cade looked at me and i saw the panic in his eyes.

"It was probably a bad idea." Izabella started to panic.

"Probably?!" I asked from her.

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