8: The8 - Snapshots and Flower Crowns

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There was a click, a flash of light, and a snap.

“What are you doing?” You asked, looking up from your in-the-making flower crown that was rather messy than cute and elegant to your boyfriend, Minghao, who was holding a camera that was strapped around his shoulders.

The petals of the flowers were slowly falling from the crown in your hands. You thought that you had mastered flower crown making after watching a tutorial on YouTube and testing out your skills a few times with dandelions from your front lawn, but now that you had picked up a beautiful variety of flowers from this flower field, you had realized that it wasn't so easy, since the flowers were delicate.

Minghao walked over to sit beside you, who was sitting on a wooden bench with the flowery field in front of you, trying to make a flower crown. He smiled softly.

“You look beautiful when you're focused. Plus, the sunset kissing your face is gorgeous on camera,” Minghao said, looking at the photos he took with his camera. You chortled, flattered by his sweet words as you continued working on the flower crown with care.

Minghao sat down and picked up one of the sunflowers you picked from the field. He checked it for bugs and when he determined that it was clean, he slowly poked it in between your hair and ear. The sunflower was a bright yellow and just the right size, not too big that it overshadowed your face, but not too small that it can't be seen from far away. It was just in the middle, allowing your beauty to dazzle without outshining you.

“It's pretty,” Minghao said, gazing at you lovingly, admiring your beauty that matched well with the sunset.

“What do you mean? I think the dandelion flower crown I made yesterday looked much better than this. I think I should add more of the pink flowers to add a bit of balance, don't you think?” You still didn't look up from your flower crown.

Minghao giggled. “That's not what I was talking about but I guess a bit more pink wouldn't hurt. How are you going to add it? The crown seems almost done.”

“I'll just have to make it fit in between!” You replied, glancing at him with a pure, child-like smile while grabbing some small budding while flowers that were resting on the bench in between you and him.

Minghao couldn't help but smile. He didn't know that the last day of summer could be so special until he met you, who had only made him feel ecstatic as if the last day of summer was a holiday.
It wasn't just the last day of summer, every day felt like a holiday because you were in it, filling his days with your bright rays of light, and comforting smiles.

After finishing your floral crown, you smiled and turned to Minghao, about to put it on his head, but what caught you by surprise was that he had been gazing at you and taking pictures of you from the side. He just had this ‘drunk in love’ look in his dreamy eyes that made your heart melt.

A few birds passed by overhead and when they gawked while passing by, you let out a soft chuckle. “Have you been taking pictures of me this whole time?”

“Yeah, you're just so beautiful.”

Your heart gushed over that remark and you couldn't help but cover your face shyly. “What's with you today? Why are you sweet?”

Minghao giggled softly, leaning a bit closer to you. “I just want to be. I want to see you smile like that.”

“Oh, whatever! You're killing me here!” You replied, unable to stop yourself from grinning ear-to-ear.

You took off Minghao's camera and gently placed the flower crown on top of his head, brushing his hair out of his face, carefully styling him. Minghao only smiled while looking at you, which led to you getting partially distracted while fixing the crown on him.

“I think it looks beautiful on you!” You exclaimed. “Go over there, right in front of the sunset, and I'll snap a photo!”

Minghao did what you asked and posed in the middle of the flower field. There were a variety of flowers, tall swaying grass, and from time to time, a butterfly would pass by, getting caught in the photo as well. You enthusiastically switched angles, acted like a professional photographer, and took photos, but you knew that they wouldn't turn out that great.

“Are you done?” Minghao asked. He was sitting on the bench, still wearing the flower crown you made and posing with a sunflower in his hand.
You nodded. “I may not be a very good photographer but I'm sure at least 5 of them look good.”

Minghao walked up to you to check the photos and upon viewing them, he chuckled. “You're worse than me at photography but I won't delete a single photo.”

You smiled as Minghao took the camera. He fixed the flower in your hair and smiled.

“Now let's take photos together.”

He slipped his hand into yours and placed the camera on the bench, it had a 10-second countdown. Without any time to prepare, Minghao dragged you into the flower field.

“Get ready for the picture~” Minghao said softly, turning toward you, your hands still clasped together.

“Prepare!? Hao, you should have told me-”

Before you could finish, the light from the camera flashed, and Minghao leaned in, letting the camera capture a breathtakingly romantic photo of you and Minghao. With the sunset behind you two, a flower crown on his head, and a flower in your hair, you two shared a kiss on the last day of summer.

Even after the moment was captured, Minghao didn't take his lips away, which made you giggle in between the kiss. Now smiling and giggling in between kisses, Minghao wrapped his hands around you and pulled you in for a hug.

“Shouldn't we take more pictures?” You asked, wrapping your arms around his back.


“August is coming to an end, we don't have a lot of time, plus, what if the flowers begin wilting?” You replied, pressing your head against his chest. The wind blew softly, making the tall grass sway along, like slow dancing to a sweet melody sung by the birds.

“Well, that's okay,” Minghao said after a moment of silence. He held you a bit tighter, smiling heart-flutteringly.

“What's the rush?” His voice was so calm as he patted your head and gave you a soft kiss on your forehead. He brought his hands to caress your cheeks gently.

“We still have next summer.”

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