Chapter Three

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It's 11 pm and Louis should really be asleep. He has his first day of school tomorrow and he actually didn't plan on going there with bags under his eyes you can see from ten miles away. But still, he can't seem to be able to fall asleep.

He sits up, ears straight in the air as he hears a howl from the woods behind the house. His inner cat is telling him to go and look what's going on there.

Curiousity killed the cat, he reminds himself, but still. The urge to go to the woods is great.

With a sigh he gives in. Louis gets up and goes to open his window. He steps back and closes his eyes to focus on changing. The cat hybrid doesn't need to worry about his clothes, because he is smaller in his cat form than he is now. Obviously.

Only a moment later a brown cat with long, silky fur and yellow eyes sits amongst Louis' clothes. The cat steps out of the fabric that has no use to him other than making a comfy bed out of them. He shakes his fur to fluff it up a little more. With an elegant leap he lands on the windowsill. Without any sound he jumps onto the gras under his window - a cat always lands on it's paws. He soon runs into the woods, following the howls.


Louis walks slowly as he comes closer to the source of the howls. He is not that deep in the forest so he will be able to find his way back to the house. The barely noticable cat stops as he hears commotion on the other side of the bush he is standing at.

Just as he is about to step into the bush to take a peek on what is going on behind it, someone grabs him by the back of his neck. Louis immediately pulls all his paws closer to his body as he hisses at the person holding him. Luckily it doesn't hurt him - the way he is held.

"Look what I've found!" the guy cheers as he steps onto the clearing behind the bush.

Louis spots a few wolves, but also some werewolves in their human forms. The humans wear only shorts.

The brown cat then tries to wiggle out of the persons hold as wolves and humans walk towards him. One with a bunch of tattoos - not that he is the only one, a lot of them have tattoos - steps forward, a smirk on his face.

"Hi kitty cat." he says with a slow, deep voice. He moves closer to look at Louis closer, green eyes scanning the cat.

Why the fuck are they so interested in a cat?! Louis asks himself slightly panicky.

As the guys face is close enough to Louis', the cat hisses and lashes out scratching the werewolf across the nose. The alpha growl and Louis finally manages to twist out of the person's hand that is holding him.

As soon as his paws hit the ground he speeds to the next tree, climbing it up and out of reach for humans and wolves. Some of the wolves try to jump up and get him. Louis presses himself as close to the trunk as possible, his breathing going quickly.

The guy Louis scratched across the nose tells them to stop - to Louis' surprise. "It's just a stupid cat." he adds. "Let it be."

A relieved sigh leaves Louis' mouth as his eyes catch the green ones of the alpha who spoke. The cat tries to thank him with his eyes. It seems like the alpha understood, because Louis swears he saw him nod ever so slightly before turning around and jumping onto the back of a grey wolf. With this everyone turns back to whatever they were doing before Louis was found.

The yellow eyed cat is quick to climb down the tree and run back to the house. He is sure he will sleep like a baby now.


As Louis walks into the school building next to his sister, Shawn and Aaliyah, all eyes are on them. Karen told them that they both don't have to get anything, because she already did. So Louis and Charlotte have their shedules - the same as Shawn and Aaliyah - and their locker information.

"That's were we have to split up. We gotta go this way." Aaliyah says as they all stop. She points down the hallway to their left, while Shawn and Louis have to go right.

Louis is quick to pull Lottie in a hug, who tries to push him away. Without success. "Be careful, okay?" he asks, letting her finally go. "Stay with Aaliyah and if there is anyone who dares to say something against you, tell me." he says with pressure.

Lottie rolls her eyes, but nods nontheless. "Sure, I will. Now bye." And the the two girl walk away.

Louis watches her leave. He jumps as a hand is placed on his shoulder.

"She will be fine. There are a bunch of hybrids in her year that are friends with Aly. They will love her." Shawn says with a smile.

The cat hybrid smiles back at him before they too make their way to their first class.


Louis hates being the new kid. He never was before, but he definitely hates it. As soon as Shawn and him entered the class room, all eyes were on the cat hybrid. He planned on sneaking away and follow Shawn, but the teacher had other things he mind.

