Chapter 17

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Mason POV

I look behind Malia and see some girl.

"What is the situation?" I ask her extending the w in what.

"I found her in my kitchen saying she's my sister. She started talking about how my dad and her mom were in love like over a decade ago and they had her. Eventually they broke up and her mom won custody. My dad called her down to see if she's a were wolf. I don't know what to do. I don't think I can just show up with a human. I may be new to this whole wolf thing but, I'm defiantly not an idiot." She whispers and crosses her arms.

"Yeah you're right. Ever since my mom got shot he's been a little iffy when it comes to humans.. I mean when he found out about you he went ballistic." I whisper back.

"What do we do?" She asks.

"Hold on let me try something." I walk past Malia and stop in front of the girl. "What's your name?"

"Camila." She answers.

"Well Camila, forgive me for this." I tell her. She raises her eye brow. My eyes change to a dark shade of red. My fangs grow in my mouth. I growl then do my roar. My dad told me that if you roar loud enough and strong enough you can bring out the wolf in them. Personally I think he watched too much Teen Wolf with my aunt Jennifer. Hm haven't talked to her in a while. Or uncle Derrek. Or cousin Sammy. I should visit them. But back to what I was doing.

She falls to her knees. But nothing happens. I look behind Me with a smile but I frown when I see what happened.

"OH MY GOD MALIA!" I yell and kneel beside her. She was curled up in a ball going in and out of a wolf. Her eyes were flashing the bright blue color that we share.

I stand up and pick her up bridal style. I take her up the stairs and push the door open to her room. I gently lay her down on her bed. I rush back downstairs where Camila in trying to stand up. I rush over to her and help her up. I walk her over to the couch and she sits down.

"Are you alright?" I ask before I disappear back to Malia's room.

"Yeah I think I'll be okay." she nods leaning forward with her hands on her knees.

"Okay." I breath out and run back into Malia's room.

She's leaning against her head board with her eyes closed. I can see she's taking deep breaths.

"Are you okay?" I asks putting my hand on her shoulder.

"Is this what it's like?" She asks not answering my questions.


"Is this what it's like, to be a werewolf. Since Friday, I've been filled with fear. Will it always be this hard." She asks looking up at me. Hey eyes are very glossy.

I sit on her bed with her and take her hands in mine.

"Being a werewolf comes with advantages and disadvantages. We have great strength, we heal faster, our senses are heightened, and we find the person who is our other half." I pause and give a slight smile. But then my face becomes serious. "But, we are prey to hunters, we live in packs so we can attack at once so the death count is small, we train so we can survive, rogue attacks happens often. So yes it is natural to be scared. But you are going to be Luna so, you are the packs prized position, you will always be protected. So you will always be safe." I assure her. I rub circles on the back of her hand.

"That makes me feel a lot better." She says sarcastically.

"Sorry but I thought you should know." I chuckle.

The sound of a garage opening tells me that I should be going.

"Well I guess I should go." I say standing up and straighten out my pants.

"No, stay. You can meet my dad. And we can have dinner together." She says standing up after me.

"I don't want to intrude-"

"No, not at all. Come on it'll be great." She grabs onto my arm.

"I don't know." I say, dragging on the o in know.

"Please." She says and gives me puppy dog eyes.

"Fiiiiiinnnneeee." I throw my head back. when I look back at her I smile.

"Yay!" She cheers and wraps her arms around me. I return the hug.


When I got home it was almost 11. I knew my mom wouldn't be happy about that.

As quietly as I could I creep up onto the porch and open the door. I quietly closed it and looked to the right and left. I let out a relived sigh. I ran a hand through my hair and walked forward towards the elevator. I press the button for my floor and walk in with my head down when the doors open.

"Have a nice night? Mason." My smile fades. I drop my head.

"Hi mom." I say sheepishly (a/n did I use that right? I don't know, oh well.)

"Where were you? you know your curfew is 10. Being 45 minutes  is way past curfew!" She tells me and crosses her arms.

"I was at Malia's house. She needed my help with something. She asked me to stay for dinner so I did. I can't help that she doesn't live in the pack house. I can't help everyone being able to be with their mates all day while I can only see mine like 7 hours of the day on weekdays." I explain to her. Her expression softens. She looks down at her hands then looks back at me. She moves a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Mason, I know this hard for you. I really do. I know you love her. So why don't you just have her live here. I don't know I she would want to leave her parents for the week but I want you to know tat I'm giving you that option." She tells me putting her hands on my shoulders.

"Okay." I sigh. I pull her into my body for a hug.

"I love you Mason." She tells me.

"I love you too mom." I tell her. The elevator dings signaling that we reached my floor.

I step out of the elevator and my mom gives me a half smile and mouth 'good night' I mouth the same thing back before the doors close.

I walk the few steps to my room and welcome myself back to the comfort of my bed. I kick my shoes off and force my self up. I take my shirt off and throw it in the laundry bin. I pull off my jeans and am left alone in my boxers. I pull on a pear of Virginia State sweat pants and hop back into bed. I pull the covers up the my stomach. I feel the soft fur of my kitten as he curls up next to me. I slowly begin to fall into my dreams.


I see her standing there looking perfect like she always does. Dancing in her blue dress. Her hair is done up real nice. I dance with her in my  black suit. I smile at her and she smile back. I wrap my arms around her waist and she wraps her arms around my neck. We slowly lean in an our lips touch. The familiar spark goes off. Our lips move together in sync. I begin to smile into the kiss and so does she. That when everything goes wrong.

I pull away for a solid second every things perfect. Then blood begins to seep from her stomach. An arrow was shot threw her. She falls to her knees and begins to scream. I fall with her. She begins to cry and her screams get louder. I try to tell her she'll be okay but she starts to loose consciousness . The light begins to fade from her eyes. She falls to the floor. She breaths heavily. She lets out her final breath and her head falls to the side. She was dead.



Short chapter I know but once I started writing I had realized I forgot to finish it in the moring so im sorry. But look on my account at 8:30 for my weekly update.

How bout' a





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