Skinny Love

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Before I start, I just want to say that this chapter might be a bit dark... there is some swearing too.

Three more months have passed since the dance. Ash is still living in Kalos and Misty has moved in with him. Serena, too, has started living with Calem.

With Ash

The relationship between Ash and Misty has become bitter over the last three months. They are always fighting and can't seem to agree on anything. It was much more than a couple's fight now. The two were irritated by each other's presence. Being in a relationship with Ash was not as glamorous as Misty thought it originally would be. She was starting to get bored of him. This often caused Misty to have random mood swings and get get angry at Ash. This provoked a mirrored response from Ash, where, he too, would lose his cool and get angry at Misty. It was anything but a healthy relationship now.

It is summer now and Ash is working as a Summer Camp coordinator where he talks about Pokemon to little kids. It was a summer job to muster up some money.

We join Ash as he is making his way home early today as he was allowed to leave early.

Ash's POV

I unlocked my door and entered my house. Upon entering, I started hearing voices inside the house. It was coming from our bedroom. At first, I thought it was one of Misty's friends like May or Iris... but as I started walking up the stairs, I quickly figured out that it was a boy's voice.

I knew that the relationship wasn't healthy... but I still wanted to make it work. I dismissed any wrong thoughts and started walking towards the bedroom door... and that's when I hear it all... creaking beds... moans of pleasure... and names...

"Oh... Misty... fuuuuu"

"Ahhhh.... Rudy... mhhh..."

Rudy... that name. I met him in the Orange Islands. It was clear that he really liked Misty.

My eyes widened and I already had a very good idea of what was going on inside MY bedroom... but I didn't want to end a relationship because of a misunderstanding... again. So, I slammed the door open. As soon as I did so, I immediately started wishing I hadn't done so.

In my bed was a naked Misty... with her legs wrapped around a naked Rudy who was on top of her. They were so into it that they didn't even realise I was there. I couldn't even bring myself to talk. I was angry... very angry, I was confused and I was distraut, but, most of all I was broken.

This was a lot worse than what happened between me and Serena. She had a reason to do what she did. Misty is straight up cheating on me... If she wanted to do so... she could have broken up with me first.

I didn't even bother to say anything. I slammed the door shut, making sure they heard it this time, and walked down the stairs. I hear footsteps following me but I didn't even bother to look back. I walked out of the house and ran...

After a while, I got tired and started walking. I kept walking to clear my mind... but I couldn't. The Image of Misty and Rudy together was burned into my head and it was making me sick to the stomach.

As I was walking, I came across a large lake. It was already getting dark now and I was getting thirsty. I got a can of Mango Juice from a nearby vending machine, sat down close to the lake shore and starting thinking about happy times... like the ones I shared with Serena.

As I was sitting there, I heard a voice behind me.


I knew that voice very well. I turned around, and I saw the owner of the voice. My suspicion was true. My eyes widened, my jaw dropped. I stopped breathing momentarily ans I looked at the person. I felt my heart break at the sight of the person. The grip I had on the can loosened and it too dropped onto the floor.

The sight was too much for me to bear... and I was fueled with anger. 

With Serena

The relationship between Calem and Serena wasn't going too well either. When Diantha had called Calem while they were in Sinnoh, it was to let him know that he had a challenger. The match was supposed to be 3 days later. Calem and Serena spent the day in Sinnoh. The next day, they flew back to Kalos. That meant Calem had no time to train and subsequently, he lost. Calem was dethroned as the Kalos Champion... and he blamed it all on Serena. He said that if they hand't gone to Sinnoh, Calem would have been in top shape and wouldn't have lost.

Over time, the fact that he was not the Champion anymore took a toll on him. He blamed it all on Serena. Calem started physically abusing Serena for that reason. He would often go out and drink, he would come always home late and abuse Serena in any way possible. This has been happening for a month now.

Serena didn't want to run away as she had nowhere to go. She didn't want to move back with her mom as she didn't want to worry her about her situation. She couldn't go back to Ash either as she was sure he would hate her and not take her back.

We join Serena as she is covering herself with a blanket waiting for Calem to come home late at night.

Serena's POV

I was cowering under the sheets, waiting for Calem to return. I wanted to run away, but I didn't know where to go. I was scared of being out in the world all by myself. At times like these, I really missed the warmth Ash radiated to me. He made me feel safe and secure.

Just as I was thinking that, I heard the front door open and close. I heard heavy footsteps approaching the room... it was clear by the rhythm of the footsteps that Calem was very drunk today. I tried to calm down and hope for the best. Maybe Calem would be happy today. Meybe he would leave me alone today?

Those thoughts immediately left my mind as soon as the door was forcefully slammed open.

"Serena~" he sang-song in a creepy manner while having an evil grin plastered on his face.

All I could do was gulp. He was standing in the doorway with a bottle of Whiskey in one hand and the door keys in the other. I was very scared of Calem. I stopped loving him over a months ago... infact, I'm not sure if I ever even started loving him. Calem has failed to keep me as happy and as content as Ash has. Ash has always made me feel some kind of way. It was mysterious, but it was the best feeling in the world... all Calem makes me feel is unconditional fear. 

"YOU BITCH!!" he screamed as he threw the Whiskey bottle onto the ground shattering it into hundreds of pieces.

"You ruined my life. I was so happy before I met you! I wish I had never met you" yelled Calem.

The last sentence hit me like a truck. I remembered it as the exact words I said to Ash on that day. Even though I don't like Calem, those words still hurt a lot. I Calem's words hurt me this much, I can't even begin to imagine how hurt Ash was.