"Please stay up front." he says with a smile that is so fake, Louis is sure he would rather be anywhere but here.

Honestly same, Louis thinks.

Now all eyes are on him. He only spots two other hybrids. One of them is a wolf hybrid, sitting amongst werewolves - who mind you, are staring at Louis as if he's their next meal - and the other one is next to Shawn in the back of the class. Luckily there is a free seat next to the squirrel hybrid - judging by the brown-redish fluffy tail and cute ears.

Otherwise there are only werewolves in this class and Louis couldn't be more nervous.

He hates werewolves so much. Sure, the ones back in Doncaster were mostly nice. Please take notice of the mostly. The cat hybrid was wary of werewolves from a young age on. He knows something happened, but he doesn't remember what. Something that made him hate werewolves and at the same time makes him afraid of them. Though he learned not to show the last part.

The bell rings and the class starts. The teacher gets up from his chair and walks towards Louis. He smiles at the hybrid. "I'm Mr. Thomas." he introduces himself. He is a werewolf, but seems okay. Probably a beta - Louis would guess.

Then the teacher turns to the whole class - who are still looking at Louis. "Good morning and welcome back class." he says cheerily. "You may already noticed, but we have a new student from now on." Louis just has to roll his eyes. No shit. He is new? Who would've thought? Everyone staring at him probably thinks he looks familiar or some shit. "Why don't you introduce yourself?" Mr. Thomas suggest and yep. Louis doesn't like him anymore.

"Uhm, I'm Louis." he just says with a shrug. What he is, is obvious and the other things are not that important for anyone of those smelly dogs to know.

"Anything more? Last name? Age? Kind?"

Louis rolls his eyes and sighs. "Tomlinson, 20 and cat hybrid, if you have eyes." he answers. "Now I would like to sit down." Louis sees the squirrel wave him over so the blue eyed young man makes his way there and sits down without waiting for permission from the teacher.

The squirrel smiles at him. "Hi, I'm Niall Horan. So nice to meet ya. I never met a cat hybrid before. It must be pretty--"

"Niall, breathe." Shawn says with a chuckle, interrupting Nialls rambling. "Let him get use to everything before you bombard him with all your questions and stories."

Niall - who is irish judging by the accent - pouts, but nods. "Sorry, mate. I get excited when I meet new people." he apologises to Louis.

Louis smiles at him. "No worries. I get that." Niall smiles at him thankfully.

Then they all turn their attention towards the teacher, talking about some shit Louis already knows about. So his attention goes to the window that is next to him. He has a good view of the front part of the school, where all the students arrive and park their cars. The blue eyes scan over the property, trying to remember some key points, like the oak tree with the bench beneath it. Or the beautiful willow tree with the branches reaching the ground so you're not able to see if someone hides inside. That is a little to the side so Louis figures not a lot of people pay attention to it. But it's also surrounded by some tape that tells you to not go there, but you easily could jump over it.

Then his eyes catch movement at the parking lot. A motorcycle parks at the front. He watches someone getting off of it and then standing there for a moment - leather jacket to fulfil the biker stereotype. The person - obviously a werewolve and Louis would guess just from the stance and all an alpha - takes off the helmet and shakes out his brown hair. Louis tilts his head, his ears perk up curiously as the guy turns a little sideways.

He has an amazing profile, Louis has to admit. And he thinks he saw him before.

Suddenly the person turns his head and eyes seem to search the building. Because Louis' classroom is only first floor he isn't able to see what eyecolour the guy has or anything like that. The parking lot is also a little away from the room. But he is sure, as the guys eyes stop moving, he is staring at Louis.

The cat hybrid quickly turns away and looks at the front of the classroom. His heart is beating slightly faster and Louis has no idea why. Probably because he could swear it's the guy he scratched over the nose last night. He isn't sure though, because he barely looked at anything or anyone more closely. The hybrid really hopes that this guy doesn't know or figure out Louis is the cat from last night.

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