Meeting the Rest

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When will we get home?


Lizzie POV

These newcomers are weird. They question what servers are. Go on about weird quirks and pro heroes. They almost killed me! I was trying to MLG water bucket and one nearly got in my way! I COULD'VE DIED. Anyways, we led them to the villager breeding place, since that was the only place with enough beds.

"Well you can sleep in here," I say, "Sorry for the mess, no one's actually supposed to be here," I mutter the last part.

"You certainly can't expect us to sleep in here!" Uraraka shouts, I think that's her name... anyways!

"I'm sorry but it's the only place with enough beds!" I respond with. They all look at me weirdly.

"Well we'll be back later, Joel you can sleep with me," I say to Joel. Joel nods and walks up the dirt stairs. I walk past the group to follow, but a hand holds me back.

"You seriously can't expect us to sleep here extra!" Bakugou shouts with his hand on my shoulder.

"You can either sleep in here or sleep outside," I say, with a challenging glare.

"Tch," the boy says. I shake his hand off my shoulder and walk up the dirt steps.

"What took you so long?" Joel asks with a joking tone.

"It was only two seconds," I say with the same tone.

"Alright alright," He says, "Anyways what should we do with them?" He asks as we start flying up to my royal bedroom.

"We should probably take them to the others," I respond, "Who's on?"

"Katherine, Fwhip, Geminitay (is this spelt right?), Sausage, and Joey," Joel, responds, "They're all sleeping,"

"Alright," I say as we arrive in my royal bedroom, "We can call a meeting and discuss this,"

We hop in the double bed and go to sleep.

Midoriya's POV

We all decided that we would just go along with it and we all slept in the mess of beds. The beds were really close together and most of us had to step on the beds to get to our own. It was... weird to say the least. We all eventually got to our beds and went to sleep, What seems like only a few seconds later, Lizzie and Joel burst in and shouted, "TIME TO GET UP!" The people sleeping on the beds that the edge fell off, those people were Kacchan, Kaminari, Aizawa-sensei, and Todoroki.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Kacchan shouts back at them. I could tell he was about to explode them but luckily them quickly ran back up the dirt stairs. I sigh, and start climbing over the other beds to get out, the others soon following after. Once I got outside I saw Lizzie on some kind of phone and Joel was placing some boats in the water.

"Are you gonna take us somewhere?" I ask Lizzie while I walk up to her.

"We're gonna take you to meet the others," Lizzie responds while she puts the phone away.

"Hey, um Midoriya, was it?" Joel ask me, I nod my head knowing that he had more to say, "How many boats do we need, I don't know how many of you are there," he rubs the back of his neck as he looks at me.

"There's 24 of us," I respond.

"Alright so we need... 13 boats," he says while he counts the boats he put out on the water.

"Deku-kun!" I hear Uraraka shout. I turn to see her with Iida, I bow to Joel and Lizzie and run over to them


Joel's POV

"He seems nice," I say to Lizzie as I watch him as he runs off to his friends. I turn back to the boats and see that I have 14. "Have you messaged them?" I ask Lizzie while I go to break the extra boat.

"Yup!" Lizzie responds, "Got all the boats?"

"Yep!" I respond as I gesture to the boats.

"Alright!" Lizzie says before turning to the guests, "Alright everyone! If everyone could get on a boat we're gonna head out!"

"Two people per boat!" I shout as I head over to a boat, Lizzie following close behind.

After everyone gets in a boat (I'm not putting down who was who so use your imagination) Aizawa rows up to our boat with Present Mic in the boat with him.

"Where are you taking us?" He asks us.

"We're going to take you to meet the others," Lizzie answers. He nods before rowing back to his students, probably to make sure that the partners are fine. I look around to make sure everyone is in a boat then shout, "Alright everyone, we're gonna take you to meet the others on the server!"

"Make sure you keep us in sight and stay in the boat!" Lizzie shouts. With that I start rowing away towards sausage's empire. I hear gasps and I see that we're passing by my empire. I smile and look back at the group. I see some dolphins jumping out of the water passing the boats. It really is a wonder.


Geminitay's POV

This part of the story might not be that good cuz I don't watch Gem that much.

Lizzie and Joel had called me to the Blood Sheep Church. (Is that what it's called?) Apparently they had called everyone there as everyone else who was on was here. (I'm going to try my best to remember who has alliances with who).

I walked in to see Joey, Sausage, Katherine, and Fwhip. I walked over to the group to see that they were talking about the reason that we were asked to come here.

When I walked up to them Joey was the first to notice me and said, "Gem! You're here to,"

"Yup!" I respond.

"Well does anyone know why Lizzie and Joel asked us to meet up here?" Joey asks.

"Don't know, but it must be important! Everyone online is here!" Sausage announced.

"It must be," Joey agrees.

Suddenly we hear a loud Yelp from outside. We rush outside to see Lizzie falling from the roof

"Lizzie are you ok?" Joel asks her as he walks up behind her, with a large group behind him. I've never seen them on the server before... I think with concern etching my face.

"I'm good!" Lizzie responds, "I only lost half a heart!"

"Well," Joey starts, "Looks like our questions are about to be answered,"

"Hey Lizzie! Joel!" Sausage exclaims, then he notices the group behind them, "Who are they?"


Heyo! It's me, the Crystalwolf, if you didn't vote please do! Remember, whichever one you pick will be the one I put the Q/A on! Once again thank you for the votes! I didn't know so many people would like this 😅😅. Anyways, thank you for reading and see you next time! (Sorry if the last hit seems rushed I wanted to post this today 😪)

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