Chapter 2 (The boy)

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Yura's POV

After dinner Vitya takes my arm and pulls me out of the palace.

"Vitya let me go"

"I want to show you something"

Seriously? I stop struggling and float behind him as he pulls me. He pulls me up to the surface of the water.

"Vitya? .... rocks? seriously?"

He laughs and jumps up on a rock.

"Come up"

I sigh but jump up next to him. He flips his long silver hair behind him and starts to sing... 

Into the sea.... Hold you close to me... Slide 'neath the waves....... Down into the caves...... Kiss me my love...... Come rest in my arms...... 

It's so beautiful! I've never heard those words before, almost sounds like he's calling to a human.

Dream your dreams with me..... Slide beneath the sea.... Come to me my love...... 

I have always been a natural singer but Vitya struggled to find his voice for many years, it would seem that he's figured it out. As he sings the water splashes against us and large waves start to form, the sky turns a dark gray and wind starts to blow. When I sing I can lure humans to their deaths or merely hypnotize them, Vitya's voice is surprisingly dark and powerful for him. 

Forget the land above.....    

Vitya stops singing and similes at me, I can tell my mouth is wide open in shock.

"I figured out my talent"

You sure did.... I face towards the wind and let my hair flow behind me.

"It's pretty cool, I must admit"

We sit on the rock together mesmerized by the crashing waves, suddenly there is a loud cracking sound and we turn to see a boat crashing against some rocks further out at sea. Vitya jumps off the rock and swims to the boat.

"Vitya!" I yell as I chase him.

We stick our heads above the water to see chaos on the boat, there is a fire burning on board. A black-haired male and a barking animal are desperately trying to escape the flames.

"Yura please grab the dog, I'll grab the human"

"What?!" I grab Vitya by the tail. "Don't be stupid! Humans are dangerous"

The human boy falls into the water and Vitya rips his tail from my grip.

"Yura get the dog!"

Oh fine! I swim as close as I can to the boat "Come on boy, jump!"

The dog leaps off the boat and lands in my arms. I swim to the beach careful to keep the dog's head above water, bloody Vitya, how does he get me in these situations? I reach the beach and let go of the dog on the sand, the dog starts running and jumping around in the sand. I look over at Vitya.

"Oh honestly Vitya!"

He's lying on top of the sleeping boy he saved, stroking the boy's hair. I've never seen a human so close before... 

I turn to look at the waves, I wonder......

"It's you you're guiding me.... and the morning sun still shines on me.... I feel your power too..... and the passing tides... in paradise." I sing.

The waves slowly begin to calm and the sky turns blue, I didn't know I could do that. Vitya looks at me shocked, he didn't either. I give him a small smile.

"Come on now Vitya, he's fine"

Vitya doesn't move.

"So beautiful"

He strokes the side of the boy's face.

"Vitya! If he wakes we are screwed" I start to panic.


My heart stops as I hear another human yell a name similar to mine.


Vitya yanks me under the water by my tail, we swim to some rocks and hide behind them watching the other human.

"I'm sorry Yura, that was reckless" Vitya whispers. "I had to save him"

I say nothing as we watch.

"Your highness, are you alright?"

Another dark haired very handsome man runs to the side of the boy Vitya saved who is now sitting up and looking around, are they a couple? 

I hope not... 

What am I thinking? I can't fall for a human. I look at Vitya and see he has already fallen deep for that boy, I wonder if he's seen this boy before... from the song.

"Prince Yuri?" The dark haired man says as he sits beside the boy.

"Sir Otabek? Were you singing?"

"Singing? No sir, but I think I heard it"

"Wait... There was a man, a man with long silver hair looking down at me a-and another.... blonde? He was singing I-I think"

"Angels Sir?"

"Yeah maybe, I think I hit my head..."

Otabek helps the prince to his feet and pulls him across the beach slowly. I cross my arms on the rock and lay my head on my arms watching as the men leave.

"Prince Yuri" Vitya whispers.

I turn my head to see him looking at the sky.

"Humans are dangerous, they play with merpeoples hearts." I say more to myself, I can't be sucked in by Otabek's beauty.

"Yeah, let's go home" Vitya says in the saddest voice I have ever heard come from his lips.

We swim in silence back home, the human had such beautiful short dark hair, the opposite of my long blonde hair. His husky voice made my body tingle, I've never felt anything like it. I am sure Vitya feels the same about the prince, this is not good we must forget. 

I can see our home ahead of us and speed up but my tail has caught on something. 

"What the-?"

I turn to see an eel wrapped around me. 

"Vit-" I try to yell but another eel wraps around my mouth and pulls me deep in to the seaweed forest. 

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