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Juliette's POV

We were out of the jungle within the Labyrinth and I was more that happy about it. That little jungle habitat was by far my least favorite of the many realms within the labyrinth. Taking a left turn down the maze Jareth picked up his pace so that he could be walking right in front of me.

I was growing impatient he was taking all the wrong turns and some part of me knew that he was doing so "you are talking all the wrong turns" I sighed frustrated "well I wouldn't mind your help at all" Jareth spoke sarcastically, he knew he was getting on my nerves and but the look of it he was enjoying it.

After a few hours of endless walking we were faced with another dead end "how well can you climb?" I asked, not bothering to wait for his answer I positioned my feet on one of the stones on the wall  "but this is a dead end" Jareth sighed "well Jareth if you keep acting like this you'll never finish this Labyrinth" pushing my body up the wall I quickly make it to all the way "come on Jareth you only have 6 hours left and you still haven't made it to the half of the Labyrinth" rolling his eyes Jareth soon followed suit "so glad your majesty has finally joined us" tuning around I began to walk over the Labyrinths walls "why are you helping me?" Jareth questioned suspiciously "well I do like to have a challenge, and lately no one has been up for the task" Jumping over to the next wall I notice Jareth had stayed behind "anything wrong princess?" My voice brought  him out of his daze "I'm fine" he yelled back before jumping over to the next wall "be careful where you step Jareth this might be the fastest way to the centre of the Labyrinth but is certainly the most dangerous one, now keep close!" breaking into a full blown sprint I didn't even wait for Jareth to catch up.

Jareth's POV

Juliette was by far the oddest and most enchanting Fae I have ever encountered in my whole existence, not only is she beautiful but the confidence in her stride and the untamed wilderness in her eyes...she was so breathtaking "anything wrong princess?" she asked with a dashing smirk on her face "I'm fine" I shouted back before jumping over to the next wall.

Landing ungraciously I heard Juliette chuckle  "be careful where you step Jareth this might be the fastest way to the centre of the Labyrinth but is certainly the most dangerous one, now keep close!" following Juliette from a close distance I began to quicken my pace "so tell me darling how come you know the Labyrinth like the back of your hand?" walking at a confident pace I watch her back stiffen then relax "well I have lived in this Labyrinth for as long as I can remember " she spoke as she leaped to the next wall "any parents relatives?" I asked once more.

Juliette stopped for a second, her became clouded and troubled "no I was left here as an infant, my parents left me for dead thankfully the Labyrinth took me in and raised me" she answered sadness lacing every word. I felt her pain but didn't really understand it, she was left to fend for herself all these years while I was showered with everything I could ever long for "well that explains it" I announced "after a while of living inside a Labyrinth you have to learn and adapt to your surroundings"  and just like that all conversation seemed to die down.

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