As I was thinking about Ash, Calem made his way towards me. I hadn't noticed him until I felt stinging pain on my left cheek. That's when I realised that he had slapped me. I couldn't fight back. I was cornered and he was a physically stronger than me.

He tried to slap me again, but on my right cheek, but I couldn't let him. Who does he think he is? I blocked the incoming slap while glaring at him. I could see that he was boiling up with anger now. I could see the rage in his eyes. That's when he caught me completely off guard and punched my right eye.

I immediately screamed in pain while clutching the right side of my face. I could feel something wet running down my hands... and that's when I realised that I was bleeding. I could feel sharp pain on my right eyebrow which indicated that that's where he hit me.

He than grabbed my hair with one hand and my neck with another.

"Did you just try to fight back?" he asked me in a voice as cold as ice while tightening his grip on both hands.

The pain was now almost unbearable. It felt like he was pulling my hair our while choking me to the point where I couldn't breathe. My right eye was now swollen and I could barely see anything out of it. My left eye was welling up with tears because of the lack of oxygen.

Calem then smirked at me.

"You useless piece of shit..." and the threw me across the room.

I landed on my right shoulder and I felt new heights of pain. I could barely move it... I knew that it was dislocated now.

I started screaming in pain. Calem immediately ran over to me and tried to shut my mouth.

"What's wrong with you!? Are you stupid!? Stop screaming, I don't want the neighbours to hear this." he had while forcefully pushing his palm against my mouth. I was uncomfortable, in a lot of pain, bleeding and have a dislocated shoulder and all he cares about is that fact the the neighbours could hear us? I couldn't even believe this guy anymore.

I did what I should have done ages ago. I faced the pain and bid his hand as hard as possible. He immediately jerked his hand back while screaming in pain. I took the chance to run out of the room. I hurried down the stairs and tried to get to the door, but, Calem followed me and jumped over the railing of the stairs, standing between the exit and me.

I looked into his eyes and they were completely full of range. He had a grin on his face and his looked completely psychopathic. I had never seen Calem like this before.

I turned around and ran into the kitchen. Calem followed me in there. I went behind the dining table and tried to run around it to lose him, but he was too quick. He was on the opposite side of the table already.

As soon as he got to the table, he looked down onto the table and his grin grew wider. I looked down onto the table and my eyes widened and I started crying even harder, on the table, was a large Chef's knife.

Calem quickly picked it up and started walking around the table towards me. I was about to run but noticed that there was a frying pan right beside me. I quickly picked it up with my left hand.

"Calem, s-stop this..." I said while trying to sound as confident as possible.

"Look who is trying to act brave now.." said Calem while laughing.

I tightened my grip on the frying pan and ran around the table. I saw Calem's face turn serious as he lunged the knife at me. I reacted quickly by blocking it with the pan. I then used the momentum to swing the pan right into Calem's face. He stumbled back a little, but i didn't stop. I swung again, but this time, harder. It hit him square on top of his head. He looked a bit dazed and I used it as an opportunity to run... and so I did. I threw the frying pan and Calem and then bolted out of the front door.

I kept running and running. My legs were probably bruised and my right arm was currently useless, but I ran. I ran to where I always did when I needed some time alone... Lake Akina.

As I was walking along the shores, I started thinking about Ash. He always treated me like a princess. He would always talk to me about any problem... and most of all, he would never raise his voice at me, nor has he ever laid a finger on him. He has always been so supportive of me and I knew that he loved me...

As I was walking, I saw a figure crouched by the shore. I didn't want to go near then but curiosity got the best of me. It was dark so I couldn't see properly. I walked closer and closer until I could distinguish some of their features. They had messy hair which appeared to be raven-black in colour. I walked even closer and noticed that they seemed very upset and distraught. I walked even closer until I was only a couple of meters away. I saw their facial features, tanned skin, slightly bushy eyebrows and... Z marks under the eyes.

My eyes widened. I moved behind the person. They had a blue jacket on... one I knew all too well. At that moment, I knew who it was. I contemplated on whether I should say anything or not... but I subconsciously made my mind up.

"A-Ash!?" I said involuntarily.

He turned around. Our eyes met for a split second and the look of his eyes broke my heart. The once energetic and joyful eyes looked bland and drained. All they contained were pain and sorrow.

The eyes immediately changed though. They widened with surprise and then they showed... anger?

I was getting scared now. Ash was angry at me and I knew it. He stood up and walked towards me. I couldn't move. I was too scared to do so.

He then walked up to me and the spoke in the coldest tone possible.

"Who did this to you?"

I didn't want to bring him into this, but, I knew that if anyone was able to get me out of this mess, it was Ash.

"C-Calem..." was all I could manage to say.

"I will kill that dickhead. I will murder him!" he said. I had never seen Ash this angry before. It scared me... but I liked the fact that he was doing this for me.

His eyes then softened looking at me.

"Serena..." he croaked out. He looked at me from toe to head and started tearing up.

"Let's get you to the hospital." he said with a sad smile.

I nodded as we made out way to the hospital.

Ash's POV

I can't believe that that guy had the audacity to do this to Serena.

Calem, you great gangling, fuck knuckled twat, greasy haired cum bag. Once I'm done with you, you'll regret ever even looking at Serena...

And that is the end of the third part.

Well, fuck Calem, right?

This chapter is supposed to be Anti-Pokeshipping and Anti-Kalosshipping.

Anyways, thanks for reading this chapter. I didn't want to make it this long. It just happened.

I hope you enjoyed it though.

Next chapter should be the final one.

I guess, I'll see you then!

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