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I'm on vacation and the waves today made me so tired and it's only 2:00 😂


Daniels POV

"You want to go for a bike ride?" I ask her in disbelief. "Yeah. It will help strengthen my leg muscles." She says softly.

"What if you fall off?" I ask her as I get nervous. "I will be fine stop worrying." She mumbles as she ties her hair up into a messy bun.

I couldn't help but stare at her as she hoped onto her bike. She was wearing a light pink tank top with jean shorts. Her skin and hair were glowing in the sun. Her hair was messily up in a bun but it looked so beautiful.

"You gonna just stand there or get on your bike Seavey?" She asked me causing me to snap out of my trance. "Yeah." I mumble as I hop on my bike.

She started peddling down the street and I followed behind her. I sped up so I was now biking beside her. She smiled at me as she continued to pedal faster.

"Wanna race up that hill?" She asks me with a smirk. My competitive side started to come out. "You sure you want to lose?" I ask her playfully.

She rolls her eyes. "You wish you could beat me Seavey." She said as she started going faster. "On the count of three. One... two ... three!" I yelled.

I pushed as hard as I could as I peddled quickly in order to get in front of her. I could see how hard she was trying but she couldn't get in front of me. I quickly made it to the top and waited for her to make it up. When she reached the top she was out of breath and I could see some sweat on her face.

"I'm out of shape." She mumbled as she took deep breaths. "You are not out of shape I'm just amazing." I say playfully.

I watch her carefully to make sure she is okay. "You good?" I ask her. "Yeah I'm fine." She mumbled in response.

"How the legs feel?" I ask her as I look down at her legs. "They are fine." She mumbles but I could tell she was lying.

"There's an ice cream place around the corner. How about we take a break and get some ice cream?" I ask her softly. "Yeah that sounds good." She says as she smiles at me.

I smile back at her as I stare into her eyes. I know we are just friends but I love spending time with her and I have strong feelings for her that I can't push aside. I saw her staring at my arms because I was wearing a tank top causing my cheeks to get hot.

"Lets go." I say softly as I start biking. The ice cream shop wasn't too far away but I watched her carefully to make sure she didn't get hurt. We finally arrived at the small ice cream shop and we both set our bikes outside.

I grabbed her hand and led her inside. "We should get one of the colorful ice cream and see if they actually taste good." She says as I can tell she is excited.

We both look at the ice cream flavors and try to decide which one we want. "Let's try that one." She says as she points to a blue and pink ice cream flavor. I'm usually very picky but she makes me want to try something new. "That flavor is called Cotton candy. If it tastes bad it's your fault?" I say playfully as we walk up to the register.

"Can I get two cotton candy ice cream cones please?" I ask the lady. "Yes. That will be 10 dollars." The lady says. I hand her the money and then she goes to get out ice cream.

"It looks like a unicorns throw up." I say as I watch the lady scoop the ice cream out. "It does which means it will taste delicious." Mia says playfully causing me to laugh.

"Here you go." The lady says as she hands us the ice cream cones. We both say thank you and then walk outside. We sit down in some chairs under an umbrella. I lick the ice cream and my jaw drops open. Mia looks at me with wide eyes.

"This is actually good." We both say in unison as we laugh. "Jinx you owe me a coke." Mia says playfully as she eats more of her ice cream.

I eat more of my ice cream as I see Mia making a disgusted face at me. "You bite your ice cream!" She says in disbelief.

"Yeah do you not?" I ask her. "It's too cold to bite!" She yells as she still looks surprised.

"It's not cold for me." I mumble as I take another bite. She shivers as she laughs at me. "Thats like a superpower." She says as she shakes her head at me.

I bite my ice cream and everyone says I'm weird 😂- it's not cold for me 😂

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